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4 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

aaaaand now i have to find time for a hernia surgery. so that's nice.

Make sure you have at least a month to recover if it's a big one. I had 4 repaired at the same time and felt horrible after. 


im in a ranting mood but nothing to rant about in my personal life






































fuck weddings its a scam why would you waste hard earned cash on some tribalistic ritual to appeal OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS fucking party to celebrate a fucking meat couple fucking each other up in all the right ways WHY I ASK YOU WHYYY spend thousands of dollars to let others know youre porking your way into a lifestyle you chose to participate in WHY DO YOU NEED THE APPROVAL from others to say you love and cherish your counterpart? outside of possible financial purposes there is ZERO reason why you should give a shit


get them a ring a kiss and a fuck. the end. if it doesn't work out then work on it or leave. the endx2


*baseball can't agree on the length of the season*

*British wrestling is full of sex creeps*

*Someone put a noose in the garage of the one Black NASCAR driver*

Can the things I like to watch not have an earth-shaking scandal


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That mass email shit happened three times, and the one that just saddened everyone was from a big company that should have known better than to do that shit. How many people looked in their inbox to see an email from that big company only to discover it wasn't even for a job in their skillset? All of them know that company couldn't bother to check out any of their portfolios. They just saw a hashtag with black in it, found the list of their emails and clicked send without any thought. And for the love of God, companies can hire black people for more shit than just 'diversity specials'.

  • Sad 2

cant sleep but i don't mind. others do and if i don't figure it out i will be banished to the living room...lol

not taking sleeping pills f that


I fucking knew not to trust those bitches! I fucking knew it! That group had boys club written all over it as soon as I saw them. Thank you Jebus for letting me trust my instincts, but FUCK THIS INDUSTRY!

  • Sad 1
29 minutes ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Does that mean they turned you down, or they just won't get off their asses to approve or deny?

we've missed out on a couple lottery-based grants so far. we did get a PPP loan, but that ran out in the first week of june. i have one need-based grant app still out, but award notices were supposed to be sent out within 30 days and i've yet to receive any updates thru 40 days post-submission. and i have one more lottery-based app still out, and that submission window is still open thru 7/5 so we won't hear anything on that one til at least next week.

our covid-related operating losses smashed through my personally-set limit last week, because we had to spend every last dollar to build inventory in advance of the friday re-opening. and some family members scraped together a gift to help us get there as well. we're hopefully going to start stabilizing now that the indoor venue is re-opened, but i fully expect we'll enter another shutdown in the next 30 days. when that happens, and with no gov't assistance to prop us up, that will probably be the end of it.

whatever, right? businesses fail every day.

  • Sad 5
On 6/29/2020 at 2:04 PM, wacky1980 said:

we've missed out on a couple lottery-based grants so far. we did get a PPP loan, but that ran out in the first week of june. i have one need-based grant app still out, but award notices were supposed to be sent out within 30 days and i've yet to receive any updates thru 40 days post-submission. and i have one more lottery-based app still out, and that submission window is still open thru 7/5 so we won't hear anything on that one til at least next week.

our covid-related operating losses smashed through my personally-set limit last week, because we had to spend every last dollar to build inventory in advance of the friday re-opening. and some family members scraped together a gift to help us get there as well. we're hopefully going to start stabilizing now that the indoor venue is re-opened, but i fully expect we'll enter another shutdown in the next 30 days. when that happens, and with no gov't assistance to prop us up, that will probably be the end of it.

whatever, right? businesses fail every day.

The one good fish restaurant where I am has a For Rent sign on the window :(

42 minutes ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Ok, it's been 4+ months now, could we please get some flour on the grocery shelves?  Preferably in bags?  I get that it takes some time to alter supply streams, but this is ridiculous.

@PhilosipherStoned what the hell is going on over there?

1 hour ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Ok, it's been 4+ months now, could we please get some flour on the grocery shelves?  Preferably in bags?  I get that it takes some time to alter supply streams, but this is ridiculous.

We finally started getting regular flour supplies here.  Still no yeast, though.


