Mix Posted May 17, 2017 Posted May 17, 2017 When people get caught doing something shameful and in their apology you'll usually hear "blah blah blah...this is not who I am...blah blah blah..." FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK you....that's exactly who you are....fuckin' own your shit Quote
DragonSinger Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 Of course I got stung right above the ass by a yellow jacket when I bent over to pick up my dog's toy. One day(when I'm not drowsy from 2 benadryl), I'm gonna burn those bushes they hang out in to the fucking ground. Luckily the benadryl did stop my throat from closing up and the steroid pills I have leftover from the last ER visit are helping the hives. Fun little fact about being stung on the lower half of my body, everything itched like crazy down there. Everything! Quote
wacky1980 Posted June 27, 2017 Posted June 27, 2017 sunday: tries car, battery's dead. tries jumping car, won't turn over. puts trickle charger on battery monday: tries car, battery's too weak, won't turn over. puts trickle charger back on battery tuesday: tries car, battery's too weak, won't turn over. wednesday (probably): spends $100 on a new battery, just to show the car while running so i can sell it for $1000. Quote
FieryDoom Posted June 27, 2017 Posted June 27, 2017 fuck fucking stupid fucks at fucking work. fucking get your fucking fucked ass fucking educated you fucking retarded fuck. what the fuck is fucking wrong with you, you fucking shit clown? Quote
wacky1980 Posted June 29, 2017 Posted June 29, 2017 tenants. shitty, lying, aggressive, stealing, spiteful, greedy, hateful, fucking horrible versions of humanity, tenants. can't wait for you to be gone next week, assholes. you heard it here kids. vet your tenants ferociously. a respectable application, glowing referrals, and promises of easy tenancy just ain't enough. sometimes you still end up with a turd. in my case, three turds that turned into four when i wasn't looking. Quote
NaBarney Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 I hate hate HATE having to go to work at a designated time and place no matter how drunk or tired or missing something better because of it, someone teach me The Way to be self sufficient on my own time so that I may become the master of my domain. My expenses are nil, my rent averages out to $10 a day, I don't need much. What the fuck is there besides shift work. Hard mode: can't be making phone apps or selling drugs Maybe I can do an Etsy store but that just seems like supplemental income at best. Quote
viperxmns Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 How the fuck do no Toys R Us stores here have any PS4s in stock right now this shit better change Wednesday for reasons I need to get from them those fucking fucks better restock I mean what the fuck is everyone in the world buying a PS4 for Sonic Mania right now what the fuck how do you not have any in stock you fucks dammit to hell they still don't have any this is bullshit Quote
wacky1980 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 where'd that thread go? i didn't even get to see how it ended. Quote
Raptorpat Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 where'd that thread go? i didn't even get to see how it ended. It got moved to the Dumpster Fires folder because it had turned into such a shitshow. I am guess that means there are still rank restrictions on who can see that folder. Quote
André Toulon Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 where'd that thread go? i didn't even get to see how it ended. Ended with Dane pouring the coals to Mochi and Sandstone then rogue going rogue on Mochi....Kinda fun, but not really worth the price of admission. Quote
wacky1980 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 Ended with Dane poring the coals to Mochi and Sandstone then rogue going rogue on Mochi....Kinda fun, but not really worth the price of admission. must have happened pretty rapidly. i was only gone for an hour or so for lunch, and i didn't see any of that. Quote
André Toulon Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 must have happened pretty rapidly. i was only gone for an hour or so for lunch, and i didn't see any of that. I dunno....The last post I saw before I got busy was my reply to you.....There was about a whole page of activity after that.....I just know because I can still see the thread in DF Quote
wacky1980 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 i ain't special enough to see that folder so, oh well. i gotta pump those numbers up. Quote
viperxmns Posted August 24, 2017 Posted August 24, 2017 The whole point of blocking these asshole dickbutt robocalls is to purge them from my life why the fuck can they still leave me voicemails what a shit system Quote
Inori Posted September 9, 2017 Posted September 9, 2017 I've been sick as fuck for over a week. I have a chest cold and high fever off and on. The air quality in Portland sucks because of the fires. The late summer heat is terrible too. I'm constantly wheezing/coughing up phlegm, unable to breathe, and drenched in sweat. This sucks...but I'm more upset about the fires. Quote
