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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. The solution to all your problems. https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Home-Improvement-Bidets/zgbs/hi/686953011
  2. I'm not banned, I'm just lurking.
  3. I did this back in the day, and it wasn't super confusing, but there were certainly gaps, and a lot of unanswered questions. Frankly, I found Xion's story far more compelling than most of the rest. Playing through all the side games, I was mostly enjoying them, not great, but, good story building, until, I think, the bonus end scene in... Re:Coded, I think, that really grabbed my attention. Sure, the entire story is incredibly excessively convoluted. But, that's part of the appeal for some, having so many pieces to put together.
  4. These lads seem to be having loads of fun with this genre.
  5. I think this is the 7 remake that I really want now.
  6. Fettuccine. Linguini. Martini. Bikini.
  7. I'm kinda close to dropping this show just to not put up with more of this. Asta is somehow more bearable than this. Not by much. But this is more grating by far.
  8. I kinda want the devs to just scrap all the work they've already done on the remake, and start over with this. Make the game all 80's-futuristic, neon vaporwave cybersynth. I could seriously see this actually working.
  9. Damn, can't believe I never added A Tribe Called Red to my weird shit thread. Saw them some time last year, and yeah. Who'd've thunk? Native American dubstep. As a recent comment so eloquently articulated my thoughts: "Ah, my favorite genre: wtf" (they're not really my jam, but I'm still entertained by the strange) For chiptunes, I think you can't go wrong with some BGC. Honestly I almost feel kinda spoiled, cuz I can't really find any others that really give me the same vibe. I think I really do want to add some synthwave to my collection, tho. I just stumbled on this, and it seems like it fits my style maybe.
  10. That's closer to what gets my attention. The world needs more acoustic folk Celtic covers of things.
  11. Only if you take all my debts, too.
  12. In a surprising turn of events, Jman is wrong. /s No but really. It's actually going to air this weekend. Still pretty shit, tho.
  13. FF14 might just be the most solo-friendly MMO ever. Literally everything is gated by the main story quests. So unless you're gonna buy a boost (2 actually, since you need both a story and level boost), you have to get through the entire story from 2.0 to 5.2 (dropping today). A lot of people complain that this is a slog, without realizing that there's not actually a whole lot to do once you reach the "end" except grind a couple of the latest fights, or go back and do all the stuff you probably skipped trying to rush. So, if you're in it for maybe a moderately engaging story (opinions may differ), it can be a good time. People exist, but you rarely, if ever, need to actually engage any of them. Periodically the story may require you to run a dungeon or a fight, but the system is set up to queue you in with anyone else running those or roulettes, so you don't really have to do any "looking for party" stuff, for most of it. Outdated high-end content doesn't fill up much unless you're willing to run with some massively overleveled/geared players to faceroll through it. Summation, I'd never say you need to have a group or friends to really get into it. But, I'm also biased, being antisocial, and I actually enjoy the quiet of not having to, y'know, actually talk to anyone if I don't want. YMMV.
  14. This one was a bit too much of a stretch to believe they'd be able to just work that out instantly.
  15. Damn, what happened in India to drop 12 ranks?
  16. Holy fucking hell, tell me Zenitsu isn't a permanent side character. The screaming isn't remotely entertaining. Especially when it's part of every minute of the fucking episode.
  17. This. This is what you complain about. After watching a boy who can accelerate faster than light fight a boy who can manipulate spacetime. It's fantasy. Lighten up and let it rot your brain. It's magic fire from the pits of hell, it can do whatever it wants.
  18. I've had this happen before with some games. I've experienced that, sometimes, restarting the game will somehow magically bring the save files back. As if on initial start up, it didn't have the energy to remember the saves, but after a warm up, memory came back. But, I think I can only really remember this happening with GBA games, so, maybe probably different tech.
  19. Dammit, Deku, what's the fucking point of having a cowl on your costume if you never fucking wear it. This is the real deal, start acting like it.
  20. Posted that one ages ago. But you've got the right idea. Here's a related classic from the old boards. Still not sure I know what's going on.
  21. I feel like your definition of "weird" might be a bit tame by my standards.
  22. My, how the boards have fallen. This should've been the first response.
  23. Did anyone keep track of how many arcs were mentioned in the defense of the show here? Think I saw at least 3 or 4. That's the sort of thing I hate, and I'd believe could be something that holds the show back. "Oh, it gets really good at this arc!" "Ok, but this arc is definitely where the good stuff is at." Oh, wait, this arc, this is the real primo stuff." First of all, shouldn't have to wait for it to "get good." Second, it never does. It's always more of the same. Just like with Bleach. You keep trying to stomach more of it in anticipation of that magical mythical transformation into something more bearable, and it's just the same show. Because of course it is. Shows, shounen, don't just completely change what they are like that. Also, lol at the comparison of OP slow with DBZ slow. I mean, probably I'm biased by more recent exposure to Kai, maybe I've just filtered all the filler out of my memory. Even still, I'd stand by my personal assessment that OP pacing is still more of a slog. I'd agree with previous suggestion. Give it the Kai treatment. Trim it down by half (at least). Then maybe you've got something worth watching. It has a premise I wouldn't mind getting to see more of. But the execution/presentation make it kinda bottom-of-the-barrel.
  24. The benefit of going into shows blind. I'd probably agree on that point. It's definitely not something that needs to go on forever. I mean, it is also clearly designed to go on forever. But it shouldn't. But, this is why I prefer not knowing too much about the shows coming here, and just judging on what's presented.
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