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Sold my car to Pick n Pull (since it wouldn't pass inspection and I got a new one).

Realized on my way home that I left my iPod in the car.

But I sold at close to closing time, lot was already locked. Told nothing should happen to it, come back tomorrow.

Lot's still locked (I guess not open on Sundays or whatever maybe), but they at least go out to check my car (cuz apparently I'm not allowed to see it myself on a locked lot). They manage to bring me the adapter cord it should've been plugged into, but no iPod.

Extra kicker, the Nanos are discontinued, so I couldn't replace it if I wanted to.

Idk what I hate, specifically. Life in general, I guess.

Anyone know if pawn shops are required to sit on anything brought in before they can put them up for sale? I don't know if I can even actually report the item as stolen. Might not even be getting pawned off.

Edited by rpgamer
17 hours ago, rpgamer said:


Anyone know if pawn shops are required to sit on anything brought in before they can put them up for sale? I don't know if I can even actually report the item as stolen. Might not even be getting pawned off.

If it's an honest pawn shop, they will sit on something for maybe a few days but you'll have to get that report done ASAP.

If it's a pawn shop that deals with 'regulars' without ever questioning where they are getting things, you might be screwed but again, a police report would shake the worms a little. 


Eh. Like I said, I'm not even sure it could be declared stolen. I sold the car to them, presumably at that point, they can claim the car and anything in it is theirs. More, though, is the fact that I don't even know for certain that it's gone. For all I know, the lady could've not looked in the one spot it fell in or something.

Considered calling in late to work this morning and just showing up at the lot first thing, but, eh. It sucks. It's a loss. But I'll get over it. Mostly just wishing once again that I could find any other app or device that will recognize the custom start/end times I've set for a lot of my music. After being so spoiled, it's hard to go back to listening through live album introductions and cheering and junk.


I hate that this feeling is all too familiar. How is it that i am never home when i end up heartbroken? Whether it be Tennessee or California. I might as well be stranded on an alien planet with no other signs of life in sight. Curled up crying on a bed that is not mine. What’s the point anymore. What’s the point?

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On 9/17/2018 at 1:47 AM, rpgamer said:

Sold my car to Pick n Pull (since it wouldn't pass inspection and I got a new one).

Realized on my way home that I left my iPod in the car.

But I sold at close to closing time, lot was already locked. Told nothing should happen to it, come back tomorrow.

Lot's still locked (I guess not open on Sundays or whatever maybe), but they at least go out to check my car (cuz apparently I'm not allowed to see it myself on a locked lot). They manage to bring me the adapter cord it should've been plugged into, but no iPod.

Extra kicker, the Nanos are discontinued, so I couldn't replace it if I wanted to.

Idk what I hate, specifically. Life in general, I guess.

Anyone know if pawn shops are required to sit on anything brought in before they can put them up for sale? I don't know if I can even actually report the item as stolen. Might not even be getting pawned off.

Dude, I would have raised hell until they gave it back to me or told me where they pawned it. I don't care if it was in the car, you gotta hold on to Ipods nowadays man. Old Ipods are the one thing by Apple that's worth being ratchet over. 

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Man, if I knew that shit was discontinued, I might've. But, like I said, since they wouldn't even let me see the car to check myself, I couldn't confirm whether it was actually taken or not.

But, I've got too much other shit wearing me down lately to get hung up on one replaceable device.

Like fuckin work. Regularly don't get everything finished at work most days, and have a brief chat with the manager about what to do for it. "Maybe you're spending too much time on organization." Bitch, do you understand the words you just said? Spending time on organization is what saves me time later on. I've already had to drop a shit ton of what I'd like to be tracking. The problem is the more work you expect to get done, the more you wear me down, and the less efficient I am. Expect us to haul ass 110% every day, and before long, I'm going to break. And once I'm pushed to exhaustion, it's going to take a long time for me to give a shit about anything again.


Dear balloons,

There's this thing you sometimes do where after you get tied off you develop a micro tear in your neck, which results in a leak. I would really appreciate it if you would stop doing that.


