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With all the emphasis on having enough supplies on hand should you end up having to self-quarantine [ here's a hint - think about your pets more than yourself, humans don't need to eat that dang much if they aren't DOING anything ] , there hasn't really been much discussion on what the general population would do for those two weeks. Except maybe the people with spawn who need to consider how to keep up with the school work when there's no school happening; also they now have to reconsider using retail stores as unpaid babysitters which is a win for everyone else.

Anywho, what would you do if you were literally stuck at home for 14 days? You can't go shopping out of boredom, you might be able to run the garbage out to the curb / dumpster but otherwise you are now an Indoors Only / No Roaming animal. 


14 minutes ago, Seight said:

Oh yeah, there would definitely be changes to the way I live now.

Definitely >__________>


8 minutes ago, Kehotik said:

Well I barely leave the house as is sooooo.....


These right here are the reason I wonder why people are all bitchy about having to stay home for an extended period of time. :D Internet nerds are proud NEETS. :D:D:D

I have a stack of magazines I've been meaning to read along with a backlog of comics.

Plenty of books and DVDs to roll through as well as a couple of series I'd like to catch up on online.

Still working on Con swag for the Swag-n-Seek giveaways [ still preparing for Con season in Fall since there's no reason not to ] . 

Video games!

Spring cleaning so I'd have extra excuses for trips to the dumpster just for the fresh air. 

Maybe change out of my pjs a couple of times in the 14 days. Maybe. 

Braid my leg hairs. Or shave my legs. It's a toss up. 

Continue my PhD research on Nap Fu. 

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44 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:



These right here are the reason I wonder why people are all bitchy about having to stay home for an extended period of time. :D Internet nerds are proud NEETS. :D:D:D

I have a stack of magazines I've been meaning to read along with a backlog of comics.

Plenty of books and DVDs to roll through as well as a couple of series I'd like to catch up on online.

Still working on Con swag for the Swag-n-Seek giveaways [ still preparing for Con season in Fall since there's no reason not to ] . 

Video games!

Spring cleaning so I'd have extra excuses for trips to the dumpster just for the fresh air. 

Maybe change out of my pjs a couple of times in the 14 days. Maybe. 

Braid my leg hairs. Or shave my legs. It's a toss up. 

Continue my PhD research on Nap Fu. 

Well, there is a drawback for me.  Still job hunting - I worry about getting an interview somewhere and bringing something malevolent home to my Mom, who's on O2.

Then I worry about not getting any interviews...at all.

  • Like 3

Literally go batshit crazy....I spent the first week of March at home after the wreck....It's way to soon to have to do that again.....

I'm pretty stocked up on weed....Definitely need more food, especially non-perishables.....I hoard baby wipes anyway so I have enough "tp" I think.....So, yeah....Just go crazy.

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Play vidya games, watch movies/tv, the usual when home.

My fatass can go without food for two weeks if needed and I have well water so I don't need to stock up. Just got some toilet paper at the local grocery store with no issue, the chain places are out of everything though.

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My school is kinda on quarantine right now. All classes have moved to online format, many offices closed. They are already closing down 1 residential hall for the whole semester. But I'm staying in a student co-op of 65ish people, and we all share food in an industrial kitchen and of course bathrooms too. lol

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So.....Will the cure be plentiful in a couple weeks, or are they just saying "if we didn't take care of this in a couple weeks, we give up and you should go have some fun before you die."

1 minute ago, cyberbully said:

So.....Will the cure be plentiful in a couple weeks, or are they just saying "if we didn't take care of this in a couple weeks, we give up and you should go have some fun before you die."

Next week they announce the purge.

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I think my new neighbors got worried about me since I found a note in my mailbox today offering to go get groceries for me. xD  Nah, that was nice of them, but I think I'm good for another couple weeks.  I might venture out then.

Last time I went out, light rail was like homeless central, with people swapping food, and clothes to keep warm.  They are gonna be hit so hard... :(  We might really start seeing bodies in the street.

Meanwhile, the Liar in Chief is now blaming it on Obama. smh  We're so fucked.

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, tsar4 said:

Well, there is a drawback for me.  Still job hunting - I worry about getting an interview somewhere and bringing something malevolent home to my Mom, who's on O2.

Then I worry about not getting any interviews...at all.

I was actually talking to my dad last night and I told him "You know, I started classes for a Bachelor's in Business Administration when the Subprime bubble popped and now I'm looking for a new job in the middle of a global pandemic. DON'T I HAVE SUCH IMPECCABLE TIMING?"

  • Haha 2

Deep clean my house. Like really, really deep clean. Actually move stuff off furniture for dusting rather than dust around stuff, wipe down the walls and baseboards, reorganize closets, throw all the old food out of the freezer and fridge and wipe down all the shelves on the fridge and freezer, bust out the drill brush attachments I have and go to town on my bathtub that's had some stains since we moved in...all that good stuff 

Read a lot on my Kindle. Libraries may be closing their physical branches but digital is still up and running 

Finally pick up those knitting needles and yarn I got in a reddit gift exchange like 3 years ago when I thought I wanted to learn to knit 

Play video games a lot 


I think I'd do alright. I typically start to go a little stir crazy after about 3 or 4 days at home doing nothing but I think I'd be okay if I knew it would be for a much  longer term and I'd have time to actually really get into stuff that's more involved before having to go to work or anything. Plus I'd have Quackers and the kitties to keep me company. 

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5 hours ago, katt_goddess said:

I am not clicking that!

I did.  And went down the rabbit hole for two hours. smh  But jeez, those guys are a blast.

I especially enjoyed watching Vegard's whole life unfolding in the background of this.  Not to mention the wonderful lunacy of an anthem to yogurt.

Seeya round.  I'll be in my room practicing this.

  • Haha 1

There would be no difference for me to just stay home and watch shows and anime, other than work that's all I ever do.


Nah.....really.....what would I do? The same bullshit I ALWAYS do. Play video games, voice chat on UE Discord, eat mac and cheese, hate myself, and watch Netflix/Hulu/anime until my body gives up and goes to sleep.

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