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Stop going back and forth between 80 and 30 degrees so that electric companies won’t make up imaginary large numbers to bleed everyone dry.

I can barely get my shower water to stay hot for 15 minutes. Suck my fucking dick and choke.

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Always fun to have the people in the front lobby give us so many job tickets in a row with mistakes that I can say out loud in the mailroom "What is their problem?" and one of the data people actually agrees with me.


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I'm so fucking mad right now. i had spoken to the company president about not catering our town hall meetings with the homophobic chicken place, and she agreed, yet here we are.

i am not going to another one of these bullshit things

55 minutes ago, Lynnrael said:

I'm so fucking mad right now. i had spoken to the company president about not catering our town hall meetings with the homophobic chicken place, and she agreed, yet here we are.

i am not going to another one of these bullshit things

Chick fil a?


I haven't  been able to chew on the right side of my mouth since I got some fillings in sept

they need to be adjusted but school got super busy and I haven't had time until today, so I called the dentist and after explaining I wanted some filling adjusted 6 times and what days and time my classes were, they came back with their only available appt, which was right when I had class

so I called their other office and got told  that because their dentist did not do the fillings and they didn't get paid for them, they didn't want to touch them


I fucking hate dentists, I'm about to just go buy a file from harbor freight and start grinding this thing down myself and save myself a whole lot of stress

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, André Toulon said:

Chick fil a?

yeah. the company itself stopped contributing to hate groups but the owner, who profits from the company directly, still does

Edited by Lynnrael
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5 hours ago, Lynnrael said:

I'm so fucking mad right now. i had spoken to the company president about not catering our town hall meetings with the homophobic chicken place, and she agreed, yet here we are.

i am not going to another one of these bullshit things

Folks will hang on to that mediocre ass chicken with a death grip. There are usually better places, but no, they must have THAT chicken. Missing out on way better food is what they deserve though.

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3 minutes ago, DragonSinger said:

Folks will hang on to that mediocre ass chicken with a death grip. There are usually better places, but no, they must have THAT chicken. Missing out on way better food is what they deserve though.

I agree, of course, but part of the problem is that Chik-fil-A is one of the few places that is omnipresent and will actually cater events for cheap (as in cheaper than actually paying for a caterer who pays proper wages).  There is also the fact that a lot of these chicken chains are based in the South, and that brings about its own set of ethical quanderies.

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Posted (edited)

Redacted. Nevermind, y'all.

Edited by Gemini
I jumped the gun and went after someone when they probably weren't going after me. Sorry about that.

Why would the nationally televised wrestling show come up with a story beat of "Adam Copeland saves Nick Wayne's mom from taking a Conchairto from Christian Cage and his goons" when the end result of that actually happening would've been "okay you're not on national TV anymore?"

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Another touching death scene in a movie where somebody tenderly closes the eyes of the recently deceased....Goddammit, it doesn't work that way. Close the eyes on a stiff, they pop open. Every single time.

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I've created a little monster.

It's been cold and the colder it gets, the further up the bed the kitten wedges herself. Lately she's been right in the middle of the bed, close to the pillow, and hogging all the blankets. So I got out the heating pad, set it up near the side by her staircase and rolled her over to that spot. 2 hour timer so she won't get baked no matter how long she tolerates it and I don't have to worry about it catching fire in the middle of the night. 

Now she gets up in the middle of the night and headbutts me because the padding is cold. She also sad-faces me in the morning after I feed her because crawling into the blankets I've just vacated is not good enough. I just went into the bedroom and there she was hugging the heating pad and looking at me like I had murdered her favorite toy because it wasn't hot. -.-;

I've created a monster and it knows how to use guilt. 

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Receipt, debt, indict . . . the silent letters were never pronounced. English scholars during the Renaissance wanted the words to reflect their Latin origins, even though the words entered English through Norman French.

Bunch of pretentious assholes.

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Posted (edited)

If you're someone that's in the Christmas spirit or just a cheerful person in general, cool. I'm not the type that's going to rain on your parade for no reason but don't try to force your feelings on me. I don't appreciate complete strangers telling me that I need I smile because I woke up this, seriously shut the fuck up! Who the fuck are you to tell me how I need to feel? You don't fucking know me or know anything about my life just shut the fuck up. Most the time I'm not even angry about something. I get pissed off when I'm doing something someone keeps bothering breaking my concentration. Most times I got my bluetooths in and I'm zoning out on my music not giving a single fuck about what's going on around me because I'm just chillin' and minding my own business. And that's what the fuck these people need to start doing, mind your own fucking business and don't worry about what the fuck I'm doing.

