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49 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

dead animals keep showing up on my property. the first couple were just dead and laying around in random places, but this morning's candidate was buried in one of the wife's flower beds. all raccoons of different ages. and my dog (who is kept inside the fenced-in part of the yard) turned up the other day with a big cut on his hind leg. i guess a fox could be responsible for burying a dead critter like that, but i don't know if a fox would wander this far into town, and then bury a kill so close to a human structure. if someone in the neighborhood was poisoning raccoons it would make sense that they'd be showing up dead like this, but not buried.

what the fuck.

There's an 8 year old somewhere near you who is intending on becoming a serial killer. 

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9 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:

There's an 8 year old somewhere near you who is intending on becoming a serial killer. 

we must find him, break him, and turn him against his master.

one of us.

one of us.


Son of a motherfucking bitch. Why the hell did y'all put Haikyuu on sale? Fuuuucckk!!!! If I buy it, I'll feel bad. If I don't buy it, I'll feel bad. 😭 I blame my parents for this shit. They made me be born in Japan and had me watching anime as a baby. I could just buy the damn series if I wasn't such a slow writer. And also if I hadn't bought so much junk food, but these bitches out here are stressing me out. All the restaurants are jam-packed, a bunch of maskless people are at gyms and Karate places, and we're never gonna bring our numbers down. Those Haikyuu box sets will probably stick around for Black Friday, but it pains me that I'm missing out on this deal. Fuck you delicious cookies, chips, ice cream, and like eight different dips I have in the fridge. *Reaches for another pack of oreos*

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On 7/17/2020 at 1:39 PM, SwimModSponges said:

There's an 8 year old somewhere near you who is intending on becoming a serial killer. 

You have to find out if they're setting fires and wetting the bed to be sure.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, mthor said:

You have to find out if they're setting fires and wetting the bed to be sure.

there's one of them across the street, now that you mention it ... shit.


picked up a nail in one of the truck tires last night. they're worn enough that i've been thinking about getting another set of 4 for the last few months. i guess now's the fucking time to do that. they're expensive as hell because of course they are, so i'm gonna try to find a used set first. anyone got an extra set of 285 75R 16s laying around they wanna unload?


The old man has Alzheimer's and dementia. His guns have been hidden, for obvious reasons. He just realized he couldn't find them, and is pissed the fuck off. But there's no way in hell that he's gonna walk around here playing "Tex." They are all unloaded and the bullets are behind lock and key in another location. He's super mad though. Gonna tell him they're in the safety deposit box, and they're safe, so maybe he will get over it. He was always an avid outdoorsman. Loved hunting and fishing. Everything he killed, we processed and ate. (Deer, duck, quail, wild hog). But those days are long gone. It's hard because those were his tools for hunting and he can't have them anymore. 

  • Sad 2
Posted (edited)

The last couple of weeks have been a doozy. However, last week, my dad left my mom after years of threatening to do so, went hiking to another town (with no vehicle and no cell phone), and couldn't hitch a ride to Pittsburgh as he intended. He threatened to leave when we were kids, for fuck sake. Four days later, he returned home to mom because he realized it wasn't fucking 1975 anymore and $20 doesn't go very far.

I don't care how fucking mad you are--you don't leave your old lady hanging like that. Get a divorce. He has the money for it with his retirement check, I know that fucking much.

Now he's threatening to do it again and my mom doesn't know what to do. Couple this with the fact that we're in the midst of a pandemic and I'm being worked to death to meet quotas, I'm tired, I'm fucking fed up, and I don't have time for this kind of bullshit. I almost wish the old man would fucking CROAK!

Edited by Gyaos
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10 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

Uncle Iroh, leaves from the vine.

Holy shit, just saw the title while scrolling through youtube and now I'm crying.

Powerful stuff man.

I’d heard about the episode being sad, but I wasn’t ready for it.


I knew it was gonna get very upsetting after hearing him sing Leaves from the Vine to a kid since the lyrics definitely sounded like Iroh was wishing his son came home that day. Then by the end of the segment, he sings the same song to his actual late son.
And the Mako memorial stung the most because the show’s acknowledgement that a beloved cast member passed away was to put it at the tail end of their most grief-stricken performance on the show. 



I started Avatar a couple weeks ago knowing nothing about it except that it was a kids show that everyone was saying was just soooo great.

"Yeah sure" i says.

Got dam, blew me away. 

Like, i finished the last episode and wanted to re-start the series right then and there.

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4 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

I started Avatar a couple weeks ago knowing nothing about it except that it was a kids show that everyone was saying was just soooo great.

"Yeah sure" i says.

