DragonSinger Posted November 8, 2019 Posted November 8, 2019 That orange raccoon bastard needs to be gone by tomorrow and he better take that 80's villain reject lookin' Pence with him. I fucking hate living in a red state! 2 Quote
Seight Posted November 9, 2019 Posted November 9, 2019 So we're clear, the NCAA is: -Trying to keep a football player who got a loan so his parents could watch him play from playing a game at *checks notes* Capital One Field, and; -Claiming a basketball coach is a booster because he helped a player move before either of them were at the university in question, which *checks notes* plays at the FedEx Forum on a court sponsored by the Memphis Toyota Dealers. Got it. 2 Quote
katt_goddess Posted November 9, 2019 Posted November 9, 2019 There was 10 minutes left on the clock 10 minutes ago. And now there's 7 minutes on the clock. Which will take another 30 minutes to actually get through. I hate football. I just want to watch the nightly news like any self-respecting old person. And that was supposed to start 5 minutes ago. All the channels are running football games. There should be a couple of laws. One, you can't clog up every 'free over the air' channel with sports bullshit. At least one should be free of that plague. Secondly, no damn time outs once there's only 10 minutes left of the damn game unless someone loses a shin or something. Quote
André Toulon Posted November 10, 2019 Posted November 10, 2019 I hate getting "Call me when you see this" texts from people you haven't spoken to in weeks....Maybe even months sometimes. I hate getting them because you know this person wants something. These people who don't value your friendship, just need you when they are in trouble or some shit. I heard my phone ring, but I've been in sweet, sweet nap mode for the last 3 hours and I have 0 sense of urgency on weekends.....I don't care what our relationship is, your chances of getting me to pick up are slim at best. Anyway, this is one of the kid's family members....The last time I heard from her she wanted to borrow $20 AND wanted me to pick her up some liquor and cigarettes......She has a job, and will indeed pay me back, and I'll be honest...It's not like I actually WANT to hear from her any more often, but it's just the groan factor of waking up, grabbing your phone and instantly see this notification. It makes me wonder how many avenues did she try before she got to me, because their family is a big part of this small town.....Which is why I can't/don't ever talk to women in town unless I know they aren't originally from here. So how many people told her NO before she decided "Ooh, let me hit up cousin".....Because she literally still calls me her cousin. At any rate I've been up for an hour and I am about to leave the house, but I'm stalling just to see if I get the "nevermind" text first before I actually call back. 1 Quote
Seight Posted November 10, 2019 Posted November 10, 2019 "THE EVIL HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!!" -Me, realizing the Monorail Salesman of a coach has finally been fired Quote
Chapinator_X Posted November 11, 2019 Posted November 11, 2019 My right hand is so dry it requires nonstop lotioning, the inside of my left ear has been clogged and in pain for several days, and my love for spicy food is causing me to pay the price with this deuce I’m taking. Fuck these minute health issues that are lasting longer than necessary. Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 11, 2019 Posted November 11, 2019 Even though I ain't fucking with any of them anymore, the constant imploding of small publishers pisses me off because most of them bring it on themselves and then wanna blame everyone else. Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 13, 2019 Posted November 13, 2019 How the fuck am I just now finding out that Jason Statham used to be a go-go dancer? The internet has failed me. Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 13, 2019 Posted November 13, 2019 Dear alchie responsible for today's crossword puzzle, you suuuuuck! Quote
SwimModSponges Posted November 14, 2019 Posted November 14, 2019 Roku remote ran out of batteries.now I have to swap batteries between it and the regular remote. Quote
NaBarney Posted November 14, 2019 Posted November 14, 2019 Just now, SwimModSponges said: Roku remote ran out of batteries.now I have to swap batteries between it and the regular remote. Buy rechargeable batteries. 4 rechargeable AAs like $20. Always got 2 in the Roku and 2 more fully charged in the charger ready to be swapped out. Better for the environment Quote
Seight Posted November 14, 2019 Posted November 14, 2019 "DirecTV may be dropping your local FOX station." Me: "So I maybe can't watch Smackdown tomorrow? Oh no. Oh ,whatever shall I do?" Quote
