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for me it’s my:

medical history and allergy alert information

my emergency contacts

my car insurance if I get into an accident or am pulled over

my bank

my credit cards

my alarm clock

my work schedule


Its important for me to have internet and a camera to make money. Phone lets me do that anywhere and is a backup if i lose my computer somehow or become homeless.

13 minutes ago, Sieg67 said:

Words with Friends.

Pretty fucking important.

my barely literate family destroyed me in that game. i quit playing 8 or so years ago but they kept playing without. my oldest brother tyron is rumored to be a big cheat 😂

35 minutes ago, Thrak said:

I mostly use my phone to listen to music

i bought an ipod...then realized apple music is on adroid phones, too but a little harder to use.

im selling my ipod and just using my phone after i upgrade to the s9 for music. gonna get 128gbs and download every song ive ever liked in my entire life lol

8 minutes ago, fuggnificent said:

my barely literate family destroyed me in that game. i quit playing 8 or so years ago but they kept playing without. my oldest brother tyron is rumored to be a big cheat 😂

Yeah I was going to say.  They're probably cheating.
But remember it's not as much as trying to play the biggest words possible as much as it is strategy.  Like you have to place you moves in a way that  controls the board.

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I used to be somewhat hostile to the devices, sadly now with my new assignments I find it to be invaluable.


I still turn it off at 9pm though, to maintain my sanity.



I used to think a lot but I basically use it to talk to one person and for my alarm.

So honestly not very.

1 minute ago, Distortedreasoning said:

im glad we past that

what? using landlines?

not me. not at all. cellphones just give everyone an excuse to be pissed off because you're basically assumed to be at everybodys beck and call at all times. plus, i'm really crotchety about phones being attached to peoples hands and faces when they're already out doing things with others. put that shit away.

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i dont like that either. tho it doesnt bother me much since i wont answer anyone if i dont feel like it. 

if they really wanna talk they can leave a message and i could call back. 

but for everything else, cell phones are awesome mini computers. 

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1 minute ago, Distortedreasoning said:

i dont like that either. tho it doesnt bother me much since i wont answer anyone if i dont feel like it. 

if they really wanna talk they can leave a message and i could call back. 

but for everything else, cell phones are awesome mini computers. 

i agree that they are convenient for some things but i don't use mine much like most other people do. its more or less just a music box and camera, if not a primary mode of contact. everything else is meh. 

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5 minutes ago, MEXobiologist said:

i agree that they are convenient for some things but i don't use mine much like most other people do. its more or less just a music box and camera, if not a primary mode of contact. everything else is meh. 

i was gonna say thats cuz youre older but i do know plenty of older people that use it quite a bit xD

im kidding im kidding, i understand where you coming from. i had the same feelings like 5 years ago too before i started using the cell for more stuff. 

  • Haha 1

For non-traditionally-phone functions, I generally prefer my computer. However, I like texting WAY more than voice-to-voice calling. I also like how I can bring my phone with me in any room of the house (as well as anywhere outside the house), but I can also turn it off when I want. So it's like the best of both worlds, either I can communicate from anywhere or I can choose to shut everyone out at the click of a button.

I use mobile banking. I could figure out how to use the bank's website on my comp, but I don't feel like it. Since I use the mobile app to deposit checks, I don't feel the need to figure out their desktop site. That's probably the only exception to my "prefer to do it on the computer" rule.

For "prefer to do on my comp, but can be very useful on phone" is when I am CD shopping in a brick-and-mortar music store, and I see an album cover/name that catches my eye that I do not recognize, but it looks like something I may like. Get out the cell phone, get on Safari and look up reviews of the album and decide whether or not to buy it based on that. 

When I'm out and about waiting for something to happen/start, listening to music on my phone makes killing the time infinitely more enjoyable. If I'm waiting for my name to be called or something and I want to make sure I can hear, I play solitaire instead (I don't really care about games, but its something to do while I'm waiting for something).

For pretty much my entire adult life until maybe like last year or 2016, I would listen to the radio every time I would drive somewhere in my car. Well in recent years I've been fed up with the radio, so now I play my phone's iPod app on shuffle through a blue-tooth speaker that fits in my drink-holder. So much better than the radio.

I love the notes app on my phone. I use it to makes notes of all kinds of things.

The Reminder app USED to be great. For some reason somewhere along the line, the timer that would tell the app when to pop the reminder up stopped working. Like I would set it, and it would immediately unset. The reminder would still be there, but it never pops up without me specifically accessing it. The point of the Reminder app is so it pops up at the right time so I don't forget about something! Oh well.

Love the weather and calendar apps. I guess weather is another thing I prefer on the phone than the computer, but I don't have a weather app on my comp. I use the calendar app on my phone when I'm not by my computer. 

Sometimes while I'm out waiting for something, I'll check my email, facebook, craigslist, letgo, ebay... but all those I prefer to do on the comp.


Not very important, I like to have it while I'm driving in case of an emergency so I don't have to bother any strangers. But I don't even have reception to use it at work so .... its usually just in my bag and I don't use it much at home either.


Pretty important. Cellphones give me the ability to write notes wherever I am or respond to my publisher quickly if something happens, and the top reason is if I have a medical emergency outside of the house.

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