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Haters/Complainers: Legacy of Spleen


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22 hours ago, Seight said:

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge weren't working on my computer so I had to bust open Internet Explorer. This is being posted currently on a PS4.

That reminds me of when I used to post on the ASMB from the PS3 and it would just crash all the time. The Wii was surprisingly reliable for the forums though.

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You know what needs to go? Calling TV show seasons or spin-offs as part of a “Book”. What ‘s “Power: Book II” supposed to be? That was never a book. Or “The Book of Boba Fett”. You could count how many times books have shown up in Star Wars with your hands. I guess Hologram or Lecture don’t have the same ring to it as Book.

I blame Avatar, but at least you could argue that it’s folksy atmosphere made it reasonable for Aang’s story to be recorded in books as opposed to Boba fucking Fett, the mercenary that flew into the Sarlaac Pit in a time when information was recorded on low tech shitboxes. 

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So today when I get in for my 3rd closing shift in a row, the other leader heads on lunch.

Well, he gets back and says he just got off the phone with his brother, who he had dinner with last night, who just tested positive for covid.

So he goes home, I run the rest of the night alone, don't get a break because there's nobody to cover.

Hey speaking of covering, he was supposed to cover a closing shift at a location in a town half hour to the east because their leaders are out on covid.

So now I get to go over there and close.

And then on tuesday I close again.

5 says straight closing.


I also hate the smell of cooked eggs.

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got a pain in my back on the left side that won't fucking go away. feels like muscle pain, but nothing has been touching it, not pain pills or muscle relaxers or heavy stuff, nothing. wonder if i cracked a rib or something. whatever it is, it fucking sucks and i'm mostly useless on my feet unless i'm leaning on something.

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20 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

got a pain in my back on the left side that won't fucking go away. feels like muscle pain, but nothing has been touching it, not pain pills or muscle relaxers or heavy stuff, nothing. wonder if i cracked a rib or something. whatever it is, it fucking sucks and i'm mostly useless on my feet unless i'm leaning on something.

Is it low enough to be a kidney stone?

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2 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

i really don't think so. it's just below the shoulder blade. wife has had kidney stones quite a bit in the past, and she thinks that pain would be a few inches lower than this.

No,that would be down a bit lower, like just above your hip bone. And your gall bladder's on the right...sorry, friend, I'm out of suggestions. Hope it lets up.

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3 minutes ago, mthor said:

No,that would be down a bit lower, like just above your hip bone. And your gall bladder's on the right...sorry, friend, I'm out of suggestions. Hope it lets up.

i appreciate it. never noticed it until a couple hours after my workout yesterday morning. been getting progressively worse since then, like a muscle injury that i'm aggravating by remaining upright. i'm gonna have to dip into the wife's stash of happy pills if this shit doesn't turn around soon.

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i'm gonna have to go see someone about this bullshit. really thought things were going alright this morning, but now it's fucking worse than it was yesterday. and i'm getting sore muscles in other places now too, i assume because of carrying myself differently in an attempt to be in less pain. i'm used to chronic pain because i beat the shit out of my body for years being young and stupid, but this ain't no sore knee or shoulder. shit's on a different level.

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On 1/28/2021 at 10:25 AM, Chapinator_X said:

Crazy how much a comfort meal becomes a struggle meal once mayo is added. 

I was about to bump my struggle meal thread, but the seach showed this first, and it's actually on point with what I'm about to say.....

I have discovered that I like to dip tacos in mayo.

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Went through all that trouble to make a damn meal to take my meds with, and I still nearly forgot to take them. So I had to take them right after I ate which means my stomach hurts.

Why this nigga stay getting jobs? He has some talent, but not enough for his coon ass to constantly snag opportunities. And I'm tired of white media trying to shove this Jeffree Star loving, non-paying, narcissistic fool down our throats as the It Guy for a particular black culture demographic when they have been told time and time again that black folks don't fucking like him. This motherfucker would Rachel Dolezal himself into being white if he was light enough to pull it off. He ain't representing us.

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my furnace decided to crap out overnight, on one of our coldest days so far this winter (-5F). i woke up to 45F in the house at 5am. first repair company i got to come over, around 10am, diagnosed the problem as bad bearings in the draft inducer motor. only they didn't have the part on hand to fix it. by time i got ahold of a technician at the second repair company, around noon, i knew which part i needed so they just went straight to their warehouse to grab one. only they were out of the part as well. third company i found with an answering service, an hour's drive away,  sent a tech out to their warehouse. they had the part! but by that time (6pm) they weren't going to dispatch someone to fix me. i talked them into leaving the part outside their back door, and i drove over there, after dark in the middle of a sub-zero snowstorm and back, to get the part and install it myself. 

so here it is, 10:15pm, about 17 hours since this bullshit day got started, and i'm sitting down in the living room after installing the new draft inducer assembly. it needs to cycle on/off at least twice before i can call it fixed. so far it's cycled once...