katt_goddess Posted November 15, 2019 Posted November 15, 2019 Why do I have to always be the responsible one? All I want to do is have my day off and sleep in. I was going to stay up slightly late tonight and watch a movie just to watch a movie. Nope, I now need to come in on my day off to do the office work because there's no one else who can do it. On my day off. I better get to leave early on Saturday. There's not enough overtime in the world to replace being able to sleep in. 1 Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 (edited) On 11/14/2019 at 6:59 PM, Seight said: "DirecTV may be dropping your local FOX station." Me: "So I maybe can't watch Smackdown tomorrow? Oh no. Oh ,whatever shall I do?" Oh them bishes better be doing that after the next Prodigal Son episode. It is no Hannibal and very straight, but it's the only over the top while not even trying to be realistic serial killer show that I have. I want to join a certain debate so badly, but I can't because one of my goals is to do a job on a certain thing and everyone knows not to talk critically about that thing if you realistically want that. BUT...I...WANT...TO...DEBATE! Edited November 18, 2019 by SorceressPol Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 19, 2019 Posted November 19, 2019 This has already been in the works for several months, but it still bites writing a Dear John letter to a publisher. Now I gotta go write a series proposal to another publisher so I can jump right back into the submission process which means I really need booze. Quote
katt_goddess Posted November 21, 2019 Posted November 21, 2019 Attention 'Mothers-of-the-Year' - Stores are not babysitters. They are not playgrounds. They do not exist for you to use as a giant toy box for your nasty, screaming, diapered crotch-goblins to trash while you stare off into space or fiddle with your cell phone. If you don't wanna 'mom' in public then spring for someone to watch the little monsters elsewhere. Your shopping trip will go that much faster and every single clerk in every single store you go to won't be trying to blow you up with their minds. One of these days, you won't be so lucky. 2 Quote
wacky1980 Posted November 21, 2019 Posted November 21, 2019 i can't decide how i should go into this employee review. should i 1) sit there and act like everything's just fine so i can get back to work; or 2) spend 45 minutes griping over all the same shit i've griped over for the last five years, knowing the result will be more promises of change and improvement that end up going unfulfilled. i've been here ten years now. ten fucking years. and it's clear that my future here is never changing. i've topped out my position for at least the next 5 years, and even then the only advancement will be in name because i'm already doing a majority of the work for the person in that position. and i'll never be in an executive office because i'm not a member of the right families. i've taken this job as far as it can go, and i'm not at all satisfied with where that is. and i never will be. fuck. so why even rock the boat at this point, right? why make my life even more miserable between the hours of 8am-4pm? no, i should just keep slowly killing myself until i can just quit. because i have an out, and all i need is one particular piece to fall into place for that out to materialize. it could happen next week, could be 3 years. hard to say. but when it happens, that's it. and i can force it if i really want to. but it would mean putting someone else out of a job, and i'm not ready to be that asshole just yet. ugh. i could use a little bit of that divine intervention right about now. Quote
Seight Posted November 21, 2019 Posted November 21, 2019 If dogs could talk, I bet the one in the car next to me at Domino's would have unsolicited opinions about the federal government. 1 Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 23, 2019 Posted November 23, 2019 I don't want to do all of this goddamn work! Why can't I just write stand-alone books? My brain, I swear to fucking God, you better not write another 130k book. *Endless crying* Quote
rpgamer Posted November 24, 2019 Posted November 24, 2019 I hate toilets that aren't powerful enough to handle my mighty poos. Why can't they just have slightly bigger pipes? Or maybe it's the curving that's the problem. Probably both, at one point or another. Sometimes I wonder what it must be like, to confidently flush, knowing it'll all go down easy. Quote
Chapinator_X Posted November 26, 2019 Posted November 26, 2019 Working on Black Friday and working from home on Thanksgiving because some totalitarian businesses might want to bother us on a holiday and our CEO sucks cocks. 1 Quote
