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If Adult Swim opened the boards again would you go back?

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I'm getting the sense that this is what my inevitable trial separation is going to be like for me.  I've been away from the craggy hen for so long that even if she wanted me back I don't have the energy to care anymore.


Nah it got to be a pain due to the red tape tying a lot of the mods hands on things that needed addressed. These boards have been peaceful for the most part. It's like 70% of the drama stayed with the old site. 


The only issue I think that this site will eventually face is stagnation as it's not all that intuitive for new users to find.


Well the current people that work on the site don't care about having Boards. The ones that did are gone and unless they get someone like Buddha that is passionate about having Boards, they will not be returning.


Well the current people that work on the site don't care about having Boards. The ones that did are gone and unless they get someone like Buddha that is passionate about having Boards, they will not be returning.

this pretty much. even if they somehow magically came back, i don't think the people would


this pretty much. even if they somehow magically came back, i don't think the people would


I don't anticipate they ever come back.  This is more of an idle hypothetical.


Of course I would. There'd be a new wave of users for sure, mostly eleven year old Toonami fans and weird old people who watch Family Guy.


You'll be there to play the long game with the 11 year olds, right?



dont encourage him. dont u have a black man reading over your shoulder? tsk. should be ashamed.


hmm? hes not even home yet....but i made pot roast and homemade biscuits....so im excited for when he gets home....its nice to cook for a man who loves me ya know? oh wait....you dont...


hmm? hes not even home yet....but i made pot roast and homemade biscuits....so im excited for when he gets home....its nice to have a man who love me ya know? oh wait....you dont...


bitch i got several :P


The Boards as a whole died because their spirit died.


What was once a group of like minded weirdos embracing their weirdness devolved into a beacon for dumbass jerks to be dumbass jerks towards other dumbass jerks.


Even if the Boards came back, it would not be the same environment it once was, just unnecessary drama central. So yeah, who gives a shit anymore?


obscure? lol and old board member worked for adam and eve...and they advertise for it all the fucking time...according to the commercial it is the biggest retailer of sex toys...bitch please....'obscure'


The Boards as a whole died because their spirit died.


What was once a group of like minded weirdos embracing their weirdness devolved into a beacon for dumbass jerks to be dumbass jerks towards other dumbass jerks.


Even if the Boards came back, it would not be the same environment it once was, just unnecessary drama central. So yeah, who gives a shit anymore?


Can you trade me a Mind Reader Poliwrath tonight?


obscure? lol and old board member worked for adam and eve...and they advertise for it all the fucking time...according to the commercial it is the biggest retailer of sex toys...bitch please....'obscure'


an "old board member" bitch please. be quiet, step aside.. and let someone who isnt lame as fuck post


Can you trade me a Mind Reader Poliwrath tonight?


Wish I could, but you can literally only get one.


Seriously, Mind Reader/Fissure Poliwraths are more valuable than Master Balls.


an "old board member" bitch please. be quiet, step aside.. and let someone who isnt lame as fuck post


yeah and old board member...ariel did....and fine ill step aside but that also mean we wont be seeing anymore of you either...master shit poster


Wish I could, but you can literally only get one.


Seriously, Mind Reader/Fissure Poliwraths are more valuable than Master Balls.


You can get more than one by replaying the game. You're just selfish


You can get more than one by replaying the game. You're just selfish


Oh yeah, that's right, you can replay the game.


Well, I am not trading away the one I have. It's the only one I have. You're just going to have to download Red, Blue or Yellow and catch one there.



Look, man, if there's some cute Toonami fangirls on there, I'm definitely hitting them up via PM.


So you're.. playing the short game with the 11 year olds?


This isn't the first time someone here said new users won't find this place. People only went to asmb b/c they were adultswim fans. It's not that new users won't find this place. They're not looking for this place b/c there's no reason. There's nothing adult swim here, and we don't have any overarching topic.


I said we should be an unofficial [as] fansite/board. We've got substantial traffic. Not like a lot but enough & persistent enough to be the backbone that holds up and bolsters a new community. Plus are there any [as] fan forums out there? There no reason why we couldn't be on the first page of Google when you search "adult swim forum" "adult swim message board" "adult swim fans" or "adult swim community"


But idk w/e


Whenever luuv talks vaguely about his vision for this place being "about media" and how it's "not really open yet" I laugh.


This is just what it's always going to be.


The Boards as a whole died because their spirit died.


What was once a group of like minded weirdos embracing their weirdness devolved into a beacon for dumbass jerks to be dumbass jerks towards other dumbass jerks.




Two things, the boards never stopped being the former and had almost always been the latter. Stop romanticizing how great the boards were in the past you cunt.


We don't think so. "The boards" are gone. All they could do is open a new board. About half the time we spent on the boards since 2010 was looking at threads from before 2007. Without the archives, a new board would have no more draw than this place, and Our minuscule presence paints it a pretty stark likelihood.


So, more to the point of the relationship analogy... things change. What you had at one point is no longer there to go back to. There is only forward. The only question is whether the person you've become wants to go forward with who this other person has become.


...i'd go back ...not gonna lie I don't really leave anything behind unless there's no alternative ... I didn't leave the TechTV forums until it was totally dissolved into whatever g4 had going for it ....I was on the asmb for years and made quite a few friends there ...kinda feels like how Dante from Clerks must have felt about the quickstop ....a lot of bullshit going around but at the end of the day? you know your gonna miss it when it's gone ...




I wouldn't want to have to move my fanfictions again; I just finished posting "Sponges Joins the XAV Club" and I was going to start posting "Sponges Drags the X-men to Jurassic World" as soon as I finished the new image sig/advertisement for it.


Yes, actually. Moderation is there. Bullshit like fuggs and Zeni wouldn't fly there. Also, topics are nice. Rules, even though they can be boring, are necessary. As long as they aren't restrictive. Unfortunately, the rules of the old boards were restrictive, especially since they didn't match the Adult Swim channel rules. Coding was better and fixed quickly. I give a little leeway here because it's only a couple of people doing it.

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