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2024 Presidential Elections: the schadenfreude commences


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14 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

I dont know how anyone who watched last night can think anything other than we're fucked.  Its painfully apparent that those are two of the worst possible choices in the entire country, and were stuck with them.


We're so beyond fucked.



Shit, hoodwinked!

She both sided it, too!

Damn, Trump did so bad she can't even declare victory. Impressive.

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VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people. So, let's be clear about that. And clearly, he is having a very difficult time processing that. But we cannot afford to have a president of the United States who attempts as he did in the past to upend the will of the voters in a free and fair election. And I'm going to tell you that I have traveled the world as vice president of the United States. And world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you. And they say you're a disgrace. And when you then talk in this way in a presidential debate and deny what over and over again are court cases you have lost, because you did in fact lose that election, it leads one to believe that perhaps we do not have in the candidate to my right the temperament or the ability to not be confused about fact. That's deeply troubling. And the American people deserve better.

DAVID MUIR: I'll give you one minute to respond, Mr. President.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Let me just tell you about world leaders. Viktor Orban

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55 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

I dont know how anyone who watched last night can think anything other than we're fucked.  Its painfully apparent that those are two of the worst possible choices in the entire country, and were stuck with them.


We're so beyond fucked.



Of course you think we are fucked now that trump preformed as well as biden did.

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23 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:


It is pretty funny when the same group who says they hate the established power structure loves it when someone who is firmly entrenched in that power structure endorses their guy.


It's pretty funny because leftists hate swift you dumb mother fucker who can't tell a liberal from a leftist.

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24 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:


It is pretty funny when the same group who says they hate the established power structure loves it when someone who is firmly entrenched in that power structure endorses their guy.


I don't hate wealthy people for being wealthy.

I hate them when their wealth is so extreme it fundamentally fucks our economy and they use their unbelievable wealth to commit horrible deeds.

I don't really care one way or another about Swift. I wouldn't care if she endorsed Trump, either. Her getting over 300,000 voters registered in one day is no less hilarious.

Seethe harder.

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11 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:





He was laughing at this.  You know, like how Trump was laughing at all those buildings that fell because it meant his building was one of the tallest by default.

”Our conspiracy theories didn’t work, so let’s conspiracy theory our way to getting everyone to support Trump after a debate where it looked like he was sundowning on national television!”

Edited by Jman
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40 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

It is pretty funny when the same group who says they hate the established power structure loves it when someone who is firmly entrenched in that power structure endorses their guy.

Celebrities aren’t real people but if a fucking Instagram post that just amounts to “vote for Kamala, you sexy betchh :P is enough to make young people do anything besides be disappointments then why complain?

Anyone who needed a viral George W endorsement tweet days prior however would benefit humanity with one big cyanide capsule gulp.

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1 hour ago, discolé monade said:

only in this country, can a man, that caused an uprising, and ultimateley ,insurrection of the u.s,

only in this country can a 34 count felon (and counting-still facing +60 more indictments), 

only in this country can a man, on hot mic, brag about being able to grab the women by the pussy and subsequently get caught grabbing a woman by the pussy and trying to cover it up....while married....to his 3rd wife? 4th? 

only in this country, can the masses, be so fucking stupid to believe he is the best choice. 

it's all a fucking sham...but at least we, the people, need to pretend about it's all about the democracy, ffs. 

I don't believe they actually think he's the best choice, I think they see him as a means to an end and they just pretend that he's brilliant. Just like I don't think he wants to be president, he wants to avoid prosecution. Both sides are users with ulterior motives and the country is suffering for their selfishness. 

Consider this:


In 1950, the overall participation rate of women was 34 per- cent. (See table 4.) The rate rose to 38 percent in 1960, 43 percent in 1970, 52 percent in 1980, and 58 percent in 1990 and reached 60 percent by 2000.

In 2023, 72% of married mothers worked.

The rise of women has caused a shift that angry guys on the right want to reverse for their own selfish gain. If your wife is working 40+ hours a week, you can't brag about providing for your family because you aren't. You and your wife are. You can't expect a cold brewski, a hot dinner, and a foot massage after dicking around at the factory anymore because your wife is probably also just getting home, or is still at work herself.

This means that men have had to pick up the slack at home, while also losing their main claims to fame - those being their earnings and their "protection" (evidenced by their fantasies of shooting people). Men have been called on to change how they see themselves and their roles in society and the ones on the right are failing.