I've had a jar of yeast, lonely in my fridge all this time.

I realized yesterday when I went to the store that it might be that they have it sometimes, but not early in the morning, which is when I have to go, because it's too hot to go during the day (even coming home once the sun is up is too hot because no shade from direct sun), and they close before dark so it's still too hot.  I had thought they were restocking before the store opened or after it closed the previous day, but the place was crawling with people stocking shelves, and lots of empty spaces throughout the store.

At least there is bread.  But I wanna make a pizza.  And banana bread. :(

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I forgot about and overslept into a dentist appointment this morning.

It was ok because the next appointment was already there and we swapped, but I felt like trash about it all day.

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The one year where I was so far ahead of myself that I completed 1,000 swag pins to give away and Dragon Con has been cancelled for this year. 

My frickin' kitchen looks like a recruitment center power puked.


  • Haha 2
  • Sad 1

Get a knock on my door, its my neighbor. 

He asks if i can give him some beer.


So i go to my beer, only got 2 cans left, but hey i said id give him beer.

So i give him the beer and he's like "do you want to trade something for it?"

I'm like... "its just two beers dude, i'll loan them to you."

Well he thanks me and says if i'm ever out in the back yard and i see him outside i should give him a shout.

Sure thing dude, will do.

After he leaves the wife tells me he was probably looking to toke up.

Well i'm not sharing a pipe with somebody with covid going around.

And now i don't have any beer left.

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so after sending an email each of the last 4 mondays to the state concerning the timeline on our grant app that they were supposed to decide upon by june 19, i finally got an email back yesterday. their response? "wait at least 2 more weeks." and then what, find out we're denied? that's cool, thanks. in the meantime, the deadline to submit an app for another grant passed by on tuesday. i had my app in 2 weeks ago so we'll see on that one. same department handling this one, that's also handling the other one. so i don't expect a response anytime soon. 

in the meantime, i'm sticking by my prediction that the state will drop back into shutdown no later than 7/24, which is just about two weeks out from today. we'll see if we have any grant funds to carry us from that point forward...

41 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:

There was a narrow window this morning between being too early to mow, and not getting rained on.

I missed that window. 

and after the rain, all that's gonna happen is the humidity will spike and it will get even HOTTER outside. love those upper-midwest summers.

21 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

Get a knock on my door, its my neighbor. 

He asks if i can give him some beer.


So i go to my beer, only got 2 cans left, but hey i said id give him beer.

So i give him the beer and he's like "do you want to trade something for it?"

I'm like... "its just two beers dude, i'll loan them to you."

Well he thanks me and says if i'm ever out in the back yard and i see him outside i should give him a shout.

Sure thing dude, will do.

After he leaves the wife tells me he was probably looking to toke up.

Well i'm not sharing a pipe with somebody with covid going around.

And now i don't have any beer left.


5 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

So the wife talked to this dude's brother- we should not give him any more beer.

That's ok with me.

Just found out this dude got arrested outside our house last weekend while we were with the wife's family. 

So thats fucked up. 

  • Sad 1
54 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:


Just found out this dude got arrested outside our house last weekend while we were with the wife's family. 

So thats fucked up. 

Is he stalking you?!

8 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

There was a narrow window this morning between being too early to mow, and not getting rained on.

I missed that window. 

What's worse is when you mow when its hot outside so you can beat the rain and then it doesn't rain :| 

18 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

apparently from what his brother said it was just a coincidence, he was running from the police and that's just where they happened to catch him.

Keeping my spear close by anyways.

i hope "spear" is a cute name for something with a caliber in its description. 


i really enjoy when the only other two people in this bank who can handle tech support for online banking are both gone at the same time. especially when it seems like everyone is having online banking issues today. glad i don't have all of my next week's work to get done in advance, since i'll be in another office all next week, covering my direct super while she's on vacation. good day, skeeter.

Posted (edited)

I swear I'm more pissed than I ever have been at a game....I'm 2 trophies away from 100%ing Tekken 7 (one of the trophies is "get all the trophies" so really I just need 1 and the other is automatic) but the way Akuma is buffed in the "special match" is just stupid.

