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What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Honestly, I can't remember the very first time I played a video game because I was 4 or 5, but the first video game I spent a lot of time playing was Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis when I was 5.


My first video game ever was Alex Kidd in Miracle World for the Sega Master System. I have very vivid memories of sitting in my room as a toddler and watching my mom play it, and naturally I picked up the controller too. It's still one of my top three favorite games ever.  <3


Also on that system, I had Double Dragon, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Out Run, Shinobi, Maze Hunter 3D, Helicopter, Action Fighter, After Burner, and a couple shooting games that I had the gun controller for.


SNES when I was like 5. Very first games were Jungle Book, Lion King, Aladdin, and Street Fighter 2. Not sure which one I really played first but all those were played pretty heavily.

Guest The Hound

damn i'm surprised no one else said battlezone.


Unless you count educational games like Reader Rabbit on a truly ancient IBM machine, it was probably the original Sonic the Hedgehog and a few others of that era on my cousins' Genesis.  I spent a massive amount of time at our neighbors' house playing Super Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country on their SNES too.  Sadly my parents never let us own a home console ourselves during the 16-bit golden years, since they figured it'd rot our brains or something.  (Hell, they were probably right.)  On the plus side, I did get in on some old-school PC gaming.  My true first love will always be Descent, and I spent who knows how many hours being confused by Myst.


I got a Playstation for Christmas when I was five.


The first game I played was Gran Turismo.



What a fine game. I played the heck out of it when I was 8, 9 even though I could never get the higher licenses or win the harder races. At least I was good at that first license test when you had to drive the white PT Cruiser 1,000 meters and make it stop in the checkered area lol, but then again a soccer mom could do that too.  :it:


The original Mario Bros/Duck Hunt game.


Or the original Legend of Zelda game.


It's a honestly a toss up.


My older half sisters indoctrinated me into video games very early on.


Unless you count educational games like Reader Rabbit on a truly ancient IBM machine, it was probably the original Sonic the Hedgehog and a few others of that era on my cousins' Genesis.  I spent a massive amount of time at our neighbors' house playing Super Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country on their SNES too.  Sadly my parents never let us own a home console ourselves during the 16-bit golden years, since they figured it'd rot our brains or something.  (Hell, they were probably right.)  On the plus side, I did get in on some old-school PC gaming.  My true first love will always be Descent, and I spent who knows how many hours being confused by Myst.


Do you even like girls


Wtf I've heard of like two of those

Not my fault you're a young, stupid piece of shit :barf: :poop:



Just an FYI only engage me if you want to be abused cuz that's all you'll get from me, abuse :fap:


Pong, Dig Dug, Tempest, Space Invaders, Rygar, Castlevania, Mario games, Karnov, Solomon's Key, Lemmings, Shadow of the Beast, Robo Cod, Zool, Arkanoid, Toki, Ghosts N Goblins, Boulder Dash, pinball.


I think Pong might have been the very first.  Or something at an arcade probably?  then I guess I graduated to a friend of mine had a computer and we played games on that.  and then NES.  I kind of skipped the whole like - whatever was between Pong and NES.  Atari and all that stuff, didn't get into that.  Like Atari, Coleco - can't remember what all else there was.


But then NES.  Then Sega Genesis.  SNES.  and on and on up through today's PS4 and XB1.  Though I don't have as much time to flush down a video game hole these days.  Fuck - I miss the days when I could work 3 jobs, have an active social life, and still find hours at a time to do nothing but play video games.  How the fuck did I do all that?


Pong, Dig Dug, Tempest, Space Invaders, Rygar, Castlevania, Mario games, Karnov, Solomon's Key, Lemmings, Shadow of the Beast, Robo Cod, Zool, Arkanoid, Toki, Ghosts N Goblins, Boulder Dash, pinball.


I think Pong might have been the very first.  Or something at an arcade probably?  then I guess I graduated to a friend of mine had a computer and we played games on that.  and then NES.  I kind of skipped the whole like - whatever was between Pong and NES.  Atari and all that stuff, didn't get into that.  Like Atari, Coleco - can't remember what all else there was.


But then NES.  Then Sega Genesis.  SNES.  and on and on up through today's PS4 and XB1.  Though I don't have as much time to flush down a video game hole these days.  Fuck - I miss the days when I could work 3 jobs, have an active social life, and still find hours at a time to do nothing but play video games.  How the fuck did I do all that?


Only 2 you listed I've actually played

Dig dug and space Invaders


you've never played a castlevania or mario game?


arkanoid is kind of just another version of "breakout".  that's the one where like theres a wall of bricks and you have a ball you bounce off a paddle to take out all the bricks and break through the wall.


and pinball is so common, there's like 1000 versions of video game pinball (and/or rl pinball).  It's been a long time since I've seen a real pinball machine.  It'd be cool to play one of those again.


Donkey Kong is the first video game I remember playing when I was five.  I still love that game.

Bought it from the Nintendo 3DS E-shop.  Also loved playing Super Mario Brothers 1 and Ms. Pac-Man when I was five.


Those were the main three I played in Chuck-E-Cheese and in arcades.  I didn't have Nintendo until I was 10 so

I didn't play them very often.


you've never played a castlevania or mario game?


arkanoid is kind of just another version of "breakout".  that's the one where like theres a wall of bricks and you have a ball you bounce off a paddle to take out all the bricks and break through the wall.


and pinball is so common, there's like 1000 versions of video game pinball (and/or rl pinball).  It's been a long time since I've seen a real pinball machine.  It'd be cool to play one of those again.


Mario I started in 2004 but everything else is before

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I had a Coleco three in one that featured Pong, a race car game and little plastic pistol that shot birds and outlaws on the screen.  I stopped gaming after Elevator Action was taken out of arcades.

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