Got dam, blew me away. 

Like, i finished the last episode and wanted to re-start the series right then and there.

Fucking same. I kept hearing everyone talking about it and thought, it won't be that good. I was wrong. It did work out for me though. I got into it a few weeks before it ended, so I got to watch the whole series in one shot and experience the ending in real time with everyone else.

Why does it have to be so fucking hot? Fuck Georgia!

Posted (edited)

It was going to happen anyway within a year or so, just because that's how shit like this works, but the Pandemic has shut down all small owned dispensaries except for a few including one run by the kid's cousin, and that's just because he still has all of his hood clientele.....But that means he's borderline illegal.

As for all the others, my homegirl included...Big, state funded growers have killed them, and have created a monopoly that has it where now I have to drive an hour and some change just to score at less than $8 a G.  My girl used to let me cop at $3 a G and always hooked me up with novelty shit like the cotton candy and shit (not that I'll particularly miss any of that)....But it's just worth the drive to get better green, cheaper.

I mean, I'm glad I didn't do it, but a lot of people put everything they had into selling weed....Which, I told many was dumb....They oversaturated the market....But it's kinda sad to see the weed spots in town besides like 4 dry up.

Edited by cyberbully
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Posted (edited)

If you’re the type of person that goes into the comment section of a news article on a new musician or actor to say “Who is this?” or “I don’t know/care who that is?” to look cool and out of touch with mainstream media, then your opinion is worthless. You have the internet, look it the fuck up. Or just let it slide. You sure as shit aren’t commenting about world affairs or baseball stats. Why participate in one about a musician you don’t even listen to?

Same if you go into a news article on a musician or public figure to make a boomer joke about their stage name or given name. If your joke had the same framework as Clayton Bigsby’s Condoleeza Rice rant, then the internet should be forbidden for you. 

If you make the combination of the two comments above, then your eligibility to take part in society should be questioned.

Edited by Chapinator-800
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so the state gaming board thinks i'm gonna let them install their own video surveillance system inside my bar to watch their slot machines. looks like i'll be missing that income as well before too long. ugh.

On 7/28/2020 at 7:07 AM, Chapinator-800 said:

If you’re the type of person that goes into the comment section of a news article on a new musician or actor to say “Who is this?” or “I don’t know/care who that is?” to look cool and out of touch with mainstream media, then your opinion is worthless. You have the internet, look it the fuck up. Or just let it slide. You sure as shit aren’t commenting about world affairs or baseball stats. Why participate in one about a musician you don’t even listen to?

Same if you go into a news article on a musician or public figure to make a boomer joke about their stage name or given name. If your joke had the same framework as Clayton Bigsby’s Condoleeza Rice rant, then the internet should be forbidden for you. 

If you make the combination of the two comments above, then your eligibility to take part in society should be questioned.

If its a new artist they're saying it's a plant

15 hours ago, NaBarney said:

I hate German shepherds. Awful hell dog

Neighbor 2 doors down has a pair of unsnipped German shepherds as guard dogs in a fance behind his house, bark like crazy any time my dog is out.

They invited us over to let them sniff eachother one time and the way those guys were trying to get through the fence was concerning.

Anyways had my pup out the other day and the dude was playing fetch with them, one of them runs right to my pup. I was prepared to jump into the middle of it but they just sniffed eachother and the sheperds owner came over and got him.

Thats the brother of the dude who got arrested outside my house, btw.

Nice enough fellow. 

2 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

German shepherds as guard dogs in a fance behind his house, bark like crazy any time my dog is out.

This is why I hate these dogs so fucking much. They're just like Loud Fear Beasts whose job is to patrol their shitty little yard and bark like absolute vicious killers at anyone or thing they ever see within view of the fence. Like I get drug dealers and such need some security (most generous possible interoretatio of why someone would own one of these) but goddamn, put these fuckers inside now and again, give the rest of the neighborhood a goddamn break because these helldogs don't ever take one. 

  • D'oh 1

No one told me that Irrfan Khan died of cancer back in April 😭. He has my favorite style of acting where he was a quiet scene stealer. His demeanor was so nonchalant that at first you don't notice him, and then bam, your sole focus is on him without even realizing it. 

  • Sad 2
27 minutes ago, DragonSinger said:

No one told me that Irrfan Khan died of cancer back in April 😭. He has my favorite style of acting where he was a quiet scene stealer. His demeanor was so nonchalant that at first you don't notice him, and then bam, your sole focus is on him without even realizing it. 

No one told me either. :( He was great in Life of Pi

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I made 3 appointments w/new doctors to take over my hormone replacement therapy bc I'm so scared of them turning me away. Especially now that Trump got rid of the healthcare discrimination laws that helped me in the past.

