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What imaginary thing are you most afraid of?


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Any body horror style transformation sequence, any speed

Giant people who look in windows, who are only frightening by virtue of not actually existing

When I was a child, it was a treehouse of horror ep that scared me into worrying about getting stalked/murdered in my dreams. If I knew at the time there was a whole other thing about that subject, I probably would have had an actual hemorrhage

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If I haven't already faced my greatest fear in my imagination already, I would say spiders.  Not much perturb me except the perception of others.  I am insecure, and I have let myself down many times.  Plus I have a fear of hurting others although I have and my jimmies are rustled because of it.

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5 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I don't know. I think even the stupidest of my fears are grounded in reality in some way.

Maybe the fact I'm too scared to sniff flowers because I think there'll be a bee on it and it'll sting me. I've seen this exact scenario in many old cartoons when I was little and it screwed me up a little bit.

When I was little I picked a yellow flower to smell it and there was a yellow spider camouflaged in it. I had already put it up to my nose and smelled and everything. It ruined flowers for me for awhile I imagined spiders hiding in all of them

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The earliest dream I remember was seeing large Douglas Fir trees walking slowly and quietly upon their roots toward me.
There were wolves howling as the trees neared.
The howling did not stop.
I don't remember how close the trees got before I woke up.

But I still think about the sense of fear that dream gave me for almost a decade.

It's not so scary now as a dream/thought itself, but I do occasionally fear that sort of instinctive dread returning.

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12 hours ago, mthor said:

Disembodied voices.

Something, not someone, grabbing my ankles when I'm going down a flight of stairs without risers. That was a big thing when I was a kid, and I still get a little creeped out by it.

That reminds of this book...


This fucking book.

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