Chapinator_X Posted November 27, 2019 Posted November 27, 2019 (edited) I wanted to find Italian places last weekend to eat at, but Yelp is entirely useless when you have a ton of great restaurants buried under 3.5 to 4 star reviews for not being able to accommodate for a geriatric party of eight or for having a waiter that wasn’t going to cook your personal version of their best dish. I’d even go as far as saying if you made a Yelp review that says “So I came in with a party of eight,” your opinion automatically doesn’t matter. Edited November 28, 2019 by imchapp.in 1 4 Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 What the fuck is wrong with you people? There's no coming back from this. Read the writing on the wall and jump off the fucking sinking ship. Bitching at folks warning y'all this is gonna end like it has with all the others isn't going to stop anything. You're just letting more people get fucked over. Some of y'all are almost twice my age and still don't know how to act. SMDH Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 *Hasn't eaten fast food in a while. Gets Arby's.* I have so many regrets. My decision making skills suck. 2 1 Quote
NaBarney Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 5 minutes ago, SorceressPol said: *Hasn't eaten fast food in a while. Gets Arby's.* I have so many regrets. My decision making skills suck. There's nothing wrong with that spicy chicken sandwich (no mayo) Anything else is on you Quote
DragonSinger Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 5 hours ago, NaBoomer said: There's nothing wrong with that spicy chicken sandwich (no mayo) Anything else is on you I know that, but I was seduced by the Siren song of coupons and got what was cheap. Quote
BlackNoir Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 This was going to be the year that I finally decide not to engorge myself on ham for TG......But today, as I look out into the TG air, all I can think about is how fucking awesome ham is. 2 Quote
katt_goddess Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 Crispy duck food babby in progress. It's already kicking my kidneys. It might be twins. -.-; All the regrets. Zero lessons learned. Quote
helpme Posted November 28, 2019 Posted November 28, 2019 55 minutes ago, katt_goddess said: Crispy duck food babby in progress. It's already kicking my kidneys. It might be twins. -.-; All the regrets. Zero lessons learned. Batton down the hatches! Keep that paper dry!!! Quote
Seight Posted November 29, 2019 Posted November 29, 2019 And now a review of the 2019 A_______ R_________ Quote
Gina Szanboti Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Someday I would like to see the beginning of Wonder Woman. FX has been running it now and then over the last couple months and today is the 5th time I've tried to see the first 25 min and failed. I always come in as the battle on the beach is already underway, so I have no idea why the island is being invaded or how Steve (is he Steve in this movie?) got there. Argh. Quote
Raptorpat Posted December 1, 2019 Posted December 1, 2019 people who "like" fb posts about losing all your personal contacts because your phone didn't back up properly are psychos 1 1 Quote
💜 mahala_la_la Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) I hate people who "don't want to stir shit up", but then attempt to stir shit up. Just.. fuck off! I also hate that even the slightest touch/smell of oil/grease makes my body hate food. Edited December 4, 2019 by 💜 mahala_la_la more hate Quote
Seight Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 Whoever made the State Farm commercial where the guy's dreaming about football should buy lunch for the person that made the Peloton ad where the lady is apprehensive about the gift. Quote
mthor Posted December 5, 2019 Author Posted December 5, 2019 The elf on the shelf is the rancid cherry on the shit sundae that is the Xmas season. 3 Quote
wacky1980 Posted December 5, 2019 Posted December 5, 2019 the local post office receives package dumps from UPS, to handle the "last mile" delivery of packages via amazon's "UPS SurePost" delivery option that you cannot deselect when placing an order. this option is still listed as "Prime 2-Day" which is fine by me, i don't need 1-day delivery for the most part. so when the package arrives at the post office at 5:30am on day 2, one would think the post office is going to get it on the truck and out for delivery today. and in this case, one would be flat fucking wrong. it will sit on the loading dock until the next day for some reason. best part is, they won't let me walk in there today and carry it out. our post office is literally across the street from my office. and this is a town of 2,000 people, so it's not like they're too big to track down a package upon request, in their one delivery bay. they just won't do it. i can see the pile of boxes from the service window, but they won't walk their happy asses back there to get my box off the top. their excuse? they haven't check them in yet. to that i say BULLSHIT because my tracking update says plainly that the package was accepted at the local post office. but they won't budge on this position. one time i waited in the lobby until an hour after they closed the customer service window (singular, one window) to collect a package because i told them i wasn't leaving without it. i've railed on these boards against the USPS in the past and been told by folks that it's fine, they're doing great and should be commended for their amazing work. i'm not sure what reality those folks reside in, but it is not this one. 1 Quote
