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I wish my grandma’s dead husband’s family weren’t such stingy, paranoid assholes.

Now I have to spend my yeast infected day prowling through a basement and gathering my grandma’s things, and I know these high horse riding cunts are going to have some feelings about me even being there. 

I don’t want your water damaged Pink Floyd records or your dead mother’s rattan furniture, Ricky. I’m just trying to get my grandmother out of your unwelcoming home as soon as fucking possible. 

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ugh, lots of death going on lately. there was the guy who shot his girlfriend, which i mentioned a few posts back. learned more of the story since then. she apparently went to his house to break up with him. as she was walking out the back door, he pulled out a pistol and blew the back of her head off. then tried to take one under the chin for himself, but mis-calculated i suppose, and blew out the front of his jaw. bullet came to rest in his nasal cavity. he's gonna live...til he hangs himself in his cell anyways.

then there's my neighbor. his girlfriend was having some issues with ...i think, blood clots or something. she'd had surgery to have a couple removed in the past, no big deal. well a couple weeks ago, she was having it done again, and something went wrong. she ended up in a coma. when they tried to bring her back out, she was brain-dead. girl was like 26 years old. her kid played t-ball with mine. she died last week.

and one of our sales reps at the bar. his 21yo son ate a bullet in his car at the hardees parking lot a couple weeks ago. no idea what led to that. sales rep is (obviously) taking it hard. i won't be surprised if he ends shit too.

and then last night my mom called. her mother is gonna go any day now. alzheimers has worked her over for 10+ years, and it's finally gonna finish the job. they don't expect her to make it to the end of the week. probably for the best though. my mom and her sisters have been dealing with a crazy person every day for the last 3 years, and now they'll get to stop doing that. as much as it sucks, it's gotta be a big relief for them.

this month can eat shit sandies.

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Noooooooo! The Bunta drifting scene was taken down from Youtube and all that's left are the so-so movie version of that exact scene and videos of the original that have clips spliced in of real life racing which totally kills the vibe. Why you gotta be like this, Youtube?


Had a meeting with client services yesterday where we told them the truth in that we don't know how we are doing quality wise because no one else tells us and we have no access to our own metrics. Management the supervisors got their asses chewed yesterday so of course now they're all pissed as the floor. Obviously there are issues when we were told by client services that our site was in the top 2 since the program launched until the last three months when we've been ranked last. Someone is not following through and it starts at the top. 


It would be nice if white folks stopped 2-star bombing good Chinese restaurants because, "This food is too spicy!" I especially want to slap the shit out of you if you leave this kind of review for a Szechuan place. Do everyone a favor and take your whiny asses to Panda Express.

And dear Chinese restaurants, stop catering to these idiots. Y'all start off with awesome food, get discouraged by the Krystals of the world who don't add salt to their macaroni and cheese dishes saying your food is too spicy or salty, turn your food bland as fuck in response, and then your restaurant tanks in less than a year because now no one wants your food. 

It's seriously annoying watching this happen over and over again.

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On 6/25/2019 at 6:59 PM, SorceressPol said:

It would be nice if white folks stopped 2-star bombing good Chinese restaurants because, "This food is too spicy!" I especially want to slap the shit out of you if you leave this kind of review for a Szechuan place. Do everyone a favor and take your whiny asses to Panda Express.

And dear Chinese restaurants, stop catering to these idiots. Y'all start off with awesome food, get discouraged by the Krystals of the world who don't add salt to their macaroni and cheese dishes saying your food is too spicy or salty, turn your food bland as fuck in response, and then your restaurant tanks in less than a year because now no one wants your food. 

It's seriously annoying watching this happen over and over again.