Fighting games are known for having incredibly hard final bosses, and in this era of gaming with extras poured in just for replay, it gives them the opportunity to just make a character impossible.  And honestly, I KNOW I could beat him with King, Armor King, or even Yoshimitsu.....But they force you to use Devil Kazuya.....DK is just plain trash, and spam for noobs, but it ridiculous how Akuma  still pretty much plays like a Street Fighter character on a game with limited or controller input jumping, limited projectiles and he gradually rehealths.  

I know I can beat him, and I WILL do it....But so much fucking wasted time doing this.  They could at least let you skip the cutscene.

Edited by Radical Left
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luv 2 fill out a form for Blue Cross stating that I don't have dependents on my insurance when I wrote on the application that I'm the only person on this insurance plan to begin with.


reserved a gmail account for the boy several years ago. he's old enough for a phone now, so i activate a new line and give him the email address. then i sign up for google family link so i can control / review his use. the app asks me to update the account holder info, so i do. he's <13 and when i put his birthdate in, the app locks down and says the email is disabled because user has to be >13. except the point of google family link is that users can be <13. so i hop on support and they flat refuse to help me recover the account. 

so the email i reserved years ago is gone forever. ok, what the fuck ever.

so i create a new email address and set his phone up with it. uh-oh, google fi won't activate to that email because it's not where that line was registered. "please sign in with the email registered to this line." yeah about that ... YOU FUCKING DISABLED IT.

so here i am, 3 hours into tech support hell. finally got escalation to a "specialist" (sure, whatever). they spent 10 minutes reading the case history and finally responded "i think you were sent to the wrong department. let me redirect you." that was 10 minutes ago now...


I know ppl already know how i feel. There's nothing new in this rant but omfg fuck every stupid fucking fuck deplorable who voted trump into office. Eat my shorts. I can't believe the virus of our lives, a 100 year event type disaster, is happening right now and all we have at the helm is the fucking host of the apprentice. He was a joke then. He's a fucking joke now and disgusting blob w/weird body hair woven into his scalp. I saw him at caviar russe and I saw his ass looking at me. I could've gone over and tried to talk to him but I didn't. Not bc my boyfriend wouldn't let me. He would've liked it if I did actually. My bf thought I was showing loyalty but no. I didn't BC HES A FUCKING JOKE. How could you fucking airhead contrarian assholes have thought this was a good idea? You get what you get America. You had it coming anyway. Even if I die from it, I hope the rona spanks the stupid out of your dipshit heads, but I know it won't. You won't think "Oh I fucked up, I should be more responsible when electing leaders" NO. That's not their way. It's not their way to actually learn something. Learning takes WORK. They'll just blame China harder or believe whatever the fat 4channer who runs the qanon fiasco says. ANYTHING but learning oh lord please don't make them learn something. Fuck em. No personal responsibility whatsoever. Fucking wastes of societal dump. I hope my offspring becomes a cannibal in the apocalypse and eats their offspring.

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dead animals keep showing up on my property. the first couple were just dead and laying around in random places, but this morning's candidate was buried in one of the wife's flower beds. all raccoons of different ages. and my dog (who is kept inside the fenced-in part of the yard) turned up the other day with a big cut on his hind leg. i guess a fox could be responsible for burying a dead critter like that, but i don't know if a fox would wander this far into town, and then bury a kill so close to a human structure. if someone in the neighborhood was poisoning raccoons it would make sense that they'd be showing up dead like this, but not buried.

what the fuck.

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I have a fan in Springfield, IL. He always wants me to come hang out there. I'm not coming out in the middle of nowhere to hang out with you. Like really. Why do ppl even live out in the boonies anyway? There is nothing there.

  • Haha 1
20 minutes ago, Poof said:

I have a fan in Springfield, IL. He always wants me to come hang out there. I'm not coming out in the middle of nowhere to hang out with you. Like really. Why do ppl even live out in the boonies anyway? There is nothing there.

Living in the boonies would be great, as long as the boonies are Lake Tahoe.

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