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what was your dream job has a kid


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its easy and convenient.  you first give up on every institutional foundation.  admit the world is a goal oriented competition,

then find something completely perpetuated by the useless existence that our society represents at our expense, and produces contradictory to our personal preferences.

secure income from some mediocre work source, ignore the world around you, and lose in peace.

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3 minutes ago, Kweerie said:

We had many. Author, president, fashion designer, shortstop, teacher, scientist, horse trainer, space pirate...  It changed on the weekly. Around fourth grade We sort of centered on architect and that lasted a few years.

who is we 

that nomral for kids i gusse


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Paleontologist was probably the one that was the most out there. I was obsessed with dinosaurs. The thing that made me "decide" against it was that I don't like heat and imagined it would involve having to dig around in deserts all the time.

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2 minutes ago, NSAID said:

Paleontologist was probably the one that was the most out there. I was obsessed with dinosaurs. The thing that made me "decide" against it was that I don't like heat and imagined it would involve having to dig around in deserts all the time.

jussic park was  that?

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1 hour ago, ghostrek said:

me  i wanted to be a ghostbuster

but back then i was really in to ghostbusters


what was your dream job when you was a kid

I used to think a lot about becoming an interstate truck driver.  The problem was that watching movies like, "Smokey and the Bandit" gave me the wrong ideas about what the job is.  Well, I met a few actual truckers and they all wish they could be somewhere else.

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1 minute ago, 1938 Packard said:

I used to think a lot about becoming an interstate truck driver.  The problem was that watching movies like, "Smokey and the Bandit" gave me the wrong ideas about what the job is.  Well, I met a few actual truckers and they all wish they could be somewhere else.

yes that is so true

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Veterinarian or musician.

still going down the vet route.

might've gone down the musician route if I didn't collapse my lung senior year in HS.

I wanted to start a band in college but all my friends sooked LOL

Kind of want to go toward scientist nowadays.

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I haven't thought about this in years, but when I was little I stumbled on the show Renegade with Lorenzo Lamas and completely fell in love with it...I hadn't got around to liking girls yet so I was grossed out about him hooking up with so many of them, but the last time I remember being sure about anything was when I decided to grow up and travel the world (I didn't take oceans into account) on a motorcycle solving crimes...but, and this was important to me, no girls allowed xD


damn, I wrecked that kid's life '>.>

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