TrigunBebop :|


Car been fucked up all week. Hate being stuck at home and bumming rides. Working out the logistics of how to take an uber to buy drugs. Trying to decide if it's worth it to replace the alternator when it's got so many other problems big and small including a coolant leak I can't diagnose on my own but am thinking is one of a couple of v serious things. I'll probably get the new alternator put in and drive it until it's dust, I'm just worried that's going to happen in like three weeks instead of six months. I hate cars, halfway abt to get a 50cc scooter and be done with it, I'll just never visit anybody an interstate away ever again. 

I could almost see myself bicycling to work if I was in better shape and the roads here weren't Like This. No bike lanes no side walks Shar drop offs on both sides of the road, the white border line of the road crumbling away on both sides, nothing but signs telling drivers that state law is to give bicyclists 3 ft of space which is impossible bc then yer in the other lane. I guess disregarding safety and just fucking doing it is the way to get in shape.

Fuck cars, their necessity in this shitty state/country bring everyone down. Nobody who makes your drive thru burgers makes enough money to afford the car they need to get to work every day over the longterm. Shitty expensive hog asses 


No, just pissed off I can't get McD's when the dining room is closed even though they're still open, making food, and giving it to people with cars.  Hell I tried one night, and the door was open so I went in, and they still wouldn't serve me since it was only drive thru and the counter registers were closed.  Not my fault they're too stupid to lock the doors.  I was like, "well, ring it up at the drive thru registers then." Nope, that was too complicated for them to cope with.

  • 2 weeks later...

goddam self repeating frankenants have been invading the kitchen, can't figure out where the fuck they keep coming from


my damn Anker charger has gotten senile after a year also this is most not good

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finally picked up a new (to us), larger capacity ice machine to use at the bar. no more spending $50/wk on ice at the gas station to get through busier streaks.

<--- is happy.

hooked up the new ice machine. it leaks from three places, out onto the floor and makes a big annoying puddle that has to be mopped up twice a day.

<--- is no longer happy.


Favorite sushi place gets tired of the water and roach issues in the old building and closes in order to move to a newer, better renovated / better prepped against the yearly flooding building. 

Waits forever for them to reopen or something and then finds out today that the two portions of the place [ramen and sushis] have split for now in order to still have something open while the new place is being dealt with. 

Goes there all excited for their super awesome grilled eel for the first time in forever after a productive tear through the used bookstore. 

They don't have their dragon rolls anymore. There's a basic eel roll. Ok, eel is eel is eel gimme eel. 

Eel roll looks like someone butchered a garter snake and wrapped it in rice. :( A tiny garter snake. And I think the octopus balls are trying to crawl back up my throat after laying weird octopus eggs in an ulcer spot. 

RIP favorite grilled eel place. You suck now. :( I'm better off stopping at McD's on those outings and eating climate-killing cow fart patties now. At least that disappointment only costs a couple of bucks. 

Posted (edited)

I hope my neighbors get a visit from goblins or the t-rexes that assaulted Kavanaugh from Sponges fanfic for having a fucking party at 2am and continuing to blast their music for fucking hours

Edited by imchapp.in
  • Haha 2
Posted (edited)

When I feel like I've grown up enough to start making plans for a future further ahead than a week in advance, I have to remember that I live on a dying planet and I don't know which is wiser - arguing with nature or just doing what seems easy til it don't matter no more.

I get mad all the most over the top media I consumed was right.

Edited by NSAID
  • 2 weeks later...

There is nothing better than a good Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, fresh, creamy, at room temperature.  However, finding one seems to be a total crap shoot.  I'd say about 3/4 of the ones I get have clearly been exposed to heat, or have been stored too long or something.  The filling is dry and cakey, the chocolate is crumbly and often visibly discolored (turning off-white), the chocolate on the bottom sticks to the cup and peels off when you remove the paper, making them all but inedible. 

