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Posted (edited)

So what are your final thoughts on 2017.

To me it was an ok year did a lot of things that helped me get through the year wished I could have done more, made some bad decisions go figure, but I'm not complaining made it in one piece 

Edited by StarPanda

Attractive girls are betches and poor decision makers.

I got a bench warrant for nonsense and take the bus, might not drive again for a year or two or three.

I played the hell out of Friday the 13th and my NES Classic.

I didn't get my SNES Classic yet.

Everything culturally basically sucks and is beta.

Alien: Covenant was a solid movie, but not better than Prometheus, and It was very average, but since most of its fans are younger they think it was better than the Tim Curry, Richard Thomas, John Ritter version, which is a pretty dumb opinion.

I haven't heard from my law school friends in several months, and probably won't again, but I'll make no effort to contact anybody since I love the way things are.

SMILF is all right, but kinda trashy, Gundam: Unicorn was very solid.

The end 



15 minutes ago, Nabloom said:

It kinda sucked how every single day no matter what you had to hear something about that same fucking dude again that made you feel sick

and he did something stupid almost every single day of the year


And all the dumbest of asses celebrating the fattest fucking hog like its doing something great by getting its big shitty ass lugged around and having brain diseases in front of people


Got a new job that I really enjoy.

Lost some friends and family.

Some other things happened which were kind of good and bad.

Year was more good than bad though, so I'm thankful for that.





Posted (edited)

Good things about 2017: I graduated from college with my degree in film, got a new car, and the Astros won the World Series.

Bad things about 2017: I had persistent car trouble with my last car, My mother-in-law had a heart attack brought on by stress, My father-in-law had back surgery then hip replacement surgery, my wife was forced to resign from her teaching job, my father-in-law forced into retirement at his job, Hurricane Harvey devastated the area, which resulted in my in-laws' house back in my hometown getting water, my grandfather passed away, and last but not least, my father passed away.

I'm ready for 2018.

Edited by RPM Jr.
Forgot about Hurricane Harvey.
4 hours ago, StarPanda said:

So what are your final thoughts on 2017.

To me it was an ok year did a lot of things that helped me get through the year wished I could have done more, made some bad decisions go figure, but I'm not complaining made it in one piece 


Posted (edited)

What a depressing thread. I'll try to be more positive: My sister graduated from nursing school, I reenrolled myself in college for the first time in years, I make more money than ever at my shitty job, and my brother got accepted into his college of choice. I'm actually a bit optimistic for 2018.

Edited by bnmjy

It wasnt a bad year for me. My bf got a steady job and still has it yay! I moved into a pretty nice apt that accepts sec8 and pets! So super yay!

Other than that tho its been another normal year. 

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2017 was a see-saw for me in both personal and career stuff. I lost my grandpa too, my writing output went down the crapper, but my book sales rose high enough to get me through all of it long enough to set my head straight. My daily writing counts are now higher than what they've been in over a year, and I set up a side writing experiment that helps me de-stress.


It was everything that sucked about 2017, but with a vengeance.

Dropped out of my Ph.D. to switch my focus from academia to business, so half the year was everyone looking down on me for either making very little on internships or jumping from temp work to temp work. "Isn't this kind of work beneath your Master's degree?" Yes, but I have no fucking choice because my college and my fuckhead thesis chair blackballed me out of getting hired as an assistant professor because they "want applicants outside the college". Marketing and business are literally my only option for a Com. major that goes anywhere outside of teaching. If I just get a little more experience, maybe it'll pay off that I got an MA under my belt. 

Had some godawful jobs like one for a corrupt diet cookie mogul who used some skeezy bullshit to reduce my originally lengthy role to just being a contractor for a week to write an Amazon description for his sleeping pills. He ripped off the original cookie diet guy and called the idea his own, so it's not surprising he used predatory tactics to have college students do a weeks worth of garbage. His wife openly joked about Trump deporting their Hispanic employees when she came to visit, and he celebrated whatever FDA garbage he pushed. Real Queen of Versailles bullshit. I also worked for some lady trying to pitch spa salt on social media, expecting me to elevate her business to new heights merely from daily Facebook updates I got paid $40 a week to write. "I WANT RESULTS," she said, offering only a handful of pocket change and some lint in return. Get fucked.

The second half of the year was alot better. My work with Random Curiosity continues to be alot of fun. I also got some more permanent positions with operations/marketing medical supplies. I did a brief internship with a clinic too. The bosses/supervisors at these jobs were infinitely much more pleasant. I felt bad for leaving the clinic post-internship because the doctor and his wife were wonderful, but they were in the process of transition so it was getting complicated to figure out what I'm doing next. My medical supplies job pays OK. I'm looking for something more feasible, especially with my Masters degree, but it offers me some good stability, a nice amount of money in my pocket, and a cozy workplace that isn't a hassle to drive to. If anything, it can also be a launchpad towards administrative work. Now just to finally move out with my gf.

