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Current Events

This folder is for news, politics, and other active ongoings.

In the Current Events board, topics may be posted that generate heated emotion and debate. Be advised that if you engage in debate, and/or post your opinions, those opinions will have feedback and people will post their own judgments/opinions in kind regarding you and your posted opinions. Those may include observations of a caustic nature. With this in mind, local guidelines on content and civility are as summarized below: 

  • Content
    • Discrimination and bigotry will not be tolerated. Leniency to encourage political or cathartic speech does not include leniency towards bigoted speech against any sort of protected class.
    • No conspiracy or extremist content/sources. Do not share content from conspiracy or extremist websites or content creators to assert the truth of a matter. If a fact or event is true, there will be a better source.
    • Distinguish between "news" and "editorials". Sharing news articles is encouraged to facilitate discussions, however members are expected to be able to distinguish between news content and purely editorial content. When sharing outside editorial content, a member is expected to incorporate their own topical commentary or input, or at a minimum articulate why they are sharing the author's opinion.
  • Civility
    • Don't be toxic. Heated arguments over issues and opinions are expected, but that does not allow for exclusively ad hominem flaming, baiting, or other harassment.
    • Don't bring it with you. Animosity built up in a heated discussion does not justifiably carry over into other threads or areas.
    • Don't move it elsewhere. Users cannot get a thread moved elsewhere to get around civility rules.

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