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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Death_is_coming said:

Ok. Let's start off with the basic. Weed. 

Mild calming effects, may cause you to be easily distracted or apathetic to your surroundings.  I mostly use it to get an appetite because I can go days without eating if I drink alcohol.  It makes stupid people tolerable because you're closer to their level.  Definitely the drug of choice that to me doesn't come with damning side effects.

Edited by Noboru Yamaguchi
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11 minutes ago, Death_is_coming said:

Ok. Let's start off with the basic. Weed. 

It makes my brain not hungry and keeps my soul from screaming

30 minutes ago, Death_is_coming said:

Ive never done those stuff.

Teh weed? It's freaking great!!! Zero damage to your liver unlike alcohol. The only "hangover" you might have is sleepiness from the day before, not bad at all.

It feels like your body will start to tingle a bit, and then you feel relaxed and hyper focus on one thought at a time in the beginning. xD You feel comfortable staying still and chilling, cotton mouth or dry mouth is real, so is munchies after like an hour. And your mood is tends to lean on the happier side, making you giggle at things, it will be much stronger for you the first time though, things might be more interesting. 

Also, I just wanna say, to anyone on the boards, please try to stick to the "healthier" drugs available like shrooms, cannabis, etc. We have a few ibers we lost to the wrong kind of drugs, something I don't want repeated ever again.


I've only done weed and only twice. First time I didn't really feel much of anything.

Second time I think I overdid it a bit and I mixed it with alcohol. Just made me really relaxed but then really sleepy. I remember it was the summer I worked at a camp and after the last camp session was over and all our post camp duties were done all the counselors just stayed back for that last night to chill. I remember after I had indulged quite a bit some dudes were making a Denny's run and I requested some seasoned french fries but then basically passed out in the cabin shortly after because I was so sleepy. Woke up I don't know how much longer later to them telling me that Denny's was out of fries. Couldn't really fall back asleep real well after that, tossed and turned the rest of the night and felt tired but also wired at the same time. Oh and also at one point while I was still awake someone was playing the song "Bitch Better Have My Money" and I was like, mesmerized by it despite it not being my type of music at all. 

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Guest The Hound
1 hour ago, Death_is_coming said:

Ive never done those stuff.


I see where you got this thread idea from.

Could have just asked me, "biiiiiiiiiiiitch".


Guest The Hound

maybe it was an inside joke.7gqifnO.gif 


Weed enhances listening to music. That's really what I like most about it. I lose my train of thought too easily when high. One time, I smoked very dank shit and got a severe case of paranoia. I had to ride that one out crawled on the floor in fetal position.

It's an okay drug to do once and a while, but I don't think it's fun to be smoking it everyday. The effects quickly wear down from tolerance buildup.


Weed: what everyone else said here, plus it can also have stimulus effects and can cause anxiety and paranoia often in newbies, but sometimes it just does that in certain people. Different types of weed may cause slightly different effects. 

Cocaine: Definitely a stimulant: you won't want to sleep, some alertness thought it won't enhance your activity like marijuana. Its a boring/expensive drug- people just snort/smoke coke and don't do anything often. The feeling itself is short lived and requires immediately more cocaine to keep the high going. So the feeling is kind of a wellbeing- you feel good, almost a rush even. I wouldn't say relaxing. Its not really a performance enhancer- you aren't going to accomplish anything on it, watch people smoke crack, they just sit around a table and don't talk. Addictive.


Heroin/opiates: the most addictive drug hands down. The feeling is pure relaxing euphoria. A pleasure rush to make you forget your problems. Terrible long term withdrawals. Also a boring drug, however I have seen many a junkies go out and function and do shit after shooting up. 


That about covers the addicting drugs. 

Just now, mthor said:

Weed is quite pleasant, most of the time. Makes me relaxed, makes me giggle, lets me drink more than 2 drinks without puking. Drawbacks are I've gotten kind of paranoid while high once or twice - not pleasant. Also, it messes with my short term memory for a couple of days afterwards, which is why I originally quit using it.

It made me walk to the gas station naked during the full moon- or perhaps that was the half liter of vodka I'm not quite sure. 

2 minutes ago, mthor said:

No thanks. I had enough trouble telling mine - right before I went into treatment.

Yeah my dad thinks I'm just depressed... or maybe gay. :|


I smoked salvia once and turned into the paint on a wall for like, 80 years or something. I couldn't really feel anything because I was paint.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Death_is_coming said:

Ive never done those stuff.