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3 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

Well, battery is officially dead.

And apparently this is happening to everyone, because batteries are sold out everywhere. 

i've been told since i was a kid, to never let a car battery discharge while below freezing because you'll never get it back. also, never store them directly on concrete or they'll discharge. while i've never questioned those words of wisdom, i have managed to inadvertently prove them both right over the years.

we added a heater module to the bar's central air system in december because our ooooold LNG heater finally crapped out. the folks who installed it may have undersized it, because it hasn't been keeping up too well all weekend. so this morning, i ran to the hardware store to pick up a new furnace filter, hoping that might help out a little. the new filter didn't gain anything in the way of airflow, which i never really expected because the old filter was <1mo old. went back to the store and grabbed one of those big squirrel-cage fans to help circulate air better in the main room, pulling hot air down from the high ceilings. that did the trick. 

ugh, this cold snap can break anytime now.

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aaaaand this morning, the truck decided it didn't want to run anymore. while i was on the way to work. it died rolling up at an intersection, and i couldn't get it to start again. i hopped out and jogged home (in -6F), got the wife's van, and came back to try jumping the truck. it would eventually start with the cables attached, but would only run for a minute before shutting back down again with a dead battery. i fucked with it for half an hour (thankfully it wasn't a busy intersection) before i threw in the towel and called a tow truck. 

the battery's only a year old and it started right up yesterday after sitting for a week while we were on vacation, so i don't think the battery is the problem. i'm leaning towards alternator trouble. anyways, the tow truck has it back on their lot now. if they get a chance to fuck with it today, i might find out what's going on. otherwise, it's looking like the plight of pedestrian wacky for the next couple days of this cold fucking messy winter shit FUCK ASS I'M TIRED OF THIS GOD DAMN COCKSUCKING COLD BREAKING ALL OF MY SHIT FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

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hey hey guess what. drain pipes froze in the upstairs bathroom. didn't notice it til after i had put the youngest in a full tub for his bath. since the water couldn't go down, it decided to back up thru the other fixtures as it tried to find level. thankfully, the toilet drains on an interior line, so i spent 10 minutes frantically baling water from the tub to the toilet until water stopped flowing out the sink trap and into the floor. 

today's supposed to get all the way up to +15F, which only sounds cold until you realize it hasn't made it into double digits in a week.

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On 2/16/2021 at 9:48 AM, wacky1980 said:

aaaaand this morning, the truck decided it didn't want to run anymore. while i was on the way to work. it died rolling up at an intersection, and i couldn't get it to start again. i hopped out and jogged home (in -6F), got the wife's van, and came back to try jumping the truck. it would eventually start with the cables attached, but would only run for a minute before shutting back down again with a dead battery. i fucked with it for half an hour (thankfully it wasn't a busy intersection) before i threw in the towel and called a tow truck. 

the battery's only a year old and it started right up yesterday after sitting for a week while we were on vacation, so i don't think the battery is the problem. i'm leaning towards alternator trouble. anyways, the tow truck has it back on their lot now. if they get a chance to fuck with it today, i might find out what's going on. otherwise, it's looking like the plight of pedestrian wacky for the next couple days of this cold fucking messy winter shit FUCK ASS I'M TIRED OF THIS GOD DAMN COCKSUCKING COLD BREAKING ALL OF MY SHIT FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

they're telling me my baby is most likely dead. they think the engine seized up. and if they're right (i'm not confident in their diagnosis but they're technically the pros in this scenario), it's probably not worth the cost to fix her up at this point. she's 18 years old and has been one major breakdown away from getting retired, for probably 3 years now. she needs a new cluster, exhaust, 4 new tires, driver's door re-hung, new electronic lock and window motors, upholstery work, and she's starting to rust out underneath. but i loves her and don't want to lets her go. sadness.

guess it's time i start thinking about a new ride. wife really wants me to get a jeep, but i don't know how much i like the idea of losing the truck bed. and i'm not getting one of those fugly jeep trucks. good times.

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1 minute ago, scoobdog said:

Not to interject... but engines don't just seize up like that unless something catastrophic like throwing a rod happened.


their line of reasoning was simply they couldn't get it to crank over, even though i told them it died while in operation, and i could get it to jump but it would die after running for a minute. i'm assuming a bad alternator and cold weather combined to cause the mess. they were going to look a little deeper this afternoon and get back to me. 

i didn't pick them because they're good. i picked them because their shop was three blocks away and i knew they'd be able to tow it quickly, which was kinda a necessity since the truck was dead in the intersection.

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1 minute ago, scoobdog said:

I would be really worried about having those fuckers look around under your hood.

they operate primarily as a junkyard, so i'm guessing they are trying to score a quick scrapper. little do they know, i have a rudimentary knowledge of automotive repair, and a BiL with extensive knowledge in engine repair.

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