These guys have to pretend to love their kids now, they can't just drag them around for show when they want to look like a "family man". As we've seen from Vance, MAGA men can't stand their kids. They hate being dads. Having to spend time with their kids is the worst thing that could have happened to them. They went from having "me time" 8 hours a day to actually having to be useful.

In spite of their complaints, society continues to progress - women continue to go back to work, and we continue to fight for equality both at work and at home. We've seen what happens when men are allowed to reign supreme - you get put on an allowance, marital rape becomes legal again, you have no savings, you aren't even allowed to open a bank account. You don't get to make decisions for yourself, no-fault divorces are banned, and when your hubby cheats on you with an 18 year old after 20 years of marriage, he gets to kick you out into the street. This is what these guys mean when they refer to the "good old days".

So how does a lazy, neglectful, do-nothing guy get things back to the way they were?

He pushes a religion that hates women. It's already got a base and since fear is central to religion - fear of the unknown, fear of the "other" - it's a great starting point.

If Trump can inject that fear into the mainstream and get people voting, it doesn't matter that he's not a Christian. Being Christian doesn't mean anything anyways. The rules are made up, they're constantly shifting, and they're only sometimes applied to certain people. It's about tribalism, which makes it even easier to utilize as a tool.

If they can enact Project 2025, they will restrict access to birth control and implement a full ban on abortion, effectively turning women into breeding stock. We've already seen the consequences of overturning Roe. They don't care if women die in childbirth, because they can always breed some other poor woman. Several states are already eyeing no-fault divorces, which will lock women into harmful marriages. Add onto that the rolling back of civil rights protections. Suddenly it's legal to refuse to hire women and that pesky 72% will drop as women are shut out of the workforce, and locked into unhappy marriages.

The point is very obviously to return women to what they once were - property - which is why they are constantly talking about "childless cat ladies" and how miserable everyone supposedly is. It's why Elon's first thought was "I wanna rape/breed Taylor Swift". They want to get women back under control, because if you think they're going to change a dirty diaper or wash some dishes you're out of your mind. And if you expect them to stop grabbing you by the pussy, you can forget that, too. "Everyone" knows boys will be boys. Women exist to breed, it's perfectly normal for men to lose control, women just have to tolerate it. Everything they say, excuse, and do is 100% in line with the attitude that "boys will be boys", a phrase that exonerates males, subverts women, and then blames women for mens' failures.

The same motivation exists for POC and LGBTQ+. They don't want anyone pulling a chair up to the table, they want it all for themselves. History has shown that any amount of progress made will always have an equal or greater push back in the other direction. This is that push, and if they have to use Trump as a battering ram they will. They are blatantly trying to return us to a time when only straight white men had any power, before they were expected to think before speaking, take a breath before acting, and actually contribute.

As for the non-straight white male MAGAs - I pity them. This culture war the right is so attached to has been in progress for decades and we know that humans already struggle to process new information about their most strongly held beliefs. As you get older, it only gets worse and disinformation spreads far faster today than it ever did at any other point in history. They have no idea that they are voting away their rights, while not addressing the fact that unregulated capitalism has fucked us all up the ass without lubing up first.

In truth, some number of working mothers would actually love to stay home with their children but they can't afford to live on one income. Vance just makes his wife and MiL do everything, while Trump abandoned his kids to his ex-wife and their nannies. They don't give one shit about childcare. Plus, they like collecting those sweet corporate bribes so they'll continue to talk about the "nuclear family" while making it impossible to raise one on a single income, even when you may want to. They are setting the country up in their favor, and the rest of their followers are still waiting on that trickle down...

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While it likely won’t affect the registration as much as Swift did, Stevie Nicks has joined the endorsement parade.



Meanwhile the Swift endorsement has led to a sharp uptick in donations.

Edited by Jman
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11 minutes ago, Blackrose321 said:

It's about tribalism, which makes it even easier to utilize as a tool.

Not cherry-picking here, but this bumps into a thought that occurred to me recently.. the way politics has been morphed into an extension of identity (especially, but not exclusively prevalent on the right), the way it leads to... fucking all of the nonsense we keep seeing.. it seriously just adds up to another cult-like element. You can take your "talking points" and memes and share around the things that totally make perfect sense to you (or at least you're told by smarter people they make total sense...), and, naturally, it backfires, you get laughed at, ostracized. And so you go back to the comfort of your "group" to be told you did nothing wrong, "they just can't think as smartly as you" or whatever.. it was never about evangelizing, it's not spreading the word to anyone that will listen.. the people higher up are getting the parrots to repeat some absolute batshit stuff just to reinforce that tribalism, to get followers to insulate themselves against the outside, because the outside is cruel and will mock your beliefs.