Edited by -Kudasai-
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I grab a bottle of water. I take a few sips of said water. I set the water bottle down directly in front of me. I get up to go do something, come back, and….my water’s gone. Every frickin’ night! No one else has been in my room. I know this for a fact. I’m very confused and irritated by this.

On 12/3/2023 at 5:34 PM, -Kudasai- said:

If you're someone that's in the Christmas spirit or just a cheerful person in general, cool. I'm not the type that's going to rain on your parade for no reason but don't try to force your feelings on me. I don't appreciate complete strangers telling me that I need I smile because I woke up this, seriously shut the fuck up! Who the fuck are you to tell me how I need to feel? You don't fucking know me or know anything about my life just shut the fuck up. Most the time I'm not even angry about something. I get pissed off when I'm doing something someone keeps bothering breaking my concentration. Most times I got my bluetooths in and I'm zoning out on my music not giving a single fuck about what's going on around me because I'm just chillin' and minding my own business. And that's what the fuck these people need to start doing, mind your own fucking business and don't worry about what the fuck I'm doing.

As the proud owner of a resting bitch face, I endorse this message.

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Someone doodled on a $20 and spent it. Which means I got to see it while working out the daily deposit.

I realized that Andrew Jackson looks like Herman Munster.

I can't get that out of my head now. 

And Thomas Jefferson [ the $2 bill ] looks like a young Jeb Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies sans hat. 


So, I’m currently watching Jingle All The Way for the millionth time, and I’m a little irked about the message here.

Being an absent parent can be fully remedied by getting your kid a toy they want? What kind of message is that?

It’s also entirely possible that I’m severely overthinking this, but that seems unlikely.


I just don't understand how people can fake being nice to someone that they have an issue with. I just can't do it, I guess that it's better try to keep the peace but I just can't get down like that. If got a problem with someone I will go out of my way to not interact with that person. I prefer to do that than smile in their face and talk shit about when they're not around.

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I realize that almost everyone is wandering around doing last minute gift shopping and all but is it too much to ask for people to go in with a list of exactly what the hell they are looking for so that people like myself that actually do that can get down the damn aisle for a quick check to see if item x is on the shelf or not and then leave? You are practically glamping in the damn aisle. I just needed to look for a specific Lego set and a couple of frickin' dolls. 

Also, how do you tell a little kid that the super awesome thing they saw on a place called 'Wish' that is also really cheap/can we get it is probably going to end up being 3 toddler skeletons in a trenchcoat? 

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i do not want to fucking be here. i hate this.

production is shut down for expansion work, which is fine, but I'd rather just lose the hours and not work these weeks than be here, wondering around, looking for work.

i like knowing what to expect at work. i like knowing what's expected of me. normally i have a nice little routine and turn my brain off and listen to music and just do my job. not right now. no, now I'm just fucking lost, and i have to interact with people way more, and i just don't want to fucking do this shit. this isn't my goddamn job.

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Fuck my local CVS. Why does their pharamacy need to close for an hour long lunch? Not everyone needs to eat lunch at the same time. I wanted to go there to buy the behind the counter Sudafed, the shit that actually works. I couldn't, and by the time I'm done with work all pharmacies will be closed for the day. 🤬

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I had a rant formulating I'm my head as I laid in bed but now I don't remember it.

So instead, how the fuck did I leave with an uncharged phone

No, I don't keep a charger in my car...I have this weird hangup about wires in my car....if you saw my Tempo in highschool, you'd know why.

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Week before Christmas and my job has nothing to do, which is bad when they want all work from home itemized.  “I spent my morning doing clean and jerks and watching South Park.”  Yeah, I’m a real bastion of work ethic.  This is what they get for not giving me a promotion.

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Posted (edited)

I forgot to update my payment info with my new card number on the Harry’s Razors site. As a result, they stopped sending me razors. I’m getting a pretty full beard now, which I don’t want. I finally ordered some, but they won’t be here until Jan 8th.

So, I said, “Screw it. I’ll just get some from the Walmart app.” It said they’d be here today. Now, they’re delayed until the 26th…

I could just use my electric razor, but it’s mostly useless to me. Why does everything have to be so complicated? :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:

Edited by The_annoying_one
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