wacky1980 Posted September 25, 2017 Posted September 25, 2017 house has sat empty since july. not a soul has taken a look. so i found tenants on tuesday last week. before i could get a signed lease back on wednesday, fucking realtor booked a showing for friday. so i put the tenants on hold for a couple days while the showing happens, giving buyer until today to make an offer. no offer, i'm signing the lease and securing it for the tenants for 6 months. so i call realtor to see what's up. he tells me buyer wants to get another look at it "in a few days". fuck you buyer, you know you're on a timeline, don't be a dick. if i didn't reeeeeeeeeeally want to sell that house, i'd have told him to eat shit right then. also, tenants need to move in this week because their current lease expires on saturday. if i fuck around too long on them, they'll find something else. then with my luck, the buyer will walk, and i'll be double fucked. Quote
💜 mahala_la_la Posted October 2, 2017 Posted October 2, 2017 I would just like one day where I don't feel like shit. I hate acid reflux. Quote
Raptorpat Posted October 14, 2017 Posted October 14, 2017 Forgot to pack a shirt and tie. Now discovering that one of my suit jacket buttons clear broke in half, either during the flight today somehow or at the cleaner's earlier this week. I will not be the prettiest girl at the dance. Quote
wacky1980 Posted October 23, 2017 Posted October 23, 2017 so many things happening in this very moment that are a) my ass if there's problems; and b) 100% out of my control. Quote
molarbear Posted October 24, 2017 Posted October 24, 2017 I fucking hate when people tell me they're broke and they're not I.E. one friend told me he couldn't go to a movie because he's broke so I pay for his ticket.... the next weekend he's in Denver for a Muse concert I.E. one friend chews me out claiming they're broke as shit and calls me a "dick" for saying they should go visit their dad if they're worried about seeing him.... then proceeds to get a large tattoo I.E. my old college roommate who claimed he was broke but then showed me his bank statement and it had a comma in it This seriously pisses me off to no end 1 Quote
Chapinator_X Posted November 8, 2017 Posted November 8, 2017 How much of a fragile untouched weeaboo to do have to be to make meme images where random DB characters no one cares about say "Bitch Please" underneath a screencap of Caulifla or Kale declaring that those around them aren't anything special? I keep seeing this on Instagram, and people are fragile as shit to see a cap of either of the Saiyan girls boasting and be like "NU-UH, YOU'RE NOT STRONG! MY ASS IS BLASTED! THERE'S NO WAY THESE ANNOYING NEW BITCHES CAN DEFEAT MY GOKU! I MUST DEFEND HIS HONOR!" It's like kids that watch WWE who get personally offended when a heel makes a promo where he mocks the hero or the hometown. "John Cena sucks almost as bad as Chicago Deep Dish Pizza!" "FUCK YOU, BOOOOO, I'M GOING ONLINE TO SPREAD THE NEWS ON HOW I CAN'T WAIT FOR CENA TO BODY YOU!" I don't follow Dragon Ball Super religiously, but it's cringy as fuck to see fans on Insta get triggered this hard by Caulifla or Kale holding their own against Goku or the other Universe 7 fighters. Why foam at the mouth about not being able to wait until fictional women get their asses beat for daring to challenge your favorite fictional body builders? Imagine having as little a life as possible that you take it upon yourself to await the ass-beating or "raping" of a character simply for being able to give Goku some tough competition. It's not even whiny shits made to be annoying like Jaco that fans are exerting this much energy into hating. It's bad enough seeing the "How was the latest DBS episode!?" images on Instagram, as if it's not just going to be another episode where characters fight or ramble to pad out time. "Goku's Kamehameha was so hot this episode," as if it wasn't just Goku firing yet another energy ball out of his hands. How different is it gonna get? But this is a whole nother level of pathetic. Might just be the Instagram crowd being 12 year olds making Hitler memes, but too many folks are out here acting like it's their life duty to protect Goku or some ugly ass alien's pride from the evil new bitches who had the gall to be as overpowered as they are. You're watching Dragon Ball; literally everybody except Hercule, the cast's wives, and Yamcha could benchpress mountains if they wanted to. Quote