This, but with people that shit on the service too. Too many times have I seen bad reviews of amazing restaurants because the waiter didn’t bend over backwards for whatever stupid requests they had. At this point, you’re just giving it 1 Star out of spite because they didn’t put up with your shit or meet up with your entitled bitchass standards. They’re a bunch of old crabby bastards that were going to complain about the food already because you wouldn’t have eaten Thai or Peruvian unless your kids or coworkers recommended it. “Meat out in coolers at a hot pot restaurant!? Groooooss!!!!” Eat an actual dick cause maybe that meat might be more preferable for your processed junk palette. And the pretentious fuckwads that think they’re some esteemed critic because they got high off their farts writing out a 1 Star review that hones in on what’s really wrong with the indiginity of getting pizza that wasn’t as good as the one they got in NYC five years ago or being refused iced green tea at a Korean restaurant.

It’s so easy to find which Yelp reviewers can and should be discredited. Especially if you read them with a stock “Karen” or “Walter” voice. 

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3 minutes ago, imchapp.in said:

This, but with people that shit on the service too. Too many times have I seen bad reviews of amazing restaurants because the waiter didn’t bend over backwards for whatever stupid requests they had. At this point, you’re just giving it 1 Star out of spite because they didn’t put up with your shit or meet up with your entitled bitchass standards. They’re a bunch of old crabby bastards that were going to complain about the food already because you wouldn’t have eaten Thai or Peruvian unless your kids or coworkers recommended it. “Meat out in coolers at a hot pot restaurant!? Groooooss!!!!” Eat an actual dick cause maybe that meat might be more preferable for your processed junk palette. And the pretentious fuckwads that think they’re some esteemed critic because they got high off their farts writing out a 1 Star review that hones in on what’s really wrong with the indiginity of getting pizza that wasn’t as good as the one they got in NYC five years ago or being refused iced green tea at a Korean restaurant.

It’s so easy to find which Yelp reviewers can and should be discredited. Especially if you read them with a stock “Karen” or “Walter” voice. 

My eyes want to roll to the back of my skull when I read reviews like this. 


I may have forgotten you asked me to do something but don't pretend at 6:00 on the Friday before I'm off for a week when you "resend" the file that it isn't actually the first time you're sending it to me - which is why I forgot in the first place.


I just want to buy weed without having to deal with bullshit. There are two liquor stores within a mile. There are beers and wines in the Kroger. Where’s the weed I want? Sitting in some old dude’s house with a bunch of people I went to high school with. Goddamnit. Why can’t I just go to a store? 

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Me starting Fortitude: This is interesting but I would love to see more background info on these people. I feel like I've started in the middle of the story.

Me in the middle of episode 2: Did my bitch ass accidentally start from the first episode of season 2? *Checks show info box* GODDAMMIT!

Now I just spoiled myself on what's behind the first season's craziness. Motherfucker. I should have just stuck with anime, but it's hard to edit if I gotta look at subtitles. And no to dubbed shows because the unnaturalness of English voice acting distracts me unless it's at the level of Cowboy Bebop. 



Attention all clown-brained assholes who see a flooded street and decide 'hey, I can drive through that' , no, no you can not. The water is past the hood of the car stalled in the damn street. The water is inching its way steadily towards the windows of the apartment buildings along the street. People are standing in water past their damn knees in the street. Your stupid attempt to boldly go on by forces all that wake water ever closer to MY apartment. I'm the one standing there, waving you to stop and go around, up past my knees in soup trying to keep the one working drain on the street clear of debris and functional for over an hour and a half. I might not be the type to slash tires but I wouldn't be surprised if your crap gets hit at some point by any one of the people whose homes you threatened because you just had to drive through the water and see how deep it is. And if the person whose vehicle you helped flood ever decides to hunt you down and hold you under until the bubbles stop, this neighborhood probably won't see a thing. Asshole. 


It’s the week before my period and I HATE EVERYTHING.

Including but not limited to: the yard sale I have to help with; the easement through our property; the people who feel entitled to the gate on the mountain; my hair, skin, and nails; it’s never going to rain here again. 