katt_goddess Posted December 6, 2019 Posted December 6, 2019 20 hours ago, mthor said: The elf on the shelf is the rancid cherry on the shit sundae that is the Xmas season. I keep finding those things wrapped around the hind ends of various reindeer around the store lately. It's funny and vaguely appropriate after dealing with the masses of asses daily but I end up being the one finding them and peeling them apart because if I don't, people are going to think I'm the one doing that. But I'm not. I'm the one who stocks all the valen-crimes heart boxes upside down on the shelves so they look like a line of baboon butts staring at you. 16 waking hour days, 6 days a week is not a healthy living schedule. I want naps. -.-; And a taser. I promise I'll only use it on every single person who deserves it. 2 Quote
helpme Posted December 6, 2019 Posted December 6, 2019 20 hours ago, mthor said: The elf on the shelf is the rancid cherry on the shit sundae that is the Xmas season. 1 Quote
Seight Posted December 6, 2019 Posted December 6, 2019 Me: *hands the cashier $10.04 so I can get $3.35 back instead of getting more pennies* Cashier: *gives me $3.30 plus the four pennies back* Me: *thinking* "I...sure, okay." Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 8, 2019 Posted December 8, 2019 Of course the only decent sort-of diner around here is getting bad health scores, and why must Cookout have such shitty fries? In order to get my funds where they need to be to keep on track for next years goals, I need to put out 3 books this month. I can definitely pull off 2, but...*Sigh* Fuck publishing. Quote
Chapinator_X Posted December 8, 2019 Posted December 8, 2019 (edited) You know a neighborhood went to shit when they start adding rideshare spaces to the meter parking lane. Just got a ticket after I already paid $8 for the meter because they just had to make it a rideshare space those fuckers added to the metered lane. Fucking crooks are in charge of that neighborhood to keep the old money boomers and wealthy Eurotrash in while driving out new money or surrounding neighborhoods by gentrifying it straight to Hell. “No more festivals because the noise hurts my ears!” No, how about you fuck off back to the Hamptons or one of the million 55+ communities you’ve poisoned our agricultural lands with if you want that life. Edited December 8, 2019 by imchapp.in 1 Quote
Seight Posted December 9, 2019 Posted December 9, 2019 Actually, I believe that ESPN could have revealed The College Football Playoff matchups and New Year's 6 Bowls a little bit ... more slowly. Quote
André Toulon Posted December 10, 2019 Posted December 10, 2019 Almost had to use a public restroom for #2......Honestly I hate even thinking about it...... 4 Quote
avec Posted December 11, 2019 Posted December 11, 2019 I'm upset that I can't make cajun fries appear. Also, consumerism. Quote
BlackNoir Posted December 11, 2019 Posted December 11, 2019 Never have I had this much trouble getting a late night meal. Options are limited so I started with BK.....For some reason they were closed. So hit McDees.....I sat at the speaker for like 5 minutes and decided to just ride around just to see this dumbass at the window saying he did't know I was there. Like how.....So I ask can I just order there and he's like nope, drive back around.....I'm pissed but also the only one there so fuck it. I pull back up, and he still didn't fucking answer....So I just say fuck it and try to get a personal pan pizza from the truck stop......No pizza.....So I decide to order one of their subs...Never had one, but wth....I'm frustrated and just want some food....This "sub" is the size of a fucking hotdog bun and she took like 10 minutes to even get it together. I coulda just cooked. 1 Quote
NaBarney Posted December 11, 2019 Posted December 11, 2019 37 minutes ago, Radical Left said: I pull back up, and he still didn't fucking answer.... Godly shit Quote
wacky1980 Posted December 11, 2019 Posted December 11, 2019 it's not that i don't enjoy the song, but the city probably shouldn't be using their new outdoor ambient music system to play dylan's "rainy day women" :smileyfacepalm: Quote
Lytbryt Posted December 11, 2019 Posted December 11, 2019 26 minutes ago, wacky1980 said: it's not that i don't enjoy the song, but the city probably shouldn't be using their new outdoor ambient music system to play dylan's "rainy day women" :smileyfacepalm: Why not? Dylan is the greatest rapper alive Quote
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