I still have driving anxiety and panic attacks on the road. It's not as bad as it used to be, but I doubt it's going to get better from here. Now that I'm out of college, I'm also contemplating going on meds, so if I have enough tantrums or depressive mood swings, my family and loved ones will try to make me take pills. Soon you'll probably be seeing a more medicated Chaps. The good thing though is that now that I'm technically a college dropout, I have time to write creative efforts while I work on anime blogging and my job. I have been dicking around with fan stories, but I want to pursue book ideas. 

Got a little carried away with all this, but I've been meaning to disclose what's been going on on my end. Here's to a 2018 that hasn't sucked as much balls as the last two years.

18 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Technically you're also a college graduate. I was about to correct you and say you're a grad school dropout, but you're a grad school graduate as well. Don't be so hard on yourself.

That’s true, I should do just fine with the grad school experience I do have, and be thankful I had the options to get my MA without taking out loans higher than four digits. 

At the same time, my parents seemed outright disappointed in me that I dropped out of my doctorate. They apparently thought it’d be more work/less money for me to get into business, and the low wage entry level jobs I’ve taken have given them a sense of satisfaction in confirming how much I could be making if I magically wasted all my money getting a Ph.D that won’t guarantee a high level job at the finish line. “Why are you working for this little with your degree!?”. Because my degree will stick better with experience under my collar than wasted in a profession where my other colleagues will proudly alienate me to keep their cool kids club free of alumni. 

I kept telling my parents I’d just be in the situation I’m in now if I were to find out professor positions are slim/nonexistent by the time I finished. The only difference would be that I’d be almost 30, have no job experience cause too busy with school, and get the jobs I’m getting now but with a PhD instead of a Masters. But that didn’t matter to them, they just saw it as a mistake I’m making and going to regret. It’s like they only saw me as worthy because I had a vision, but when that vision went to shit, I went from being a prospective doctor to some kid who doesn’t know better, and is actively wasting the money they already would’ve wasted on worthless home renovation projects. 

And that doesn’t factor in the STEMlords or STEM wannabes that would discredit my degree as worthless for anything other than barista/waiter work. I know they’re overcompensating for being awful in the people skills department, but it doesn’t make me feel less insecure in trying to make a Communications degree stick when it becomes a punchline to some people. What is my worth? Did I work all this time for nothing? What will it take to justify my existence?

I get called “dramatic” by a lot of people, including my family and loved ones, and it makes sense, as angry as it makes me feel when they tell me that. But I just want that reassurance that I’m not royally fucking up. That the end of the road won’t be poverty or manic depression. That everything’s good.

I hate to sound like I’m asking for attention or praise; that’s why I’m always so hesitant on telling people on here about my personal life. Especially on here where we use other people’s personal lives against them as weapons to troll. But it would be difficult for me to talk about 2017 without mentioning how hard it is as a year of transition. Taking on a new path is rough as hell, but I think I’ll make it fine. As hard as I am on myself and as much flack i get from my parents, I’ve done quite a lot at 25. If anything, I can find a better PhD if I must, but I already have good qualifications that will only get better with time. Here’s to a better 2018. 


2017 started off quite promising for me. I went back to school with confidence and I did well, made an effort to talk to people and be more vulnerable and accepting, and also battled depression on my own with an altered mindset about life and my purpose and 'ideal self.' I quit my job and coasted on the money I saved up so I could focus on school and recording music, but I ended up doing very little of the latter. In fact, after the end of school and start of summer, I started spiraling -- started loathing everything and myself and all my shortcomings at 24. I found it hard to do anything. I stayed in bed for extended lengths and didn't go outside. There was nothing specific ailing me except this pervasive sense of failure, and it still nags at me. My overall sense of self and who I think I am are at stake.

But a lot of good things happened this year. I met my girlfriend, traveled by plane for the first time, went on a road trip with my dad, and watched a lot of great films and television shows. Objectively I have a lot to be thankful for and in my weakest moments I try to reflect on these and appreciate them fully. in 2018 I hope to more fully accept and enjoy, in a sense, the impermanence of things. I hope to become a better and stronger person, though right now I am at my weakest.

anyways yea, 2017 was so-so

On 12/31/2017 at 10:05 AM, StarPanda said:

So what are your final thoughts on 2017.

To me it was an ok year did a lot of things that helped me get through the year wished I could have done more, made some bad decisions go figure, but I'm not complaining made it in one piece 

It was quite a year for me. A lot of ups and downs.
I bought a condo and moved in late December 2016 and adopted a rabbit (including the good of both as 2017)

Started living in my condo full time in 2017

Was in a mentally and emotionally abusive relationship, which thankfully ended in Feb 2017

Rekindled a friendship with my best friend

Started running again, ran my first 10k, ran my first by-myself 5k

Started a relationship with the most fantastic guy i've ever met and been with

That fantastic and his cat moved in with me

My grandfather was originally diagnosed with dementia is now officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and it's progressing rapidly

I went to LA

A lot of good and bad but a lot of changes.


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