Codename: Jackass Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 Fuck you and your cigarettes you old dried up bitch, your husband should have made sure they were the right ones before you left the store. I didn't sell you shit, I didn't see shit, I wasn't even there, you didn't have a receipt, we don't do returns on tobacco, and you waited two days before coming back so it obviously wasn't that urgent. I have a fucking job to do, I can't afford to lose my meager wages because I caved in. Report me, I don't give a FLYING fuck, nobody's on your side, I did what the company says, I did what my boss says, don't talk to me like it's my fault you and your husband are too stupid to tell the difference between Marlboro NXT shorts and Marlboro Black 100s when the name is RIGHT THERE ON THE FUCKING CARTON. Nothing is going to happen to me. It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal. You lose. And no, a fucking transaction on your Capital One app is not proof that you bought the cigarettes at my store. Go get cancer away from me. Eat shit. Quote
Codename: Jackass Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 I don't know whose bright idea it was to start scheduling the grocery truck at the busiest time of the busiest day of the week, but whoever they are, they should be flogged. Quote
wacky1980 Posted December 21, 2017 Posted December 21, 2017 flu bug. everyone else in my small circle has been knocked down with it in the last week, except for me. that cocksucker better not be waiting for this weekend to get me. there's gonna be lots of eating and drinking going on, and i'll be damned if i'm gonna miss that shitshow. Quote
scoobdog Posted December 21, 2017 Posted December 21, 2017 Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, you'll be good to go. Meanwhile, what is it with drivers at the Laker games? Two games in a row, i got some slut in an SUV trying to road rager me out of the fucking parking structure. Quote
Raptorpat Posted December 31, 2017 Posted December 31, 2017 Moving is the worst and moving under an impending lease expiration in the dead of a winter cold snap is literally Hitler 3 Quote
wacky1980 Posted January 3, 2018 Posted January 3, 2018 THIS FUCKING COLD. we've been less then +20F for ten fucking days straight. yesterday morning, it was -16F. this morning, i woke up to +19F at 7am. wow, a heat wave! now here we are at noon, and it's back down to +13F, on the way down to -3F overnight. we might get back up to +20F by saturday, but probably not. i really hate that i have to put a + or - next to the temperature, because it can go either way around here since xmas eve. fucking done with this shit. 1 Quote
katt_goddess Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 Went to see about having a copy of 'The Art of the Venture Brothers' put aside for me at B&N when it comes in. Find out it's been pushed back yet again and now won't be out until July. I seriously had to ask if they meant July 2018. I was supposed to have a copy in my hot little grubbies last September. The video pimp for it was already out and everything. I'm blaming BrickFrog. Quote
wacky1980 Posted January 23, 2018 Posted January 23, 2018 the illinois department of employment security you idiots really expect me to pay an unemployment claim to a person who has never worked for me, and who i've never even fucking met? oh, if the claim was filed in error, it's MY responsibility to protest the claim by providing supporting documentation of non-employment? and just how do you propose i prove someone didn't work for me, huh? you're the fucking department of employment security. you have my company's employee records already, because i send them to you four times a god damned year! i guess it makes sense though. i just got a payment issue fixed, that i've been fighting since march with this same fucking group of idiots. my quarterly UI payment was applied to the wrong quarter. when i figured out why i was getting late payment notices (july), i called them and informed them i had a credit on 16Q4 for the amount due on 17Q1 so they needed to apply the credit to the correct quarter. "oh, we can't do that. you have to file an appeal to review payment status." so i filed the appeal, including sending them payment records and copies of my statements and several other pieces of paper. and they fucking denied the appeal because i "didn't provide adequate supporting documents" (even though i sent them exactly what i was told to send them). by time i got it figured out in december, i was ready to quit the fuckers altogether. so i'm gonna fax this protest off in the morning, and i had better not fucking hear back about any problems with my paperwork or i'm ..... gonna bitch and moan and re-file the shit again. god damn i hate this state. Quote
Raptorpat Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 Halfway through salad Find a hair 1 1 Quote
death_by_motorboat Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 hear me spleen!!, damn you,....! i do not want to pay $25 for comic books that you dont want. this poor damn thread is two years old, you fuck. some freaking replies would be nice. who made you spleen anyway? you think this is funny, you douche! Quote
