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Anime, junk food, and really fucked up/depressing movies. The latter can get a nice cathartic cry out of me on super bad days cause I'm like "Guess I'll watch a marathon of WWII movies with child protagonists".

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Well, considering my bad days are often self inflicted, I just have to suck it up.

Can't really think of any bad days recently that didn't exist because I put myself in a situation that I could have fully avoided

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It really depends on the day, what the issue is and how much time I have to spend on it. 

A bad day at work might lead to stopping at B&N on the way home for a fancy coffee, especially if it's the end of the week / last shift of the week so I can just kick back once home. 

On Sundays in general I try to go for the mini spa treatment just to wash the previous week away - face mask thingie and a soak. 

General depression and short on time - Weird Al, AMVs, cat videos, gifs with sound crap on youtube. 

Medical bitchiness that requires steam release of some kind - Super Mario Galaxy 2. Find a planet full of goombas and stomp the 'tard out of them. Repeat. 

Naps are good too. Can't cause mischief or have mischief done to you if you are curled up sleeping with a kitten on guard detail. 

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I complain (mostly to myself), snacks, if I can get a free minute (usually I cant) I'll play a game,  read some chapters from these lame ass girly Japanese mobile games (don't fucking judge me!)

Image result for Destiny ninja

... OH! sometimes I debate about posting about it here 

But mostly I stew in it and then complain some more about not developing any healthy coping mechanism 

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People have already said weed and booze so i'll add music....music always helps....I usually go uptempo and possibly angry, but calm and introspective works too

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I don't have a process. I've tried to live my life in a way it doesn't make two fucks what the world has to throw at me..  I'm feelin' it currently though...

So skatebaording, and not giving two fucks about who gets in the way hopefully. I'm probably cutting myself short on daylight just posting this bull. 😐

3 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

I'm sure @tsar4 is pleased that you took his suggestion to heart.

Every had bad gas on a staircase? 

It's much worse when you're only halfway down 

On 11/9/2019 at 5:24 PM, ITasteLikeSex said:

Buttered toast, chicken noodle soup, Netflix, my comfy chair, and peppermint schnapps.

If you had said peach schnapps I woulda sworn I knew you irl, lol.

On 11/8/2019 at 1:47 PM, That_One_Guy said:

What's your process? 

I blow things out of proportion go to sleep super angry at myself and then upon waking decide that things couldn't possibly go as bad as the did the day before and proceed with my do-over.

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