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ok seriously why would a part store label a part as available then send an email 2 days later saying its on backorder then another 4 days and tell me its discontinued yet I go back and see the part right there and ask if its available and was given an email saying yes 


are you fucking serious? you can't update your order catalog to say if its in stock or discontinued?


I have never needed a 'Family Guy' reaction clip so badly.

You know the one where there are no laws anymore and anything goes in Quahog because the tea-party overthrew what passed for a government? And everyone is sitting around watching the tv and a commercial for maxi pads comes on? And everyone starts screaming - 'We agreed you could show whatever you want, just make the liquid BLUE!' 

We have reached that moment in history. >.< There is now an 'Always Flexfoam maxi-pad' commercial running...where they use what looks like watered down Kool-Aid for their absorbency test. Red Kool-Aid. 


Also, my parakeets will not shut up and they are giving me a migraine. >:( Shut up, you worthless chickie nuggs. 

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Went to pick up grocery stores earlier today. Thought I'd get a quick ice cream at the local Dairy Queen. Nope.

It was cordoned off because someone OD'd in the fucking drive thru. In the drive thru. I'm sick of the drug epidemic in this city and this state.

  • Sad 2

Why the fuck is half of the trending vids on SpankBang from FacialAbuse?

First of all, low quality, garbo, no production value and the chicks aren't even that good looking.

Not to mention the content... I mean, I guess there are guys that are into this kind of shit?

Idk it seems really psychotic in my opinion.

Like even as a "fantasy" you know you're still watching some poor chick being subjected to really degrading and abusive sex for probably like one or two hundred dollars or just even in exchange for hard drugs.

Shit rubs me the wrong way man. 

Now I gotta spend way too much time just finding something to jerk off to.


I want to like all these messy ass tweets. All of them goddammit! Why'd I go and pretend to be a professional? I'm so envious of these authors who don't give a shit about their careers and are having the time of their lives.


I'm so tired of this home cooking bullshit. I don't want to make my own fries. This is too much damn work. Cutting them fuckers into strips, throwing them into an ice bath, and then double-frying them bastards. I'm too fucking lazy for this shit. Why do fried potatoes have to taste so fucking good? This is mainly because drive-thru takeout is the only thing that feels safe because after our governor reduced restrictions, a bunch of people got it into their heads that this was over and want to stand all over you now. Also, a lot of fast food isn't worth waiting behind fifteen cars. The only places that are empty when they first open are Burger Fi and Five Guys. At BF, I'd have to get a burger too which is 8.50 because I gotta have a double. 😫 I ain't got 8.50 burger money! And Five Guys can just go fuck themselves because their mediocre ass burgers are 8 dollars for a single now. This is why I always admit that if a zombie apocalypse goes down, my spoiled ass is gonna be one of the first to die. 

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Y'ever spend a couple hours putting a lot of work into an argument, checking sources, identifying and addressing specific points, covering the whole of the argument as succinctly as possible, then folks just ignore it?

Even when they asked for it in the first place? 

Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Then i remember i cant control the actions of others. All i can control are my own actions. I can't force people to participate in good faith, but if i refuse to do so, then I have failed in my responsibility to communicate. 

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1 hour ago, SwimModSponges said:

Y'ever spend a couple hours putting a lot of work into an argument, checking sources, identifying and addressing specific points, covering the whole of the argument as succinctly as possible, then folks just ignore it?

So, debating conservatives?

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So i finished trimming my hedges just now, and I'm like "you know what? I deserve a day beer or two."

So i go in and grab some, sit out on my deck chair in the sunshine. Crack open a cold one, take a couple sips...

My stomach did not approve. 

So i haven't eaten much of anything today, pretty much just a  lot of coffee for breakfast.  Hadn't had any water either. 

Dehydrated + empty stomach + physical exertion + hot day in the sunlight + beer...

Need to sweat can't sweat. Threw up the two sips of beer i had.

Sipping water now.

Hopefully finish that beer after my stomach calms down. 

Grilling up some BBQ chicken tonight so worst case scenario I drink it then.

