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Please feel free to use this thread to share your thoughts, condolences, funny stories, or whatever else you may have about J. Michael.


Link to the announcement thread here: https://unevenedge.com/topic/14058-rip-j-michael-crow/




Luuv may you rest in peace, we dint really know you personally but you were a great person as a board admin.

Thank you for making this site and bringing us here, thank you for always listening to all of our request and complaints even of it did take you a while to get to them lol. You will be missed as a board member 


I was really really hoping this was some sick fuck lying cuz it happened to one of my friends on FB, account hacked, asshole said person was dead that wasn't

I was hoping he'd come back and give us all a short novel about how he wasn't dead and we'd all be relieved and get to tell him all the thank yous we didn't get to say

and maybe even laugh about it after


This post's for you Luuv

When I'm Prezident in 2020 I will rot ur oligarchs


Luuv was registered to the boards in 2003 and became a Mod fairly early on in those insane Prospero days of Hockey Chicken and Buddha. His name was changed from his original which even he once said he couldn't remember anymore. He did have a hidden User account but pretty much never used it past actually making it, he preferred that people see the Mod around in order to be there for people. Whether those people wanted him around or not.


Luuv was there during the fast early times, the insane times of the Mad Lab riots and death threats, the slow times as the boards were neglected more and more, and the stagnant times of nodebb trying to keep things upbeat or at least less kill-kill than the mobs wanted. He was a cheerleader for virtually all the programs offered by [as] and even when there were ones that he admitted were less than great, he still found something of worth to say about them. And he always had something to say about the worth of the community he was a part of. That we all mattered in our own ways. He proved that in so many ways both little and big from constant attempts to get the Admins to check things and doing what he could on his end to the night he and some other board members spent desperately preventing a suicide attempt in real life.


Luuv was a writer both on the boards and off. His name was and will continue to be for some time associated with the dreaded Wall o' Text. It was one of his quirks. It was also one of his ways of letting the person know they were worth that time and effort. It wasn't always easy to see in the heat of a banning but he didn't have to do it. He could have left people swinging. Instead, Wall o' Text because you, the person who screwed up, were still worth the effort. There were personality clashes but in the end, he always tried to be fair, maintain as level a head as possible under the given circumstances, and give as much information as he could whenever he could.


Luuv will be missed by his co-workers, his friends in the various entertainment circles he was familiar to, any remaining living relatives that may still yet be out there, and a vast internet family that dates from about the mid-90's on through this month. His loss ripples ever outwards.


The only thing we can do is attempt to be that which he always felt was possible in us. To be unique, to be creative, to be literate [you kind of had to be after all], and to be aware that even if you are all alone posting on your computer, you aren't posting into a void. Someone is out there reading your words.

  • Thanks 2



I get so lost, sometimes

Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

When I want to run away

I drive off in my car

But whichever way I go

I come back to the place you are


All my instincts, they return

And the grand facade, so soon will burn

Without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside


In your eyes

The light the heat

In your eyes

I am complete

In your eyes

I see the doorway to a thousand churches

In your eyes

The resolution of all the fruitless searches

In your eyes

I see the light and the heat

In your eyes

Oh, I want to be that complete

I want to touch the light

The heat I see in your eyes



I want to leave my footprints on the sand of time

Know there was something that, something that I left behind

When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets

Leave something to remember, so they won't forget


I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I will leave my mark, soul, everyone will know, I was here


I wanna say I lived each day, until I died

You know that I, been something in, somebody's life

The hearts I have touched

Will be the proof that I leave

That I made a difference

And this world will see


I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I will leave my mark so everyone will know


I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I will leave my mark so everyone will know, I was here


I just want them to know

That I gave my all, did my best

Brought someone some happiness

Left this world a little better just because, I was here


I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I wanna leave my mark so everyone will know


I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here

I did, I've done

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here

I did, I've done, I was here


tsar4 and Foley came over to the trivia quiz to give us the news. 


This is really heartbreaking.  It should be the old ones, like me, who go first. 


Yeah I was very surprised at his actual age, I thought he was in like his late 30's


I didn't expect what I saw in the obit, but I knew he well weathered due to an argument we were having in PMs after my 3rd or 4th ban where I had accused him a being sniveling little shit modding in his mom's basement and he said something to the effect that he appreciates that I think he's as young as I thought he was but I was the one throwing a childish tantrum........Part of me was like "yeah, right" but I started paying closer attention the the old ass 1950ish ass gifs and pics he used for banners.....I was like, "hmmmm, he might be like 45ish"


I was still a bit off.


