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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. You'd probably have a harder time finding a product that hasn't been branded with Hello Kitty.
  2. I regret nothing.
  3. I kinda did the same thing. Ate for a week or two until I got sick of it. Pick up a box once in a while now, but nothing beats that first experience.
  4. You can tell by the compilation ending that we're headed into another stretch of filler.
  5. Nah, this was a recent update that got pushed out. Same thing here. Turned on after update installed, Edge starts up with all the same shit in OP. I did the same thing OP did and force stopped it and removed it from the taskbar yet again. I'm not getting started with anything on that.
  6. Funny enough, this felt a lot easier back with NUM pad phones. I don't really bother ever since I switched to smart phones with touch screens so many years ago. But the NUM pad? That was pretty easy to type anything by memory without losing much driving focus.
  7. The adult stage of many insects seems to exist only for the purpose of reproduction. And if life has taught me anything, it's that you don't have to be smart to reproduce. And sometimes, being smart just lowers your chances.
  8. 200cc is the best thing to happen to Mario Kart in a long time. Finally, a race mode that feels satisfying solo. Still a few tracks that felt a little easy somehow, but all of them felt like a high degree of skill was required, and I feel I'm better at the game for having cleared them all. Mirror mode feels a bit strange now. Maybe it's just that I never managed to get super familiar with any of the tracks to begin with. Not really any moments where I catch myself expecting to turn one way but get caught by the mirror'd. Mostly just want to wrap up gold in everything here so I can go do my final ultimate 48-track 200cc marathon.
  9. rpgamer


    Bob, Phong?
  10. rpgamer


    All the stuff I've seen has typically been cut against the grain, and thinner than most store jerky, meaning shorter fibers to chew.
  11. rpgamer


    It's African jerky. Butcher shop around here that made some tasty stuff just closed down. Only managed to buy/try once. Bit of a shame. Maybe for the best, as I got back into my own jerky making. Also seen some pre-packaged biltong that was a lot more satisfying than typical pre-packaged jerky. Smaller size cuts, better grain slices, just less work to consume. Is nice.
  12. I once traced in pen all the blood vessels I could see in my hand and up my arm. Rather remarkable how much is happening just under the surface. I also often watch the muscles in my forearm rippling as I roll my fingers, just running through my head the way the muscles are effecting the movement. Bodies are weird.
  13. One would think, yes. However, the shape of the eyes causes me to assume alligator.
  14. Alligators are usually pretty timid. Drop in and you'll probably spook them. Snake looks thick enough to likely be a constrictor, non venomous, and too small to be a man-eater besides. No threat. The lion, though. With a muzzle like that, could potentially be a chimera. Which could explain the usage of the axe. Threat level unknown. Probably best option is a feint and go for the axe to stand and fight.
  15. It might make more sense if you weren't buying multiple copies/versions. Like, I still have my PS2 and the games I played/liked for it, just so I don't have to buy them again digitally every generation.
  16. I guess in that context, at least salsa is actually food.
  17. Mashed potatoes and salsa sounds... weird, but maybe passable. Butter is a good start, but better with bacon fat. Personally stick with traditional sour cream.
  18. I think one of the dating apps technically has this. Bumble, maybe. I remember seeing it one time and thinking "oh, there's a feature I bet nobody is actually using."
  19. Geisha Rock (ok, it's just an April Fool's vid by group Band-Maid, and j-rock isn't really all that weird, but still, these ladies are phenomenally talented)
  20. Night at the Roxbury Tavern
  21. I'm pretty sure it was Seight. Sometime around 7:25 eastern maybe. I would've taken a screenshot, but it was already at 1000002. And I would've forgotten anyway.
  22. rpgamer

    Titty pics

    They're like if boobs had dicks.
  23. I'm no fan of Ballmasterz, but did notice they were doing something related to Caramelldansen the other night, so, I guess that's neat. Still seemed like ass. Airing anime they already own would be a nice low-cost option that I don't think anyone would complain much about. Shame studios can't be like "hey, sucks that we can't actually get you the episodes we promised. To make up for it, we'll throw you something old (even if something you already aired) to fill in while we get back on schedule."
  24. Leave it out in the woods for a few years. Might develop sentience on its own.
  25. The internet always knew.
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