It's damn near the exact same playbook as sending out fresh recruits door to door to "spread the word of god" or whatever else. The stated goal is irrelevant, the ulterior intent is to have these people get shut out and put down enough that they rebound into the cult even harder.

Idk.. a bit rambly, maybe making a few leaps too many.. but it's a disconcerting consideration that tribalism is becoming a growing/driving force behind politics.

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1 hour ago, rpgamer said:

Not cherry-picking here, but this bumps into a thought that occurred to me recently.. the way politics has been morphed into an extension of identity (especially, but not exclusively prevalent on the right), the way it leads to... fucking all of the nonsense we keep seeing.. it seriously just adds up to another cult-like element. You can take your "talking points" and memes and share around the things that totally make perfect sense to you (or at least you're told by smarter people they make total sense...), and, naturally, it backfires, you get laughed at, ostracized. And so you go back to the comfort of your "group" to be told you did nothing wrong, "they just can't think as smartly as you" or whatever.. it was never about evangelizing, it's not spreading the word to anyone that will listen.. the people higher up are getting the parrots to repeat some absolute batshit stuff just to reinforce that tribalism, to get followers to insulate themselves against the outside, because the outside is cruel and will mock your beliefs.

It's damn near the exact same playbook as sending out fresh recruits door to door to "spread the word of god" or whatever else. The stated goal is irrelevant, the ulterior intent is to have these people get shut out and put down enough that they rebound into the cult even harder.

Ugh, I hate that you're right about how that works out. They don't change their minds, they just go back to where they feel comfortable being crazy.

I have no idea where we'll go from here. You know those classics that called out fascism years in advance only to be eerily accurate decades later? Do we think any such books have been written about 2064 yet? :LithiumSmileyLaugh:

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5 minutes ago, matrixman124 said:

The GOP is so cooked

I'm nothing if not cynical and borderline pessimistic due to my lack of faith in humanity, but I still think they can eke out a W because too many people on the right would rather vote for another's suffering than their own uplifting.

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6 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

"....She is a poor excuse for a Christian. Her marriage failed because she couldn't keep her legs closed...."

Is there a reason this GOP standard doesn't apply to Trump? I want an honest answer from an evangelical Christian conservative. Is it just that it's ok for men but not for women?

Got it in one. 

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1 hour ago, André Toulon said:

I'm nothing if not cynical and borderline pessimistic due to my lack of faith in humanity, but I still think they can eke out a W because too many people on the right would rather vote for another's suffering than their own uplifting.

That's been their platform since Obama broke their brains.  "We can endure endless suffering for our reward, but fuck those people getting a cent more!"  Meanwhile the elites are counting their yachts.

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the LOL about ALL of this. 

is that...it's not trump 'those people' want in office. 

it's vance.  change my mind. 

it's ALL about project 2025, and i assure you, that man...probably has it memorized. 

just like the RINO's of yesteryear.... he's playing those people, like MD. 


those people, like MD are willfully ignorant, and purposely obtuse, because they truly believe this facist manefesto WILL be the uprising of the america they want. 

and yet...those people, like MD, also stand for nothing, other than the chaos they truly hope ensues. 

those people don't have answers...but they sure think they are funny with the rhetoric. 

those people are so fucking weird. 

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4 hours ago, André Toulon said:

I'm nothing if not cynical and borderline pessimistic due to my lack of faith in humanity, but I still think they can eke out a W because too many people on the right would rather vote for another's suffering than their own uplifting.

The right also tends to skew older and we know young voters are a large, and largely useless demographic. They'll post progressive diatribes on Twatter but they won't show up when they're really needed. Then they'll go back on Twatter and post more useless bullshit.

About half of them voted in 2020 which was an 11 point increase but goddamn did shit have to get dystopian first for them to bother. Hopefully that number remains high this year.

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8 minutes ago, Blackrose321 said:

The right also tends to skew older and we know young voters are a large, and largely useless demographic. They'll post progressive diatribes on Twatter but they won't show up when they're really needed. Then they'll go back on Twatter and post more useless bullshit.

About half of them voted in 2020 which was an 11 point increase but goddamn did shit have to get dystopian first for them to bother. Hopefully that number remains high this year.

Well if nothing else, Taylor Swift did get a significant amount of registrations.  It also helps that the so-called Red Wave of 2022 fizzled out thanks to younger voters.

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