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ITT: Post weird shit you do


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I'm told that I am a very...eccentric person for many reasons. But I usually get weird looks when people see me talking to my pet Betta fish. I don't just verbally speak to them, I also developed some rudimentary sign language. I do a motion and if they understand they will do the correlating motion(s) back to me. Its very simplistic communication and it takes months or even years to get down, provided the fish in question is even smart enough to understand to begin with. 

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18 hours ago, TrigunBebop said:

If I accidentally bump into or kick something, I go "OW!" even if it didn't hurt at all. :|

I do that too. Also when I'm just dropping something. 

If I'm dating someone, I'll take their hand and sort of bite/scrape their finger tips (... like the ridges of their finger print) across the edges of my teeth. It makes a strange muted sound and is kind of relaxing to me.

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6 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

I apologize to inanimate objects that I bump into 

nothing can be set to odd numbers I’ll change the volume, heat, AC anything. xD

I apologize to bugs when I kill them, I feel bad because I know they're just doing their thing but when they violate the sanctity that is my house I apologize before I kill them.  Spiders though....they can go fuck themselves

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15 hours ago, molarbear said:

I'm pretty sure that's normal.  I legit use to have conversations with my doggo on the reg

Ahaha, well good >_>

When I take care of animals I just talk to them like any ol' person.

They are the best listeners. xD 

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I ritualistically disassemble, clean and reassemble my George Foreman grill uttering:

This is my grilll. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My grill is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my grill is useless. Without my grill, I am useless. I must fire my grill true. I must grill better than Gordon Ramsey who is trying to yell at me. I must grill him before he grills me.

Edited by pail
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