  • Sad 1

Nazis fetishize Nordic/viking type things and that sucks for people who also sort of dig those things but aren't Nazis.

In Elder Scrolls terms, i'm a Nord. They're a fantasy race. They're not some shining beacon of Aryan supremacy.

Just tall dudes who live in the snow.

Fuck elves though.

Posted (edited)

Was invited to a party. There is a plan to have more than 10 people present at this gathering. They got upset with me when I declined.

It's like most people in my town don't care that there's a pandemic happening right now. Oh, wait....they fucking don't.

Edited by Gyaos

"Joker was so dark." "OMG, I had to watch a happy movie after it." 

Me throughout most of the movie: 😑

I'mma need all the wussy motherfuckers who told me this shit to go watch some Korean thrillers because this was tame as fuck. I'll give Phoenix some cred because his acting was the only reason why I stuck it out to the end. I stand by my words before this shit came out.


There was zero point in connecting this to Batman, and all the Thomas Wayne drama honestly weakened this film for me. Also, it's perfectly okay to not show Bruce's parents getting killed. Thanks to that Teen Titans Go movie, now I laugh whenever those pearls go flying.


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Posted (edited)

You ever sneeze in a tissue and the gunk just ends up all over your face because the force of the sneeze was so tremendous?

No? Just me?


Edited by Gyaos
I don't know why the background of the text is white. Fuck it, leaving it as is.
  • Haha 1
17 hours ago, Gyaos said:

You ever sneeze in a tissue and the gunk just ends up all over your face because the force of the sneeze was so tremendous?

No? Just me?


You ever sneeze in your face mask and have to live with your shame because you already turned it around from doing the exact same thing earlier? 

No? Just me?



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I'm mildly irritated.  My hands are cracking and bleeding from washing them so often, being in freezing temperatures, and copious use of hand sanitizer.  I can slather the tiny bastards in O'Keefes's Working Hands Night Treatment then ensconce them in cotton gloves while I sleep and it still does nothing.

Also, I think my toes are somehow chapped.



Posted (edited)

I want to annex a portion of my neighbor's yard, its a little grassy patch with a bunch of nice conifers. 

Want to build a shed there.

Look at this land.

It needs a shed.


Edited by SwimModSponges
Posted (edited)

That's the last time I order something from Amazon that's coming out of California 

Ordered it April 3rd ok 

Arrival estimation April 21 may 15th

April went by may came the 15th went by 

Sorry your package is running late it should be at your house by may 21st 


...........the fucking package never arrived at the post office and you're refusing to give me a refund!? Oh I'm gonna destroy them now good thing they have a BBB account cause I'm gonna destroy their ratings




Edited by helpme
Picture for point

So, my dog and my neighbors dog.

Don't know if you recall me talking about how well behaved and aware of the boundaries of our property our dog is.

So, when the neighbor's dog is out, our dog stands at the end of the property line and begs to go over there and play.

Well last night the neighbors out there with is pup and im out with mine, and we're like "yeah let the goobers run around eachothers backyards for a bit.

And they did. They had a blast.

Well, now our pup thinks she has full permission to go in the neighbor's yard too.

Take her out this morning, straight over to the neighbor's.

Thats not our yard dog. I know you got permission to go over there yesterday but that was for a little bit when we told you you could. 

Now i feel bad because she wants to play with her her new friend but its like "damnit dog, respect property boundaries. 


This land is your land, this lands not my land...

Guy who boughtthe house on the other side of us a few years back now. Seems to think our property extends like 20 feet further than it does.

Property has been in the wife's family for 4 generations, and the elderly couple whose house you bought lived there for decades. The wife's family runs most of the title company we closed with. We know the lot line.

He had somebody out mowing the other day, started where i left off at the edge of our lot. After a few passes the guy hits a rock and fucks up his mower. No shit, you tried to drive theough one of the previous owners' flower beds.

So this dude is on the phone, pretty soon the guy who bought the house is there yelling at him.