katt_goddess Posted February 16, 2018 Posted February 16, 2018 Got a robo-call at 9a today that the new computer desk I ordered yesterday would be leaving the vender shortly. Stayed home all day waiting for it even though I really wanted to try getting some discount chocolates for the hell of it and really did need actual food. So I wait. And wait. And wait. The living room is a half mess in preparation of desk. It's now after 4p and the only reason I have a new computer desk in my apartment is because I went out to check the mail and someone in the office down the hall noticed which door I was coming from and asked if I was waiting for a new computer desk. Dickhead delivery gave it the office people this morning and I got no notices or confirmation phone call about it. I'm hungry and an entire day that could have been spent getting the new desk put together and the room rearranged is gone. Assholes. Quote
katt_goddess Posted February 16, 2018 Posted February 16, 2018 And I pushed myself too much getting the damn thing to the apartment without having really had anything since oatmeal this morning so now I have minor chest pains. They'll find my corpse draped across the skeleton of what would have been a really cool smoke glass-top computer desk. -.-; WHERE'S MY DAMN PIZZA? Quote
Mix Posted February 18, 2018 Posted February 18, 2018 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Quote
TrigunBebop Posted February 27, 2018 Posted February 27, 2018 (edited) I hate that the one PC game I wanna play the most has compatability issues with integrated graphics that make it run like absolute dogshit in like...60% of the environments. I also hate that in order to remedy this, I have to buy an overpriced proprietary power supply unit in addition to a graphics card. Edited February 27, 2018 by TrigunBebop Quote
Raptorpat Posted March 2, 2018 Posted March 2, 2018 don't check your spam box because the email I sent out went straight there Quote
katt_goddess Posted March 2, 2018 Posted March 2, 2018 Hey little wireless mouse, left click works when I want it to work not whenever you feel like acknowledging left click. And now you are a gutless wireless mouse splattered across the entire inside of a dumpster. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, BITCH? Quote
katt_goddess Posted March 17, 2018 Posted March 17, 2018 F you, high school basketball games. Marvel's 'Agents of SHIELD' started the second half of this season on the first Friday of March. Tonight would be the third episode. How many episodes have I seen? None. Because every damn Friday has had to have a full night of local basketball games including tonight. If they are re-airing any of the programs that are being pre-empted so the local banned-from-the-high-school pedos can watch kids in shorts chase balls from home, it's not being explicitly advertised and is probably in the middle of the night. Burn in hell, garbage games. 1 Quote
crackymckrackin Posted March 22, 2018 Posted March 22, 2018 Foreclosures and short sales, you aren't getting the deal you think you are. Pound sand assholes. Quote
PenguinBoss Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 Permanent retainers It's been less than a year since I got my last one replaced and it fucking popped out while I was flossing. Now I'll have to wait all weekend and eat nothing but soft food in the hopes that my teeth stay straight. Quote
wacky1980 Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 gonna flip it for a minute. coming into work on a saturday of a holiday weekend (for some anyways) is actually one of the better things about my job. i don't have the customer load or the pile of maintenance to grind through. i'm in the process of printing a statement cycle of about 1900 statements, and i can tend that print job without distraction. and i have almost exclusive use of the coffee pot. double-strength batch it is reminds me of why i sometimes reeeeally hate this job. Quote
wacky1980 Posted April 4, 2018 Posted April 4, 2018 aaaaand today i'm reminded of why i sometimes reeeeally hate this job. some asswipe decided to whip up some fraudulent checks on one of our cusomters and deposit them all across the country. i'm currently negotiating with depository bank #3 on filing fraud claims. this is worse than watching molasses dry in january. Quote
DragonSinger Posted April 6, 2018 Posted April 6, 2018 Goddamn you sons of bitches, don't piss off the good translators who do daily releases! Now it's password protected and I have to wait for them to verify a registered account. Quote
wacky1980 Posted April 11, 2018 Posted April 11, 2018 god damn fucking shitass hq trivia. on any other day, 12 right is a win. but noooOOOooo you gotta do 15 questions for the big prize. so fucking close. whatever. Quote
DragonSinger Posted April 12, 2018 Posted April 12, 2018 God I hate Microsoft so fucking much. I have to dodge another update that fucks up drawing programs/tablets again. Why is it so hard to admit that you know jack shit about how artists depend on this stuff functioning correctly and stop messing it up worse than before. I guess I should be lucky that I don't use Photoshop or a Huion tablet because those users are getting fucked more. Quote
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