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Damn Sandstone[/member] I must be your dream guy. ;)


Also you're on that short ass list I made not including evryone.  >:D


Considering you and Bouvre are the only two on all three areas.... I'd say that has something to say about me.... or at least I think..... or maybe at least I wan't you to think?


also i can't tag these people and some i'm just not going to for obvious reasons. goldar, luuv


I was going to include them, but didn't considering, it is a thread i took to be referring to people that are alive as sad as that may be. I'd include Moparman on that list too if we are talking about the deceased but cherished.


Considering you and Bouvre are the only two on all three areas.... I'd say that has something to say about me.... or at least I think..... or maybe at least I wan't you to think?


Bouvre[/member] we gonna have to fight... or love... or both -_'


Bouvre[/member] we gonna have to fight... or love... or both -_'


Knowing you and him, you're more likely to start a giant sex orgy in the process than anyone actually being physically harmed.


Rogue_Alphonse[/member] my brother from another mother.

KatEyes[/member], who has always been awesome.

KN[/member],  the guy who helped Luuv make this board possible.

Luuv, for trying to keep the spirit of the old ASMB alive with this board.

scoobdog[/member] for being an all-around cool guy, even if we disagree politically.



I'm sure I left a few people out. For that, I apologize. But hey, you're still awesome in my book! (You know who you are.)


Knowing you and him, you're more likely to start a poststrucuralist discourse previous to the fight involving swans with razors strapped to their gangly necks.


Yes still will happen ;)


There's a ton of people I enjoy talking to here, whether it's via social media, through general pleasant conversation, the thread banter, etc etc.

I'm honestly scared of making a list only to discover I've left somebody out. That being said, it'd be super cool if people could simply sense and understand

that I appreciate them, that would be great. Thanks.


I have lost 5lbs since roofing

im TRYING to gain weight but i cant



im just getting more cut  :D :D :D


It's your vegan diet that's keeping you skinny, and you aren't getting cut, you're just tiring your hands out from the handwork. In order to get cut, you need a large amount of protein in your diet, which you aren't getting since you prefer weed and crutons for dinner over a manly Salisbury steak and malt liquor.


It's your vegan diet that's keeping you skinny, and you aren't getting cut, you're just tiring your hands out from the handwork. In order to get cut, you need a large amount of protein in your diet, which you aren't getting since you prefer weed and crutons for dinner over a manly Salisbury steak and malt liquor.

This is unironically the most hilarious thing Zeni has ever said.

scoobdog[/member], André Toulon[/member] and 1pooh4u[/member] for making Rants great.


PenguinBoss[/member] for cool posts and for the mention.


Ricki[/member] and Phillies[/member] for keeping the animu strong.


Hachiman[/member] also for cool posts as well, but also for the original Counterattack.


Naraku4656[/member] for Shin Megumi Tensei


cidthekitty[/member], Pyrometal,  naraku360[/member], and Pandaka for stayng cool all this time.


Everyone else in the Anime folder. Especially blueraven1999[/member]


Might be missing a few.


scoobdog[/member], André Toulon[/member] and 1pooh4u[/member] for making Rants great.


PenguinBoss[/member] for cool posts and for the mention.


Ricki[/member] and Phillies[/member] for keeping the animu strong.


Hachiman[/member] also for cool posts as well, but also for the original Counterattack.


Naraku4656[/member] for Shin Megumi Tensei


cidthekitty[/member], Pyrometal,  naraku360[/member], and Pandaka for stayng cool all this time.


Everyone else in the Anime folder


Might be missing a few.

imchapp.in[/member]-senpai noticed me....  owo

Guest The Hound

*javascript that makes it say your username when you read this post*

we gotta play some d3 again

scoobdog[/member], André Toulon[/member] and 1pooh4u[/member] for making Rants great.


PenguinBoss[/member] for cool posts and for the mention.


Ricki[/member] and Phillies[/member] for keeping the animu strong.


Hachiman[/member] also for cool posts as well, but also for the original Counterattack.


Naraku4656[/member] for Shin Megumi Tensei


cidthekitty[/member], Pyrometal,  naraku360[/member], and Pandaka for stayng cool all this time.


Everyone else in the Anime folder


Might be missing a few.



same here, but i'm used to it, a thread like this pops up every couple months


they're for  :fap:


if you're interested in  :fap:


we can include you in  :fap:


but be forewarned it may sometimes turn into  :painfap:


but in time it usually finds its way back to  :fap:



Guest The Hound

i didn't expect this thread to pop.



Guest The Hound

also idk if favorite cause i never got to know her, but i always liked her posts, flutie420

i like anyone with 420 in their name  -_' :420:


Probz Heartz, Kisseh, Teez, and Roxie, uhhh, and LACKS! haha, since I talk to them on a daily/semi-daily basis. <_<


Then the people around here that I enjoy reading/whatever/discussions Panderz, Mix, pooh, mochi, and naraku360.

MexoB and poof too.

idk depends on when I'm lurking or wanting to post on here.


Honorable mentions that I talk to from time to time (outside here obvz) Ronin, Neweh, uhhh, forgot his username it was star-something, but he's a Packers fan so we talk during foozeball season.

OH rookz too! and cidz. oH and Hebz.


Probz forgetting peeps >_> whatevz.



Probz Heartz, Kisseh, Teez, and Roxie, uhhh, and LACKS! haha, since I talk to them on a daily/semi-daily basis. <_<


Then the people around here that I enjoy reading/whatever/discussions Panderz, Mix, pooh, mochi, and naraku360.

MexoB and poof too.

idk depends on when I'm lurking or wanting to post on here.


Honorable mentions that I talk to from time to time (outside here obvz) Ronin, Neweh, uhhh, forgot his username it was star-something, but he's a Packers fan so we talk during foozeball season.

OH rookz too! and cidz. oH and Hebz.


Probz forgetting peeps >_> whatevz.



Still Me[/member] and lupin_bebop[/member] i like you both too but i'm afraid my skinny ass would be kidnapped and sent to a bacon camp or something

Yeah. Bacon camp.....that's about right.
Guest VegetaFajita

.......................K. :|


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