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No, I WEAR cologne every great once in a while.


Giorgio Armani


sorry my eyes are bothering me, I took out my contacts and can't find my glasses....which Giorgio?


Rarely... for extremely special occasions only. When I need to be real fancy. I have a couple Burberry scents (Brit and London) and one from VS that was gifted to me.... which honestly I prefer because it fades VERY quickly.


I'm not much a fan of the stuff on anyone because it usually gives me headaches.

Guest Zintar

Never. Luckily for me, neither does my wife. Most perfume and artifical scents tend to annoy me.


only when i go out for whatever reason, which is only like once a week outside of work.

i used to just buy those dove bodymist things and spray them everywhere, but they don't sell them anymore i think which sucks cause they smelled amazing.


I have a bottle of I don't even know what that I haven't ever opened.  I'm never in social situations that I would think require it.


I usually just use the fragrance oils they have at the beauty supply stores on my skin. They last longer and are much cheaper



and I may spray some Bath & Body Works body spray on my clothes



Just every now and then. Used to wear it all the time, but kind of got out of the habit when I started working - except under my nose when the situation calls for it.


Very occasionally and often it's more to use up something I have rather than a daily thing. I don't use a lot of scent as a rule because I know a little goes a long way even after I stop noticing it so I probably use less than even the 'minimum' . :D And it's more often either oils because it's easier to control the amount or I have a few pheromone types floating around that I usually use on wigs. :D The pheromones don't harm the wigs so it's better than perfume.


No. Im really sensitive to smell. Strong odors give me a headache so I generally wear low key deodorant and just make sure to shower at least once a day. Yeah I said it. At least...

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