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What's the the history behind your screen name? Doesn't matter if it's your current name or an older one.


Gun Star Hero is one of my favorite older games. Still got a copy of it on the Sega Genesis, actually. As for my older name, Celldweller is a musician I've liked for ages. When the Prospero boards came online back in 2003 it was the first thing to come to mind because Celldweller had just released his first big album. 


I had a third name that was I used from early 2004 until late 2006, as well. At the time I was a pretty prominent member on the boards, versus being a lurker like I am now. Had around 20,000 posts on that name but I've never told anyone the account's name. Still not revealing that one, but the name itself was honestly just a garbled mess of Japanese words and an anime character's name.


What's the the history behind your screen name? Doesn't matter if it's your current name or an older one.


Gun Star Hero is one of my favorite older games. Still got a copy of it on the Sega Genesis, actually. As for my older name, Celldweller is a musician I've liked for ages. When the Prospero boards came online back in 2003 it was the first thing to come to mind because Celldweller had just released his first big album. 


I had a third name that was I used from early 2004 until late 2006, as well. At the time I was a pretty prominent member on the boards, versus being a lurker like I am now. Had around 20,000 posts on that name but I've never told anyone the account's name. Still not revealing that one, but the name itself was honestly just a garbled mess of Japanese words and an anime character's name.


I like Alphonse Elric and I am quite the rogue... :|

Guest Zintar

Zintar Recordings was the name of one of my old independant record labels. Also a name I used to release many live recordings and videos I created or from my Archives on sites like dimeadozen, zappateers, thebucketdatabase, etc.


Star Panda that's the only thing that came to mind when I first made the account, I joined back when AS did their April's fool joke and toonami came on, so I like Pandas the star well I just put it because I knew for sure Panda by itself was probably already taken


WAAAAAY back...when the boards first reformatted the system glitched and it wouldn't let me log in with my OG sn so I went and made a new one...and it asked me to set up a security question and my answer was "still me"...and it fucked up and made my sn the security answer and the answer my sn...so I was the only user with an actual space in the sn...no underscore...no box....got lucky...and the name (dumb as it is) stuck...then when I got banned I had TheHive and Majin_Mayhem


The very first forum I joined in my earliest n00b days was dedicated to a flying-shootey game series that I used a joystick to play, so I wanted to choose something pilot-related.  I think I was originally going for Red Baron, but that was taken, so I settled for this instead.  It fits, since I apparently "saw" the movie in theaters while in utero.  I've used the same name almost everywhere ever since, with a few random letters chucked onto the front as needed.


when i was first on steam i used something really lame like chelle or something.

another one i used in some places was typemoonfag.


i used green bird in the funimation forums when i was obsessed with bebop.


guminyourhair was another one.


various weeb names including kaname hagiri, aozaki aoko, bazaka, and other cringy ones.


i used herkz_is_a_faggot in some places but not a lot of people got the reference.

herkz is this insufferable all around douchebag supposedly in charge of translating mahouyo, and anytime people asked him on the progress of it he'd reply in the most asinine condescending way.


after the elections i used hitler_would've_won, but i stopped because people kept spamming and messaging me with shit and i know how quick to armchair moderating steam is.


im not edgy btw, i know how lame a lot of this sounds.

those are the ones off the top of my head.


:420: the missing link.. Fullmetal alchemist was one of my favorite shows on AS. This was was the second sn I made


back in high school when I was first getting into wicca, and researching actual alchemy. I was also a big pot head.


Also what's this shit I feel like I need to patent this name.








bnmjy was just a random name I created when I was very young and didn't know how to type. If you look at your keyboard, you'll notice that the letters are close together. The jumble of letters just stuck with me.


there was once this crappy show called inuyasha and a character named miroku. i watched it at the time i joined the boards. my first username was miroku4656, but i didn't like it because the first letter was lowercase. i tried doing Miroku4656 then couldn't, so i picked Naraku4656 and it stuck. what does 4656 mean? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


At the time I made this sn in 2004, I was enamored with the doom metal genre including the Minotauri song Doom Metal Alchemy, as well as the anime Fullmetal Alchemist.







there was once this crappy show called inuyasha and a character named miroku. i watched it at the time i joined the boards. my first username was miroku4656, but i didn't like it because the first letter was lowercase. i tried doing Miroku4656 then couldn't, so i picked Naraku4656 and it stuck. what does 4656 mean? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


I call BS. You are really a rabid inu fan!


I did a lot of bad fantasy writing in my late teens and one of my main characters was named Asalar.


When I joined up on the ASMB, I couldn't think of a name to use so I used that one and decided to be edgy by spelling it with a Z and adding an unnecessary "Hex" to the end.


These are my initials.


That's it.


We may have the same first name


Also molarbear is wordplay on my last name


People couldn't pronounce/remember my last name so I got the nickname "Mo"


from there people would spin it and one dude would call me Molarbear


Buddyroe....It's my nickname........Not even a little sure why I put 360 behind it.


Cyberbully......Pinkiepie called me this once and I made the alt to troll him


MazumiDikPotty.....Someone posted this video about space on the boards, and the dude who did the research was named Mazumi Dickpotty........I was stoned, and I laughed like Beavis for about 7 minutes and rushed to make the alt because I didn't want anyone to beat me to it........Because obviously it was just as funny to everyone else and they all wanted that name.


Stilgar - name of a character from the book Dune and other books written by Frank Herbert. The name I wanted originally was taken and this popped up and I said this will do I guess, it's not like I will be on this site for 14 years or anything.


Brian_Boru - An Irish High King. The second name i made when Prospero burned and the boards moved to Lithium. For some reason stilgar wasn't working after the move so I made  new name. I had that for a year or so until my first perma ban. Luckily whatever was going on after the move was fixed and stilgar worked again.


Balor_of_the_Evil_Eye - A monster out of Irish myth who had an eye that could kill anything it sees.


Fenrir_bane_to_Odin - Fenrir is a giant wolf in Norse myth who is the son of Loki and will kill Odin during Ragnarok.


Mr_Shades - That one character from Shin Chan.


Mr_McFeely - The postman from Mr. Rogers. The name made me laugh.


Grimlock - HE GRIMLOCK! HE KING! From Transformers.


The_Desert_Hawk - Another name Stilgar had.


Wolf_the_Quarrelsome - A warrior who fought for Brian Boru and was at the battle of Clontarf when Brodir of Man killed the aged Brian. Wolf hunted him down and gutted him. He than proceeded to tie Brodir to a tree with his intestines.


Brodir_of_Man - A Danish man who ruled the Isle of Man with his brother and fought against Brian Boru at the battle of Clontarf outside of Dublin in 1014 ad.


The_Hound_of_Culann - A demi god in Irish myths who fought an entire army by himself for 3 days.


I can't remember any other ones right now but I know there were more.


I originally came up with the name Vin Tybul back when 'Star Wars - Battlefront II' (PS2) came out. I looked at the names that showed up on the results screen, along with space battles (mainly Rebels), and decided I wanted to come up with a name that could pass as a Star Wars name. Unfortunately, the game only gave you nine spaces to work with, so I threw letters together, and Vin Tybul was the result. I've used the name for various games over the years.


I know, pretty boring. You can all wake up now, though. I'm done.


I came up with emptycookiejar because I was thinking about how nice it would be to have some Oreos while I was coming up with an ASMB screenname.


I changed it to empty because it's less embarrassing. I guess. Or, edgy answer, because I'm dead inside.

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