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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Nah, I'm 100% on board with believing they're intentionally tanking the market so all the stock bros can buy cheap to inflate their worth when shit settles down (i.e. when everyone realizes how bad Rs are for economy [again] and expect Dems to fix everything [again]). Just a question/matter of how easy it will be to undo what has been done, and the nature of the deeper consequences..
  2. But, that's the thing. What motivation does the public have to rally if their elected leaders can't demonstrate any capability? And, more importantly, what motivation do the voters have to keep electing them if they can't at least try to act like they're trying? Whether or not anything gets done is almost irrelevant. They really, really need to show their base that they're not just the "bend over and take it" party. Because right now, the message they're sending is "why bother voting for anybody?"
  3. Got to thinking a dumb thought about this. What if they knew from the start that chances were nil, but used this as a test to gauge public reaction? Cuz, there's always that wonder of whether we'll actually get any proper warning when the big one is actually on the way... And then I thought... Wait! We need to do this all over again. But get everyone in on it. And keep it up. At least until Musk and crew are all aboard the rocket to Mars. At which point they can finally announce "the threat has passed." And maybe just nuke Mars for good measure.
  4. Now, I wonder if it's possible to get us an update to allow for bluesky embeds.. (assuming that's even a simple thing to begin with).
  5. I finally played/finished this game myself. And. That was a story. I don't even know if I can manage to organize all of my thoughts on it. Just, loved the use of themes running through the entire writing. The moments of Kratos showing real vulnerability were tragically beautiful. All of the deep unspoken fears, the doubts, the growth. A classic Hero's Journey, start to finish. I think, ultimately, my final thoughts are this: This story is a lot of things from a lot of angles. A man learning to be a father, a son growing into a man, family, fate, love, loss. But. What I think the true crux of the story is, is a journey of healing. The whole end of the world fight for survival just seems to completely take a back seat to watching Kratos work through his trauma, while trying desperately not to pass it on to his son.
  6. I'd sooner expect it all to be run through some shitty AI to find "wasteful" responses so they can prioritize firing those and publicly announce saving trillions of dollars in the process.
  7. So glad to know that when it comes to opposing fascism, elected leaders will choose the "wait and see how people feel about it" approach.
  8. At what point do you think they start catching on to the whole "face-eating leopards" dilemma? From some paywalled article.
  9. Good to know that, while antagonizing the rest of the world, we're also scrubbing our nuclear readiness. https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/Politics/live-updates/trump-2nd-term-tariffs-trade-war-118643360/mass-layoffs-now-paused-at-us-nuclear-weapons-agency-118833343
  10. The dems we're supposed to be counting on.. Dems Reportedly Angry That Progressives Are Pushing Them to Act Like an Opposition Party
  11. We've also seen what happens when dems run on the "Anything's better than this shit" platform. Coast through expecting an easy win, do fuck all with it, then wonder why they can't motivate voters to support the status quo.
  12. I do get a little nervous about leaning on the judicial to hold things together, tho.. Under normal circumstances, totally fine, but, this administration has shown a clear disregard for legality already, and it still relies on actually enforcing the law in a way they don't just ignore. Every unconstitutional order is all too easily jumped on by anyone that thinks to gain from it, politically or financially, despite the orders not explicitly being laws. Idk. Just sorta anxiously waiting for the masks to come off and they all decide they're just going to make their own rules and declare courts have no power. Judicial wins are a great start, but I definitely feel a lot better seeing the wins in action. Costco shareholders rejected a proposal to review the company's DEI protocols
  13. What I'm hearing is everyone's on board with punching nazis in theory, but not in practice. I've seen a lot of rhetoric about fighting fascism tooth and nail, but that "fight" is looking pretty impotent these days.
  14. Scaling aside, it's a bandaid fix that will only get increasingly costly as it takes more and more effort to counter carbon output. Further, does nothing to address things such as ocean acidification. Could even run the risk of increasing that, what with removing some of the water diluting the problem.. Also questions of long term sustainability. Maybe they really can increase ice deposition... but there's surely a limit. Are their methods able to effect significant decades-long change, or is there a natural cap on the process that could prevent it from reaching any inflection point?
  15. So, lemme get this all straight.... this whole treasury thing is being pushed by a handful of kids, possibly even just one on site, and all the employees, grown ass adults, knowing this shouldn't be happening, instead of curb stomping a bitch, just... let it happen? I'm confused by the prospect of "doing everything in our power to prevent this" when it'd only take a couple of folks to tie a kid to a chair. Idk. Like yeah, maybe there's more muscle on hand, or some other means of threatening etc. But. Would've hoped somebody would grow a spine, kick some fuckers out and barricade doors.
  16. Clinging to the hope that we get our own turn is about the only optimism left...
  17. Been thinking along these lines lately as well. Basically wondering who to look for to invade us and take the wheel. There's the classic "Make America British Again" joke... But realistically, it'll be China, if we're not already being controlled behind the curtain..
  18. Typical dems. "We posted on social media already. There's literally nothing more we can do."
  19. I don't super have high stakes in it either, but.. I'm also less bothered by the prospect of an echo chamber. I mean, I get the concerns, but, an echo chamber is only bad if you literally never step out of it. Which this place is too small and inactive for that to likely be the case. I look at it like The Daily Show. They're not out there trying to change minds being the voice of reason. They're there for fans to commiserate, to feel justified in their beliefs. It gets echo chamber-y, but it's a place of comfort to get away from the harsh realities. But, I, too, recognize I'm often in the minority of having no qualms about curating the hell out of my internet experience to suit my needs.
  20. Yeahhhh.. at this point it's blatantly spreading misinformation and propaganda. But it's cool, guys. That's just, like, her opinion, man. Definitely no agenda to it.
  21. I think (hope) it's less about expecting accountability from him, and more shining a light on his irresponsibility for all the world, and his supporters, to see. If any of them weren't evil fuckers enjoying the cruelty and suffering, they'd have an increasingly hard time justifying their support of someone, y'know.. enabling the cruelty and suffering.
  22. Fascinating how their minds work. "I'm worried about hate crimes... maybe I should act more like a nazi"
  23. Dumb thought of the day: Man, for people that get all bent out of shape about respecting pronouns and dead names, they seem really intent on this whole "renaming the Gulf" thing...
  24. I think I've been wearing the same pair of glasses since.... I think literally since before I joined ASMB...
  25. I mean, he could be impeached again and actually removed from lololololol like that'd happen.
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