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your most controversial opinions


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that have nothing to do with politics, social issues, religion, or anything of actual significance.


1. i don't really care for adele's music. i understand that she's talented and that from an objective standpoint her music is of good quality. it's just not my thing.


2. anna kendrick is not hot. i mean, she's kinda cute and i can certainly see how a segment of the population would find her appealing. i just don't understand why it seems like the whole internet is obsessed.


3. popcorn kind of sucks. it's bland, dry, and gets stuck in your teeth. i mean, i like salt and butter as much as anyone, but can we put it on something that doesn't have the consistency of styrofoam?

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1. Chocolate spread has no business on bread. 


2. Cargo pockets are useful.


3. Air fresheners are dumb.  Clean your damn house if it smells.


What if you just cooked something that has a strong scent?

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Open a window or turn on the stove vent.

Or just let it stick around if you enjoy it.


In any case, the smell will go away eventually.


and if I have guests coming over whom I just spent the afternoon cooking for...what then....I don't have time for the smell to go away and lack the proper stove ventilation...what then

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I hate the band Chevelle, I swear every song they play on the radio here claiming it's new sounds exactly like the last one.


Stop Signs, not a suggestion you stupid fucking assholes who don't how to fucking drive.


Steak well done....DAFUQ?  This one has some lenience in my book, you can order your food anyway you want.... but if you wanted beef jerky it would have been much cheaper to buy it at the gas station instead of the fancy steak house. 


Seriously, the last one.  Friend's who had their first kid and have social media.  I know Parents are going to be proud of their offspring, that's fine, but for the love of everything fucking righteous in this World your kid is not super smart because they're performing basic motor skills at the age they're suppose to.  My Friend's wife sends me snapchats of their kid waving, it's cute, but his wife thinks she's the next Einstein simply because she's keeping up with basic childhood development. 



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1. It's pronounced Lie-burr-airy...not lie-berry...and hearing it said wrong causes like a reflex motion of me wanting to punch them in their cunt mouth


2. I am sexist, I feel there are things that a man should do and a women should not do and vise-versa


3. I don't own a smart watch...but I always feel like the people who do have them are pretentious assholes

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1. It's pronounced Lie-burr-airy...not lie-berry...and hearing it said wrong causes like a reflex motion of me wanting to punch them in their cunt mouth


2. I am sexist, I feel there are things that a man should do and a women should not do and vise-versa


3. I don't own a smart watch...but I always feel like the people who do have them are pretentious assholes


in my defense, I say library both ways.  I avoid saying "Ain't and Y'all"  as much as I can.  I know I have an accent but I'm not fucking stupid. 


Haven't experienced the crazy chick that yelled at me for holding the door open for them yet.  I believe in Feminism but that whole extremist part some of them have have pisses me off, like the Tumblr post about a girl chewing a dude out for holding the door for them and them getting offended, I do this for everyone, not just females, it's called being polite. 





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one piece is a legitimatley bad series. ive tried to atleast keep up once in a while just to see how bad it gets, but jfc. 800 chapters, storylines are left to "lol dont worry bro its oda's big tease!", fucking stupid villians, literally no character development or even characterization resembling the character actually having experienced something memorable in the near thousand fucking chapters of their adventure. humour weirdly injected into arcs. the anime covers half a fucking page per episode, not even kidding, this has actually happened. plot points go unresolved on for well over a hundred chapters and by the time something does happen with them, why would anyone give a shit anymore. i still watch marineford once in a while just to laugh at how badly everything is resolved and knowing what comes after, holy fuck i hate this series.


tokyo ghoul was ok, i didnt mind the edginess and the people complaining about it being pretentious got to a point where they were more pretentious than anything the series did.


breaking bad is boring af after the 3rd season. i dont understand how people kept watching and thought it was as good as the previous seasons.


lana is the most talented pop artist this generation.

surpassing even kate bush tbqh.


i hate ed sheeran.

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Pineapple on pizza is delicious.


Metallica/Lou Reed's Lulu isn't THAT bad. It's ok even.


Nickelback isn't the worst rock band ever. Damn near every single radio rock band from their era is at least equally bad, with some being even worse.


I don't know if this is controversial, but is Rage Against the Machine the only good rap-rock/metal band in the entire history of ever?


Judas Priest's British Steel is half made up of absolute garbage.


I think The Simpsons was great for more than their first eight seasons. I liked them until about 2005, which would put them at about 16 good seasons.


Even when arcades were still popular, I didn't like them. My quarters got eaten up way too fast, and I wasn't good with those damn joysticks. Give me home gaming any day. Good riddance to arcades.


Manowar is legitimately a great band.


Creedance Clearwater Revival weren't great for the stuff the radio played. They were great for their hella bluesy stuff, that I until very recently didn't even know existed. THANKS A LOT RADIO.


Jim Morrison of The Doors could've fronted a metal band if he wanted (and lived long enough).


Iron Butterfly's In a Gadda Da Vida is the very first ever heavy metal song.


Castlevania II, Castlevania 64, and Zelda II were great games.


A Link to the Past was a really good game, but not as good as people say it is. Zelda 1, 2, and Ocarina of Time are definitely better.


Mega Man X2 is even better than X1.


I don't know if this is controversial, but I've noticed the vocal melodies in every Shinedown song played on the radio all sound the same.


The Scorpions were at their peak from 1972-1976.

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2. I think DXM is an underrated drug.


This, right here.


I think the high volume of fictional media people consume contributes to mental illness


I think the Earth is going to be pretty unrecognizable in 2100


I don't think humans are ever going to live on another planet or travel very far from Earth

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Post-atmospheric dreamfunk is better than avant-math blackgaze.


Cory in the House is probably the greatest television show ever, better than The Sopranos, The Wire and Breaking Bad.


The only job that won't be replaced with automation by 2050 is dog walker. The dogs won't let a robot walk them. Cats will inherently trust the bots because they are stupid.


AC/DC suck.

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your opinion of Adele is the same as mine of Metallica


IPA's are the worst


i don't think scarlett johansson is ugly by any means, i get why others might think she is hot... but she is just funny af looking to me


100% humidity is fabulous


leggings are not pants. cover your damn crotch, you're at work/school.


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let's see ....I don't really vote for Nader ...I just say that to try and piss people off so they'll stop pestering the shit out of me about Obama or trump or Mad Dog Hillary...  I don't keep up with the times because it's always the same shit on a different day....and I keep hoping for a WW3

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1. I like Donald Trump. he is really no different from any president since Kenndy and he dresses nice.


2. I like Putin and Russia.


3. I don't time to listen to anyone bash either. they should be mad at these mega corporations pulling strings behind curtains.


4. I am obsessed with spiders and love them more than I love other humans

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and if I have guests coming over whom I just spent the afternoon cooking for...what then....I don't have time for the smell to go away and lack the proper stove ventilation...what then


You can just deal with it.  Because really, will the air freshener smell replace the other smell  or will they mix up and become some kind of abomination?

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and if I have guests coming over whom I just spent the afternoon cooking for...what then....I don't have time for the smell to go away and lack the proper stove ventilation...what then

the smell will be the same as the food they're shoving in their face. I don't really see what the problem is
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Moe is justice.


The Senran Kagura games are great, and are much more than just fanservice games people paint them to be.


Southland Tales aged alot better nowadays.


Not only is Bob's Burgers overrated, but almost all of the characters other than Bob make me incredibly angry.


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