I didn't want to post until we got confirmation, but I guess it's true.


I didn't always agree with Luuv, but it was obvious that he always cared about the community and I'm incredibly grateful for that. I have no idea what my life would be now if I hadn't made the friends I did, and his work on the boards was definitely a huge part of the community that grew up around it. I can't imagine the amount of patience it took to look after the original boards, then the dumpster fire that was the revamp, and now this weird little forum where we can post all the cartoon porn our dirty little hearts desire. Thanks for everything you've done for us, Luuv; you were far more than we deserved.


Fuck, this sucks.  I feel numb.  He and I didn't always get along (far from it, I argued with him more than anyone else on the board), but damn did I know he was passionate about whatever he did.  He will be terribly missed.  Rest in peace, Mr. Crowe.


I figured Luuv was older than me but not that he's the same age as my dad. I guess it's not too surprising given some of his posts/banner choices/etc. RIP


Wow. I've mostly been a lurker on here and the asmb since I joined the community back in 2013, but Luuv always gave off the impression of a fairly nice and respectable dude. This is definitely a sad loss and I have nothing but the best wishes for anyone who knew him. Rest in peace.


i read this thread before going to sleep last night and was hoping it wouldn't end up being true.

even when i got up in the morning it still didn't seem like it was happening, and i was hoping he would just start posting again.

i'm regretful that i never was able to have a real conversation with him cause he seemed like an interesting guy. i didn't mind his long posts cause it showed how much he cared, atleast in some way, be it to the audience of 100 regular users reading his posts, or when it was just us here.

i can't really come up with much else to say, except that if there really is a better place i hope he's there.


Oddly enough Luuv perma banned my first account, and banned me and CAC for posting images of anime girls covered in Ice Cream a few times back in the old days.  We had some head butting moments at times, but it was usually over Luuv being too forgiving or me being too stubborn. Never really had any actual issues with the guy though, and we even discussed a lot of the same hobbies like Anime and Horror Movies, and took time to read my suggestions on site features and contests.  Luuv even PMed me suggesting that I become a Helper on old asmb.  I will miss our conversations,  him listening to me bitch about how being an Owl used to mean something, and getting to see what new horror trailers he would find. If this loss has taught us anything it's that you should always vent your spleen.



Luuv always went the extra mile, both on the ASMB and subsequently building this place for all of us. So much cool stuff that went on owed a lot to his input, and output. I'll miss the pleasure of having him around, and his dedication to making this lil community function.


Thanks for believing in my lazy ass to be at least somewhat useful. Godspeed boss.

  • Like 1

I'm going to try to attend his visitation.  Since I'm really close to where he lived if I can be helpful in organizing in some manner feel free to ask.


I'm going to try to attend his visitation.  Since I'm really close to where he lived if I can be helpful in organizing in some manner feel free to ask.

Any chance you could find out where/when the funeral is if we want to send flowers?


RIP luuv, you were under appreciated as admin/mod when trying to diffused situations that occur regularly on unevenedge and that failed of a nodebb adult swim board. while you may not be my favorite mod, you were at least just with your words when banning me during the good ol' days of adult swim. given that we all blindly followed you as you build a new forum for those that were displaced by the powers that be of yonder, we took you for granted as you try to appeased the masses of this clunky site. we will sorely miss those long winded paragraphs of yours, which no one will be able to replicate it any time soon.


Any chance you could find out where/when the funeral is if we want to send flowers?


Yea the notice says Weerts in Davenport but I'll list the date when I see it.


Reposting from the original thread since I wrote it before the confirmation.


In all fairness, Luuv was the best mod the ASMB ever had. He was way more personable than some (Odin, Perseus), and much more likeable than others (Drew, Nayru, Bast). He did good creating the first Uneven Edge and this backup when the original boards were at their end, and hopefully one of the existing mods keeps it alive instead of abandoning it for either Viper's board or the Discord chat.


R.I.P. Luuv. You cared about us when no one else did, and for that, we thank you. :(


Luuv sent me a link to this place in the last days of the NodeBB disaster, and I remember being really happy that he was opening up his pet project to this group of people that [as] no longer gave a shit about.  I didn't always agree with his moderation philosophy, and there were probably a few times I was a snarky asshole to him for no good reason, but God, it was crystal-clear how much he had invested in this community.  He put up with our shit for almost 15 years, and yet he never stopped trying to make this a fun and engaging place to log in and hang out every day.  More than anything else, that's what I'll remember about him.  Thank you so much for everything you did for us.  We'll text-flood the hell out of this place in your memory. :(

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