I had hydro weed a few times....it just made me woozy and have virtigo....like my vision would shake left to right 

Edited by Still Me
Posted (edited)

Mushrooms make the world seem like an oil painting thats alive. The world is filled with wonder and mystery again which makes everything interesting. Everything is funny because reasons. Outside is awesome, nature is awesome, fuck yeah planet earth!


Acid makes the world seem like you are in the worlds largest kaleidoscope looking at the worlds largest neon signs collection. Everything is kinda sci fi cyberpunk like. Creativity increases, change of perspectives in terms of thinking. Avoid mirrors.


DMT: Fucking what is happening.... the universe is everything and nothing. I am all and yet none. There goes my ego out the window. I am looking through a million kaleidoscopes all at once. I'm being loaded into a cannon and being shot through the universe. Who are these people, why are they talking to me, what are they saying, where are they taking me, whats with all these chimes and bells? Wandering the city, 100 years later i wake up, its been 10 minutes. 


Ecstasy makes everything look, sound, feel, and taste better. Tracer vision like crazy. Can no longer regulate body temp, everything is hot, lets get naked. Makes social inhibition deteriorate. Everyone is a friend they just don't know it yet. Horny as hell, kinda want to fuck anyone willing. Drink lots of water.


Edited by IKMongo

First time with mushrooms was the best. Everything got big and I didn't care what anyone thought.

After that, though, I started noticing my tinnitus finally and the sound freaked me out. Like an inexplicable universal-scale entity that was absorbing me and everything but was malicously apathetic, so it didn't really recognize my existence. And every moment felt like a lifetime taking place, and that the hallucinations were reality and everything between mushroom trips was a hallucination.

That and sometimes seeing endless loops of the same moment.

Salvia was an extreme time loop that got smaller on every repeat until I disappeared.

Weed on high doses can make me see and feel music. I kinda get trapped in memories with it.

Posted (edited)

You're a cop, aren't you?


Weed feels like... hang on, give me a minute...

It feels like warm apple pie. Your vision seems brighter, sharper, more vivid. There can be what has been described by others as a tingling, but in addition to it there's a slight feeling of weightlessness. For a minute there I thought there was like some kind of head-tightness as well but then I remembered I was wearing a hood. There is a depth of focus, an attunement of senses... You have a tendency to focus a lot of thought into a single task then minutes later find yourself doing something entirely different. You have a ton of great ideas but you never actually remember half of them... If you engage in a creative pursuit, you will find your talents increased exponentially. You might get thought loops; usually its a sentence that just keeps repeating. A lot of times you end up saying it a few times before it goes away too. There's this cow wearing a hat, he shows up and talks to you sometimes. You just feel really good. Very relaxed, generally happy.

When I was a young(er) man, Salvia was legal, so I bought some of that.

My first thought upon experiencing it was "Wait a minute, this isn't the same thing...." and then it began. When I was a child, on the kindergarten playground, there was an old metal merry-go round, which had been painted long ago, but the paint had long-since mostly worn through, the bare steel beneath visible in many places. The metal was now a flat plane; covered in pegs. It was a machine of industry, grinding beneath a plane of the same material with deafening rotating screeches. I fell backwards, my motion unfolding like an animated character in a flip-book; every moment passing by stretching out above me; each momentary self fixed as I fell through four dimensional space. Below me were the momentary selves I was to become. I was color, each movement deciding my shade. I panicked, flinging my arms to my sides; wishing to fight against the predefined pattern. But my move was the exact one I was to make that moment, changing me to the exact color required next in the sequence. Free-will is an illusion experienced due to human unawareness of four-dimensional space. I looked beyond myselves; to see the greater reality to which my life contributed.

I was the color on a box of cornflakes. The old ones, with the green rooster. What I want to know, is what is it about hallucinogens that makes people into breakfast food???

Anyways, at this point the screeching had turned into words.  Chewbatula. Chewbatula. Chewbatula. Chewbatula.

Edited by SwimModSponges

Heroine is like trying to keep your head above water in a wonderfully warm bath, like being hugged by god, knowing he may suddenly shove your head under the water of that bath and drown your sorry ass. 

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Meprozine - floaty plus hallucinations. This was the only painkiller that didn't make me puke my guts out or cause more stomach pain, so that's probably why it's also the only one I can remember getting me high. 

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