Is this because of the loopy way they're packaged?  I don't often run into this with other chocolate goodies like Snickers or Milky Way (except at the corner mom & pop store which seems to have a really slow turnover - I've found canned goods on their shelves that were 2 years expired!  They're probably still there.), though occasionally you do get that skanky discolored chocolate if they were improperly stored.

I'd just quit buying them, but they're just so damned good when you do hit that rare jackpot and actually get a fresh one.


I can't get the screen door (that we don't use) opened. The lock is broken or something, and I can't take the screen out. Was going to rake some leaves while it was daylight and not cold, but I got frustrated.

Debating leaving a bowl of candy outside the door or just pretending I'm not home. Halloween is cancelled.

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annual employee reviews happened today. every bank employee, including officers and dept heads, had to sit down with the vp and a couple board members to discuss gripes, performance, and the future. i have a fat mental list of items to discuss, mostly centering around my path for the next few years. i'm into my 10th year now, and this could very well be my last if i'm not put on a path to an executive position in some capacity. they know this because i gave them a heads-up that it would be discussed in this review. anyways, they just broke for the day, and i'm one of two people they didn't review yet. i was informed it would happen in the morning. the only other person who didn't also get reviewed today, is the lady who's position i'm looking to take.

fucking hell. i had myself worked up to go in there, guns blazing and ready to make demands, if necessary, that i've never dropped on these people in the last 9 years of working here. and now i have to take all that aggression home with me and store it until the morning. i hope the wife doesn't want to get laid tonight...don't want to do anything that might cause me to go easy on them tomorrow.

18 hours ago, Nabloom said:

Everything is IB when yer that fucked up

Not acceptable. That's like saying it's ok to shit everywhere because he can't be toilet trained. 

The rest of us with diagnostic codes manage. F he can't, he doesn't need a message board, he needs a support group and a wrangler.


  • Haha 3

I want to know what show people were watching when they somehow saw a third season of Daredevil that was better than Season 1. Cause it sure as shit ain't the third season that I'm watching. This is boring, the writing is honestly worst than the second season, and it feels like the choreography took a hit for the fights not involving Bullseye. For fuck's sake, why can't I have more good Daredevil?


So I come home to say goodbye, or at least, see you around. As I've told a few people over the past few months, shit's been flying, and it's finally landed. I don't know where I'll be or what I'll be doing next week or next month or even tomorrow.

If I come back, you have my permission - nay, my blessing - to give me grief for being a whiny drama queen. If I don't, well, thanks to everybody both here and gone for a lot of good years.

I love you guys.

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18 hours ago, mthor said:

So I come home to say goodbye, or at least, see you around. As I've told a few people over the past few months, shit's been flying, and it's finally landed. I don't know where I'll be or what I'll be doing next week or next month or even tomorrow.

If I come back, you have my permission - nay, my blessing - to give me grief for being a whiny drama queen. If I don't, well, thanks to everybody both here and gone for a lot of good years.

I love you guys.

Also <3 because while we're all assholes, you're the best asshole among us and always have interesting things to say.

Damn, I forgot it's after 5 and you regular day job bitches are off work. Kohl's has a make-up sale, so I'm stuffing my cart, see an eyeshadow palette with colors I don't have and added that. While looking for other things, that palette went half price for five dollars a few minutes later, and then that ticker popped up showing that there were only two palettes left. I couldn't load the checkout before that sucker sold out. Now I gotta hope they restock before the sale ends. 

3 hours ago, mthor said:

Yeehaw! An unhate! Got the phone til the end of the month, so you're stuck with me for a couple of weeks longer. 


If you're short on $ don't hesitate to use Packard's pension as a community slush fund, I got my phone bill set to autopay from his account every month. 

  • Thanks 1
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13 hours ago, Top Gun said:

Seriously, if it's a money issue, there are definitely people here ready and willing to help chip in. 

Thanks for the kind thoughts. Money is part of the problem (isn't it always?), but at the moment, it's just part of a Jenga tower. Things will work out eventually. And even though the process may be less than pleasant, I've got family that's sticking by me. But I do appreciate the support here - having somewhere to go that isn't where I am is a great relief. 