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Sorry, dickbag, but you're gonna stand there and be yelled at because this is what happens when you let your pitbull slip out of your house for the third time to come into our garage to scare the shit the out of my mom(not even including the times their rottweiler has also gotten loose). Yes, my mom's screaming voice is awful, but this is what you signed up for. I don't give a shit how friendly your dog is. Some people can't handle big dogs which is why my mom only gets small ones. She's not obligated to learn how to deal with them because this is her damn house. Also, fuck you, because shouting you quiet since you thought you get to talk back tensed up all the muscles in my torso. This was supposed to be my relaxing break time, not 'trying to reduce the pain so I can get less work than planned done' time. I swear to God if that motherfucker has the nerve to come by with hurt feelings tomorrow about getting yelled at, he's gonna learn the hard way that I'm a way bigger bitch than my mom.


The publishing world is going to give me an ulcer. Even though I dodged yet another bullet by changing my career path in time, it's stressful as fuck that I can never relax and always have to research constantly to stay on top of shit. Thank God I didn't second-guess myself, or I'd be fucked.


First it was peanuts, then it was tree nuts, and now it's applesauce. It'd be worth a full-blown rant if non-political topics mattered any more.

7 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

Hot flashes. In summer. 

Either that or the Zika-special from some swamp-bug bites is finally hitting full effect. 

Either or, screw you. I don't like 'hot' . :|



17 hours ago, SorceressPol said:

*Looks at Sentai summer sale about to end* I am in now way jealous of anyone with money who's buying a bunch of anime from that sale. Not jealous at all, no sirree.


  • Haha 1
  • Sad 1

I already knew not to fuck with y'all based on what I'd heard from other people, but damn y'all sure did shit the bed and deservedly so. I just hope that you're not dragging other innocent parties down with your sorry greedy asses too. Jesus this has been a month. Why can't folks act right?

12 hours ago, garbagepailcat said:

I’m mad that my husband went to see Manchester Orchestra, which I don’t care about, and the opening act was -SURPRISE- an unannounced solo act from the singer of one of my favorite bands. 😡

Was your husband smug about it?

The only bad thing about being sort of healthy and getting my shit together is all the damn forms I have to fill out. All of this feels too much like a regular job. Ugh, I swear on Jebus that at the end of this year, I'll take a real vacation.


what's a real vacation look like? not sure i've had one of those since the honeymoon...8 years ago.


so i spent around $14,000 on new plumbing/water systems in the hop garden. all brand new, from the sewer main and water meter, all the way up. seven sinks of various type and location, water heater, manifold with cleanout...and two toilets. two toilets, and only one of them will flush.

today was supposed to be a good day.

2 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

what's a real vacation look like? not sure i've had one of those since the honeymoon...8 years ago.


so i spent around $14,000 on new plumbing/water systems in the hop garden. all brand new, from the sewer main and water meter, all the way up. seven sinks of various type and location, water heater, manifold with cleanout...and two toilets. two toilets, and only one of them will flush.

today was supposed to be a good day.

A week or two at a five star hotel, all the delicious food I want, actually wearing my nice stuff, no deadlines in sight, a little bit of research thrown in to make parts of my trip tax deductible, and zero family emergencies to worry about.

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2 minutes ago, SorceressPol said:

A week or two at a five star hotel, all the delicious food I want, actually wearing my nice stuff, no deadlines in sight, a little bit of research thrown in to make parts of my trip tax deductible, and zero family emergencies to worry about.

god damn, that whole thing sounds kinda nice. our honeymoon was a 10-day road trip through some national parks and the rockies. visiting monuments and historic sites, hiking and camping, sleeping under the stars with wolves howling in the distance. it was perfect. these days, "vacation" usually only consists of driving a few hours north to visit family for the weekend. wow-wee.

been thinking of taking the wife/kids up the east coast sometime. the boys have never been anywhere farther than a few hours from home, and the wife's never seen the atlantic ocean or any of new england. we'd bunk up in coastal villages, eat fresh crabs and lobsters, and maybe pop into nyc to watch the boys lose their minds with the tall buildings and mass of people. we contemplated going this fall, but i have a co-worker who plans to take 12 weeks of maternity leave starting in sep/oct. and since she's the only other person at the bank who knows how to do my job, i'm forbidden from taking extended time off from 9/1 until after she's back. so we shall wait til 2020+.

