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5 minutes ago, SwimOdin said:

I'm not even joking.

I need to know your methods for calming yourself down other than pounding as much alcohol as your body can take.

My answer was going to be self-destructive spiral, so don't seem like I can be of much help here...


Fuck the pain away?



4 minutes ago, Xanatos said:

I get prescribed alotta mood stabilizers,anti phycotics and anti stress stuff.

Mind telling us which ones?

2 minutes ago, pail said:


Mind telling us which ones?

I mean if you really wanna know....I've tried a few.... lithium doesn't agree with me..welbutrin gave me seizures, lexipro has been ok.. not as less moody as I'd like...there was a few others but it's hit or miss and Dr changes em every few weeks so I stopped keeping track.


I wish watching stuff did it but I just have to dull my senses right now. Work occupies my mind, but when it gets quiet I start to think, and thinking is bad.

Just now, SwimOdin said:

but when it gets quiet I start to think, and thinking is bad.

yeah that's why you need to occupy the mind.

1 minute ago, SwimOdin said:

I wish watching stuff did it but I just have to dull my senses right now. Work occupies my mind, but when it gets quiet I start to think, and thinking is bad.

meditation works for me 


Gaming, listening to music loudly in the car and speeding down the highway, punching the heavy bag (when I had it), working out, and eating bacon.

Sometimes, I simply just seethe and breathe. Most cases, I simply just walk away from the situation, put on my headphones, and play really loud music to calm me down.


Watch this.

You'll either relax and the rage will drain out vicariously, or you'll want to put on a cape and beat up muggers.

Either way, rage vented....



1 hour ago, SwimOdin said:

I'm not even joking.

I need to know your methods for calming yourself down other than pounding as much alcohol as your body can take.

Well where I work has a massive fridge...so I go in there and “chill out”...when I’m at home I crank the ac and lay in a quiet dark room....

2 hours ago, SwimOdin said:

I'm not even joking.

I need to know your methods for calming yourself down other than pounding as much alcohol as your body can take.

other than?

as if there is another way

2 hours ago, Xanatos said:

I mean if you really wanna know....I've tried a few.... lithium doesn't agree with me..welbutrin gave me seizures, lexipro has been ok.. not as less moody as I'd like...there was a few others but it's hit or miss and Dr changes em every few weeks so I stopped keeping track.



1 hour ago, CAC said:

He could always do another one of those singing in the car vids.

Or Guitar Hero vids.

2 hours ago, SwimOdin said:

I wish watching stuff did it but I just have to dull my senses right now. Work occupies my mind, but when it gets quiet I start to think, and thinking is bad.

For me it use to be multiplayer on BO3.  That was until people ruined it by getting MOD’s and Cronos Max guns. 


I just wait.  I distract myself with movies, YouTube, outside things, and at the same time I sit inside my head and talk myself through things, try to look at the situations or people that make me rage from an outside perspective, and come to the conclusion that the rage doesn't help me with anything.

7 hours ago, SwimOdin said:

I'm not even joking.

I need to know your methods for calming yourself down other than pounding as much alcohol as your body can take.

learn how to box/kickbox, and then do that on a bag

it's fun as shit and practical



also where's my juicy youtube content

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in your best judgement, whatever you can/should do about what pissed you off in the first place,

then start settling in with the reality of it by knowing you did everything you could,

then rage alone, where no one sees you lose your cool.

idunno, then drink...? why wtf happened?

Guest The Hound
13 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Tons of weed and fantasies of crushing my enemies 

Weed makes me think of hilarious shit.

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