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If your job were a video game


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Seemingly never-ending, rotating set of mini games with a ridiculous rep-grind attached to each NPC you meet. Some of the mini games become easier over time but most rely on you balancing multiple timed events while simultaneously completing racing and rhythm based games. Some times you can catch aggro from the invading characters, but generally holding the line keeps them calm. The crafting system is a bit meticulous and you frequently run out of resources at the worst times. There's also an RTS aspect you have to maintain all the while, and occasionally your troops will wander off and you have to hunt them down. They can also be mobbed and you have to pop cool downs to rescue them. 

I spec'd into cooking so my speech isn't as high as it should be, but I get by on most missions by my profession points alone. I talked with some other players about the rep-grinds and they told me it's an effort in futility. Some people get lucky drops and unlock Hero classes but most people just seem to grind out enough gold to cover their own expenses. The healing perks aren't bad, though. And I have yet to wipe on any encounters, even when I try out hard mode. 

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