13 hours ago, SorceressPol said:

Was your husband smug about it?

The only bad thing about being sort of healthy and getting my shit together is all the damn forms I have to fill out. All of this feels too much like a regular job. Ugh, I swear on Jebus that at the end of this year, I'll take a real vacation.

No. He’s sweet, thank god. He sent me videos. I’m more mad at myself for not going and at the bands for not announcing it when tickets were on sale. 

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If you are supposed to be running shit and are royally fucking up, focus on fixing your fuck up. Don't, for fuck's sake, spend a large chunk of time bitching about how i'm making fun of the situation and, by extension, you. 'Cause guess what motherfucker, if people are laughing at my shtick, it just may take their mind off of how shitty things are in the moment. 



My blood pressure is back into the 140's again and I'm supposed to relax, rest, and not do anything or deal with anything for awhile.

Good luck with that. 

I can't even sleep through the night properly lately because everything hurts. 

  • Sad 1

I do not want to date you.

I do not want to be your friend.

I do not want to talk to you.

I'm trying to make this easy for you, but if you keep on I might have to let out my mean and nasty side and that's a side I do not like because it hurts feelings bad. Real bad.

I waved to you once.

Do not keep on waving at me.

Do not poke me to get my attention.

Next time I'll just snap your fingers off your hands and possibly rip your dick off if you touch me again. 

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Hardcore depressed, anxiety through the roof, feeling so lonely and like a failure, have nobody to talk to, bought a pack of smokes earlier so now feel like crap for doing that, the urge to SI is high, I hate this heat, I just want someone to hug me and tell me it's going to be okay.  I'm fat, ugly, pathetic and a waste of space.

  • Sad 2

i hate my employees...well, that's not fair. i don't hate them all. i don't even really hate any of them. i'm just disappointed in a few of them right now.

it's like, i gave you a promotion, a raise, and a bit of extra clout. and it took you approximately 3 weeks to start abusing your new power. and now you're being a worse employee than someone who i would have fired by now, if i wasn't as invested in you as i already am. no call/no shows are one thing, but when you're responsible for handling orders and maintaining inventory, you can't just not show up. your job is not rocket surgery. and i'll be happy to spend the next month training your replacement you if you can't take it seriously.

and you. i've personally helped your ass out of several tight spots over the years. i bend over backwards sometimes to help you. and the level of disrespect i'm seeing from you right now is stunning. i'm trying to help you exit gracefully. and you know this. don't go behind my back and tell other employees i'm making this difficult. you haven't seen difficult. i'll send your ass packing right fucking now.

and all of this "oh, i need a mental health day, someone please work for me" bullshit is OUT.OF.HAND. you little shits don't know how good you have it. try living in a fucking auto repair garage, detailing cars for enough cash to eat and put 15 minutes on your pre-pay phone so you can talk to your mom 5 hours away once a week. your kitchen is a microwave and a stack of whatever canned shit was on sale at the dollar store. your bed is a couch in the back room of an office. that's how i lived when i started working here. a mental health day. fuck. you only work three days a week. 

no, i was right the first time. i do hate my employees.

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  • D'oh 1

I need peace and quiet and some stress-free me-time to do all the things I want to do. Alone. Like 4+ months worth or something.

Is any of that too damn much to ask for? 

Also, I spilled my drink and now only have some crappy soy milk left. >:(


People who camp out at a restaurant are the worst. Way to hold up the entire restaurant and make us wait an extra hour because you want to shmooze with your family or friends or escorts or whatever. You come, you eat, you leave. This shit should be easy. If you want to camp out, do it in your fucking homes. Wanna hang out somewhere all night? That’s why your home or a club exists. Otherwise, you’re wasting space and we’re all hungrier for it. 

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