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If your life was a video game, what game would it be?


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1 hour ago, Jaquio said:

Wow, that's insane. There's no way I could do it that amount of time. I might have to look it up and check it out.

his name is Arcus87.  He's legit these days trying to beat his own World Record.  If it gives you any hope I've been attempting to break the MM2 zipless speedrun and failing horribly.  BueBeam is a dick, and unpredictable, also the bats on WoodMan's stage are kinda a prick.  Don't even get me started on the Frog's on Aquaman's stage.

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1 hour ago, molarbear said:

his name is Arcus87.  He's legit these days trying to beat his own World Record.  If it gives you any hope I've been attempting to break the MM2 zipless speedrun and failing horribly.  BueBeam is a dick, and unpredictable, also the bats on WoodMan's stage are kinda a prick.  Don't even get me started on the Frog's on Aquaman's stage.

What is a "zipless" speedrun?

Also lol "Aquaman." xD

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Guest The Hound
On 4/19/2018 at 10:10 PM, nameraka said:

ET for Atari 2600. The worst game ever created.

Superman 64 says hello.

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8 hours ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Is the answer you were looking for. Mine would be something tedious and monotonous. At least in video game form.  Something like Mario's Time Machine.

I've never even seen that....looks legit though

meant this


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Yeah I've played it, I have a save at some irritating defend the position mission late in the game. Blood Dragon is very legit, it's probably ten to fifteen hours of gameplay but it's hilarious. At the end a bunch of rockets are launching in the distance and if you're halfway decent it looks like the grand finale of a fireworks show. It's one of my favorites from recent years, great sense of humor in that game.

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