So today I got woken up by a phone call from one of those offices doing just that, turning me away. They canceled my appointment. The office said the doctor "doesn't have the capability" which I know is bullshit bc I know 100% that she has done HRT for trans in the past, and HRT is easy. All she would be doing is signing a prescription for me and ordering blood tests and changing the prescription accordingly if need be. That's it.

In the past when this happened, I opened up a copy of the law and read it back to them word for word. It always worked. I can't do that anymore.

So now I'm down to 2 appointments. One of which I'll have to pay all the costs for bc the doctor supposedly doesn't take my insurance. Even tho the doctor is listed on the insurance website which is a big part of why I chose this plan.

  • Sad 3

Yes, now HUMIDITY RUTGERS can lose to teams nobody expects them to beat instead of teams they should beat!

P.S. This implies an ability to play all 10 games this year, which, I mean, come on.


I wish humans could take more physical punishment. I'm so fucking bored and I can only work out so much each day to kill time. I didn't realize how hard I was pushing myself and now a couple ligaments are close to being strained so I have been off yesterday and today. Maybe it's just my age or how weak I've become from sitting around during the beginning of the pandemic. I just hate taking it slow and easy after not working out for awhile. I wish I could go as long as I wanted.

I guess it's back to reading.

I'm so lonely. I wanna go see friends. I really hate this

  • Sad 2

Office auditors can french-kiss the darkest part of my cat's asshole. After I've fed her fish mush. 

I've been at my job longer than you've been an auditor and since you can't find anything wrong with the auditable crap, you are going to nitpick shit until you can find something wrong so you can report to your superiors that your job is still relevant. 

Hope you enjoyed my desk, I coughed on everything. 


My ladyfriend got evicted from her apartment two days ago. Her job site is still closed and unemployment benefits had, of course, expired and the landlord is a known dickhead. No moratorium and he ended up evicting a lot of people. I bet he took glee in doing it too...

She'll be living with me. Her confidence is completely shot and the only thing I can do is be there for her.

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it's nice and cool out, so i have the windows open. only now, i have to listen to the bro rider neighbors getting drunk on fucking mich ultra and pinnacle raspberry vodka, like the pile of cringe they are.


I wish cancel culture worked as well as those bitching about it thinks it does. One sexual harasser gets bumped from one community, and then moves on to the next one with similar widespread harassment issues a few months later so we gotta warn folks about him over there. Can't these assholes just die in obscurity?

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finally a little good news. this afternoon, i received notice that we're being awarded one of the grants i applied for. it's the smaller, lottery-based grant, but every little chunk helps. at least now we should be able to catch up on all our outstanding bills. 

the need-based one still hasn't popped. i did find someone inside that particular office who was willing to discuss the situation. she said we missed the cutoff for round 2 consideration (even though we submitted while round 1 was still open), so our application is still technically "under review" and we still have a chance at getting it, as long as the fund doesn't deplete before our application gets a decision. i sure hope the receipt of the small grant doesn't affect our eligibility for the bigger one...

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Got tested. Anxiety is pulling at my skull. On top of having to wait for test results, ladyfriend is trying to call the unemployment office to figure out the situation regarding new $$$ since the executive order was signed, but she can't get a hold of anybody over the phone.

Meanwhile, the lack of contact is hurting us both. You know in cartoons and movies how two people in prison can be sitting on the walls opposite each other in different cells and talk, but they yearn to be by each other's side? We did that today. This shit feels like prison. A lot of people I know would think it's funny, but it isn't. We can play certain games together or talk on Discord, sure, but that's not exactly the same as being able to rest easy by their side or work out problems as effectively. Hoping that the results come back as quickly as they did when I got mine in June, and without another positive diagnosis. Might even be able to get back to work sooner. I don't know.

  • Sad 2

Every Other Year: "This magazine contains in-depth previews for every college and high school football team in the state"

2020: "This magazine is further proof of our current fractured timeline."


Fuck potatoes for being so delicious when cooked properly. No other veggie makes me spend this much effort on them. The only other food I can think of that gets this much effort out of me at all is steak. And everyone always wants some. Mashed, baked, fried, no one turns me down when I grudgingly offer to make some. Also, I kinda have to offer because I always get a craving for potatoes on weekends and this time of the year is when my parents are out in the yard tackling the forest out in front while I scoop up the mess into bags once there's less of my deadly allergy flying about. Like I could cook while my parents are outside and I'm inside during most of that time, but even I know that's a dick move. So I offer, and they won't turn me down 😥

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