Well, they get the mower going again, and he starts mowing 20 feet into their property. He finishes and leaves, and we've just got a landing strip sitting here between our yards.

That's your fucking land dude. I don't know who told you the propert starts at the lamp pole, but you'd think the fact that the property line would cut straight through the previous owners clothes line would maybe make you question it.

Know what though? I'll fucking take that land. But I'm not stopping there. You know how much i want that little hollow you got at the back of your lot? Throw a tent back there, claim it as my own. 

Takes 20 years to claim squatters rights in WI (i looked it up).


I really hate that it took me this long to realize this board existed, and now I have to go back through and see who is still around from the old [AS] forums. 

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6 hours ago, Kazomi said:

I really hate that it took me this long to realize this board existed, and now I have to go back through and see who is still around from the old [AS] forums. 

Everyone died.

  • Sad 1

Awake since 2am.

I've worked my own ass right off for the last two months straight. During shutdown, doing reno work in the bar, all by myself (with an occasional hour or 2 of help from the wife or bro-in-law). Working 80-100 hours/wk to stay on schedule. 

So I finally took an afternoon off. Came home at 5pm, grilled out, and then crashed before 9. Planned on taking tomorrow morning off as well, one last little break before the big reopen push starts next week. 

Awake since 2am.


9 hours ago, Kazomi said:

I really hate that it took me this long to realize this board existed, and now I have to go back through and see who is still around from the old [AS] forums. 

We're actually all alts of MysticJhn.


I haven't seen or heard the neighbors for at least a few days now. Their kitten has been screaming on and off since Friday though. I slid some kibbles under the door today to see if she's lonely or hungry and she sucked them up immediately. Her voice is almost gone but I can hear her purring her brains out whenever I've pushed a little more kibble under [ going slow with little piles in case she has been starving so she doesn't eat too fast and get sick ] . I'm hoping she's just a weekend alone kitten with abandonment issues because there's no way to have anyone check the apartment until Tuesday at the earliest. There's no way to get her any water either. Very irritating. 

  • Sad 2

If you can get kibble under the door, how not water?  Get the plastic lid off a can of peanuts, slide it halfway or more under the door, then dribble on water from your side.

You can't get a wellness check done until Tues?  I hope it's not hot there...

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I hate the midwest. It's an evil place. 6 months it's too hot 6 months it's too cold. There's only 2 days of nice weather in between. The cold is dry and the hot is wet. Please I will pray to any god that can deliver me from this place

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I've read (not sure how true it is though) cats aren't ser up to drink water on its own; they're supposed to get the water they need from meat. I guess they say that's why they get kidney issues.

In any case, if the owners are dead inside the cat should be ok.


Weather said we'd have thunderstorms all weekend here.

Weather fucking lied.

Now I have to grill dinner again and I hadn't anticipated having that opportunity. 

*digs around in freezer*

Looks like its bbq chicken again. 

Oh shit thats right i ran out of all the spices i use for bbq chicken and we just had herb chicken last night 

I'll figure something out. 

22 hours ago, Gina Szanboti said:

If you can get kibble under the door, how not water?  Get the plastic lid off a can of peanuts, slide it halfway or more under the door, then dribble on water from your side.

You can't get a wellness check done until Tues?  I hope it's not hot there...

The kibbles are tiny because my cat is an old small mouth. I've been pouring a thin layer on a postcard which just barely fits under the door and then letting it shake off on the other side. There wasn't enough space for any sort of water intervention.

But, good news for those worrying. The neighbors just got back. Their kitty is a lonely baby who can be very vocal. She had water and she was eating kibbles because the kibbles = attentions and she'd already nommed through her weekend's worth of noms. Kitty is ok. :)


Only people with no kids should be allowed to shop on so-called 'holidays' . If a store is open, it's still a store and not a giant playground / race track. At this point in time, not even you like your spawn anymore so why do you still think it's ok to let the little monsters 'wear themselves out' acting like it's Lord of the Flies time in public? Next time, put a damn leash on them and go to a dog park where you all belong. 

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