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Sponges vs. Dr. Girlfriend

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One time I got really stoned and synced up I think this part of a nature doc

With this song

And it went together perfectly. 


Anyway, that's clearly a yeti I don't know what the fuck a snow monkey is. 

Edited by Nabloom
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5 minutes ago, Dr.Girlfriend said:

Sponges doesn't know what he's talking about. It is clearly a Yeti. Snow monkeys don't have bad ass mustaches like this dude.

It also says LEGENDARY in huge letters right next to the fucking yeti

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On 5/7/2018 at 8:06 PM, SwimModSponges said:

Snow monkeys can be  legendary if they want.

You've never heard the legend about the snow monkeys? There's a certain group, in the late fall they gather at a certain hot spring in the area not easily accessed. The spring was discovered by mountain climbers, there's a very small crevasse people are too large to navigate as easily, and climbing to where a person fits is pointless. Climbers would warm by the spring and by happenstance a bunch of apes began to show up. At first in a mass, and then they formed around the spring. There was a low cooing, as an ape might make, and they all began rhythmically fistfucking each other in the ass, almost as if rowing a boat. When they all came in their respective ways they rested a moment, slowly withdrawing their fists. Almost in unison.  They then picked up their now frozen ejaculate, walked into the spring carrying it, and and pressed it towards the center where it eventually cooked into a rough disc shape. Afterwards they all leisurely ate from it while they bathed.

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