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Way back in the day used to like comics and sci fi novels. Also magic the gathering.


For comics it was Sonic The Hedgehog and Aliens/Aliens vs Preditors. Sci fi books- well anything goes, this one series was called Doom, literally there was a 4 part series of novels based off the original video game concept, it was an awesome read too. 












I was into the paranormal and martial arts at times.


Now it's just vidya gaems, anime, and  :fap:


Oh, and I like to go shooting.


Martial arts for sure. I still like fighting movies.


Oh I still like movies. Meant I used to practice before I became a lazy fuck.


watching old bad horror movies.

searching through the bargain bins at dollar stores for old bad horror movies.


It's a shame the Sonic the Hedgehog comic went to complete shit in the end.


I had every comic up until Endgame. I don't remember what happened after that. Somehow I ended up trading all my comics for dope- and then think how much it would be worth today :'(


Fiction/fantasy writing, portrait painting, dancing (usually to electronic music), competitive gaming (mostly FPS), collecting games (yay LAN parties), video editing, dodgeball (amazing workout), fusion cuisine, watching bad martial arts movies, and of course the daily existential crisis.


I read. A lot. Almost anything that catches my eye is fair game. Just today I stopped at B&N on the way home and picked up Zelda : Four Swords Legendary Edition; a book on Hutterites; a book on Ireland's Pagan past; and a book about the stupid things famous writers have done.


I collect nerd crap. The weirder the better some days. Like, there's a plushie crab louse sitting on a tribble in a box right behind me right now and if I was on cam, the wall behind me is covered in framed Venture Brothers artwork, many autographed. There are Daleks glaring at the tv and an army of Sailor Moon figures await orders from a Stormtrooper bobblehead. :D Odin wanted to steal my pencil and ink original from 'Batman the Animated Series'. So yeah, lots of nerd stuff.


I craft. The weirder the better. Beware my puff paints. If I get bored, I will do something. Last year I learned how to make those string voodoo dolls, changed them slightly to make them stronger, and then made a bunch of Bloody Brock Sampson cell fobs holding knives. I paint small things using cat whiskers. I spray paint while wearing a 'Breaking Bad' apron just for the lols. I was a cartoonist at one point in time but haven't been able to draw anything super focused in awhile - left handed and it's my left side that is nerve damaged. Hence more crafting than drawing lately.


I write. Everyday I write something. I'm currently finishing off volume 22 of a series of journals that have been kept almost every single day since April 1, 2001.


I am an old school Nintendo geek. Finally hooked up the GameCube to the bedroom tv to play 'Ocarina of Time' , there's a Gameboy Advance sitting by the boombox with 'Zelda II' in it, and the Wii is hooked up in the living room but I'm not sure what's currently in it [it's either Zoomba or Kirby at this point].


I have a number of musical instruments but am horribly out of practice on everything. I think the kitten plays the guitar better than I do and everything runs if I drag out the accordion. :D


Besides video games n cartoons n things


Doing art things

Building things, including model kits n other shit

Messing around on guitar

Eating all the leftovers

Staring into space




Anime blogs

Playing vidjas

Watching and writing about film

Brewing/drinking coffee & tea

Collecting restaurant menus


Being a family man

Wasting my damn time

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