Anyway, enough warm fuzzies - this is Rants, and it's time to hate things.>:(

  • Like 5

It would be nice if I didn't have to hear emergency sirens like every other fucking day because idjits don't know that speeding on a hilly, low lit, curvy highway with side streets/driveways partially blocked by trees does not fucking end well. You fuckers see cars in the ditches all the time when y'all pass through, so why can't y'all just slow the fuck down, especially since it's raining and it's fucking nighttime. 

Posted (edited)

Oh look. The last Windows 10 update undid my settings again and now restarts my laptop whenever it fucking feels like it. Now I get to play "How much of my work was deleted even though I saved it, but sudden restarts fuck up Microsoft Word" game. Hahahahahaha! I ever meet the person who decided that mandatory restarts needed to be a thing, I will seriously have to control myself from beating the shit out of them.

Edited by SorceressPol
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I'm still mad about how underrated Kekkaishi is because there are so many boss battles that I'll never see animated.

And dear idjits who think they're slick racing on the highway outside my subdivision at 12 in the morning, all it takes is one person coming out of the many unlit side streets at odd hours for that shit to go wrong. If you actually lived in the area, you'd be aware the cops used to hide in one of those side streets waiting for racers. Since y'all ain't even trying to be subtle so even my mom can hear people racing, odds are high the cops will pick up that habit again. Good luck with that shit.


So theres a crash on the way home so i get off 5 exits early to take the long way home cuz Google talking about itll take 2 hours to get home. I have a subway coupon...back up...didn't eat since this morning and feeling lightheaded...probably dehydrated again...feel like fainting...so i go to subway and theres 5 sandwiches ahead of me. Im just trying to stay o n my feet. Of course even with stupid coupon my shit is over $10. I go to get my sweet tea and of course ITS FUCKING OUT OF TWA. Stomach grumbling, head hurting, light headed and vision blurry i tell the subway guy make some more TEA NOW! Or refund my money. And its fucking xmas traffic. I have 5 miles til home but i still gotta get madisons food...so thatll probably mean another 30-45 mins til i get home.

We are definitely gonna have to stop eating and cook again...broken stove or not...cuz this shit is driving me insane!


i really hope this burny / itchy throat thing doesn't turn into something i need medicine for. all out of h2o2 for gargling, and i really don't want to go out in this blizzard to get some. i swear, i've suffered from more respiratory issues since quitting smoking than i ever did before. that's just not fair, man.


hey fedex. fuck your stupid face. i ordered a new phone last week and i specifically requested no signature requirement because there's no one home during the day. they tried to deliver it saturday and -- guess what -- no one was home. however, they wouldn't deliver it because it had -- guess what -- signature requirement! 

i stayed home from work yesterday because i was sick. i figured, if nothing else, i'd at least get a new phone to play with while suffering from whatever i was coming down with (turns out it's probably just a cold). well fedex decided not to deliver to my town yesterday because the roads were too slick after a little snow on sunday. fuckers.

so they're gonna try to deliver again today. i called fedex to see if we could change the delivery address to my work, and they said they couldn't do it because it was locked with signature requirement by the shipper. even though i specifically asked for that NOT to happen. they said i could call the shipper and make the changes though, so off to google support i went. after a long and frustrating conversation with two different agents, it was determined they couldn't alter the shipping instructions because the item had already shipped. all they could do was to ask the item be held at the local office for me to pick up. an hour away.

so back to fedex i went, looking for a local office number to see if we could have the driver let me know when he's close to my house, so i could sneak out of work and meet him there. well fedex doesn't allow drivers to contact recipients about delivery times. my window for delivery is 10am-4pm, and i work from 8am-4pm. if i miss delivery today, they'll try again tomorrow and probably fail again. then they'll hold the phone at the local office for a week before sending it back to google. 

at this point, i'm about ready to tell them to eat shit and i'll go find a phone somewhere else that SHIPS WITH UPS!


