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Yall mow your lawn in straight lines or by cricling?


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2 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

Yeah, our next door neighbor has a lawn care service and with the good neighbor discount he gives us it'd be stupid not to hire him, but still.

When you mow, do you go like this

Cutting Grass - Mowing Straight Lines - Lawn Service Q & A - YouTube

or like this?

Lawn Mowing Patterns Techniques, Tips and Tricks | Lawn Chick

I mean....I don't, if you're asking how I mowed grass when I was 15, I just did whatever. Little squares, straight lines....some horizontal, some verticle, just cut until it's gone.

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I just plan to pay some kids to make it look decent

My stepdad cuts the lawn in a circle around the tree in their yard. I just look out of my balcony and watch the people across the street pay professional lawn services to maintain their pristine properties 

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The front yard I try to do it differently every time, because I get bored doing it the same way.  The backyard is always spiral.


I got a Ryobi battery powered mower a couple months ago, I fucking love it.  I will never have a gas mower again.  Fucking carburetors.

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I dunno, some landscaping company mows my apartment complex's lawns.

Gonna go nabs here and mention that the American ideal of every house having a lawn is very bad for the environment and should die, especially if one lives in a dry region prone to droughts.

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Any of you have corner lots? I have a corner lot. I have one of the bigger yards in my subdivision, which makes no sense, since I’m a ginger.


I digress, cutting a corner lot sucks, because you have a “side yard” you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with, but you still have to cut it.

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Our city finally passed a sign up for no mow May. Otherwise we get fined if it is too high. We purposefully left a section at the far end of the backyard unfenced (Sponges man shed/fish farm/guinea pig slaughter house) area that we do not mow at all. I like to leave that untouched for the wildlife and pollinators.

Front yard and fenced in part of yard are only done for city sake and clear area for dogs/kids to play. 

Plus I hired neighbor dude so that Sponges weekends off can be for getting bigger projects done or letting him mostly relax after a long ass rough week. Plus, hell I like supporting small business when I can. 

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8 hours ago, SwimOdin said:

Any of you have corner lots? I have a corner lot. I have one of the bigger yards in my subdivision, which makes no sense, since I’m a ginger.


I digress, cutting a corner lot sucks, because you have a “side yard” you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with, but you still have to cut it.

//> I have a large corner lot. used to have 16 80ft pine trees along the fence line,  the sandy happened,  maintenance of my yard is bullshit ./

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a couple laps around the perimeter, then pattern the rest. sometimes north/south passes, sometimes east/west, and sometimes diagonal. and follow that up with the string trimmer to get the straggler blades.

i had a side job in college as a groundskeeper for a bed & breakfast (i was plowing the innkeeper so it made sense to just work there too) and the owners were very particular with their lawn. i had to mow that 2-acre lot with an old push mower twice a week, and i could never use the same pattern twice in a row. it always looked nice when i was done, so the method just kinda stuck after that.

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On 7/4/2021 at 1:21 PM, SwimOdin said:

The front yard I try to do it differently every time, because I get bored doing it the same way.  The backyard is always spiral.


I got a Ryobi battery powered mower a couple months ago, I fucking love it.  I will never have a gas mower again.  Fucking carburetors.


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On 7/3/2021 at 6:23 PM, SwimModSponges said:

Yeah IDK wtf that dude's doing, but I couldn't find any pictures demonstrating what I was actually talking about and that looked like the closest.

Btw, I got this mower for free and a year later had to put a new plug in it and adjust the idle. Otherwise, I haven't touched anything on it.

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