I had the same thing happen to me on an item I purchased from Nikon.  I didn't request a signature delivery but Nikon put it on anyway and when UPS missed me after the typical two seconds they wait at the door, I ended up having to burn through one more missed delivery (because I wasn't home the next day and they wouldn't allow me to hold it or postpone delivery.  Finally got it the following Tuesday like at 10pm.


Holy fucking shit, this is a clusterfuck. How do you go after someone this famous without doing the simplest google search to see if you might be wrong? And Jesus fucking Christ, it's not that hard to apologize sincerely without turning this into a bigger dumpster fire. Now your fans are looking foolish defending you and this keeps spreading.

I would put money on they're ignoring their agent/publisher's calls all day which is the worst thing you can do during situations like this. So much talent and this is how you take a shot at your own career? Argh! Youths!

On 11/28/2018 at 4:03 PM, scoobdog said:

I had the same thing happen to me on an item I purchased from Nikon.  I didn't request a signature delivery but Nikon put it on anyway and when UPS missed me after the typical two seconds they wait at the door, I ended up having to burn through one more missed delivery (because I wasn't home the next day and they wouldn't allow me to hold it or postpone delivery.  Finally got it the following Tuesday like at 10pm.

i get why they do it though. they want to require sig confirmation for high-value items that can easily be swiped from a front stoop. i would have gladly had them ship it to my work if i knew it would require sig. i would have had it saturday and this whole first world problem could have been avoided. but don't offer to waive the requirement if you're not going to do it. 

the shitheads delivered a nest thermostat yesterday and didn't require any signatures. i think the driver actually tossed it onto the front porch like he was playing horseshoes. didn't knock or anything. it's one extreme to the next with these cock pockets.

2 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

i get why they do it though. they want to require sig confirmation for high-value items that can easily be swiped from a front stoop. i would have gladly had them ship it to my work if i knew it would require sig. i would have had it saturday and this whole first world problem could have been avoided. but don't offer to waive the requirement if you're not going to do it. 

the shitheads delivered a nest thermostat yesterday and didn't require any signatures. i think the driver actually tossed it onto the front porch like he was playing horseshoes. didn't knock or anything. it's one extreme to the next with these cock pockets.

That's just it... This item was only a couple hundred, and I've ordered equipment that was thousands of dollars and not had this kind of restriction.  Heck, when I bought the Nikon body, I was easily able to have it delivered to a UPS store where I could pick it up whenever with a signature and ID.  But, I bought the body from B&H and this particular item directly from Nikon; for some reason, Nikon just doesn't offer other options for delivery.  I guess they want you to earn the shit you just bought by losing an entire day just sitting on the front porch waiting for it to arrive.


that's been my experience with google. they only ship via fedex, and the apparently require the herbie hancock if you go over a certain $ amount. if i'm gonna lose a day waiting for a delivery, i'd be better off to just drive up to the warehouse in chicago and pick it up myself. at least then i could sit down to some decent fucking restaurant food for a change.

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that's the title of this rant. it's a short one, but full of the rage. my shithole chest freezer decided to crap out sometime in the last week, and we didn't notice it until the wife went after some frozen chops last night. they were not frozen. and neither was anything else in there. the contents were so far from frozen, in fact, that it all must be thrown out. probably 50 pounds of various meats, as well as casseroles, frozen pastries set to be consumed this xmas, random treats for the kiddos, bags of home-grown fruits and veggies, etc etc.

all gone. 

i could probably save some of the bagged green stuff, but it's all drenched in blood and stinking from being so snug next to the various rotting flesh. what's the fucking point. at least all my frozen hops were in a hanging rack, and didn't suffer from contamination.

was not planning on the expense of a new freezer and contents this close to xmas, but i can swing it as long as i don't go too crazy with a replacement. probably gonna get a bigger upright if i can keep it under $700. sorry wife, the rest of your xmas gift is gonna be a new freezer.

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