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  1. If only there was a champion of conservative thinking that posts here to tell me how that's exciting and how bold and brave this is.
    8 points
  2. Trump strong arming major law firms because they fought against him during his 2020 election shit and the law firm caved. No fight at all. wtf is that bullshit?!? where is MD to tell us how great this is or Wacky to say how “it’s fear mongering” this isn’t a democracy anymore. Not if law firms following the law are going to say they used poor legal practices. That’s bullshit. The firms defending Trump were the ones doing wrong and are doing wrong. So wrong that judges damn near lose their fuckin minds
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. weird how they loathe Europe but only want white immigrants
    7 points
  5. The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans Top 4 takeaways from Trump Cabinet's explosive leak of Yemen war plans The incompetence it just never ends. Funny to see Vance spoke out against going through with the operation, but only because of he felt it would be helping out Europe, which he loathes apparently.
    7 points
  6. You used to be able to jump in a taxi and yell, "follow that car!" And they would do it. They would make sure your murder victim didn't get away.
    7 points
  7. Love the trick where Hegseth blames the journalist for being added to a chat, probably by Hegseth when he was drunk and tries discrediting all of Goldberg’s work. Mind you, he didn’t release all the texts. Goldberg could have been a scumbag and printed classified information in his story, but he didn’t. I say “could have been a scumbag” because printing all the texts could have dire consequences, especially if they involved strategic information and shit like that. Hegseth should be fired and whatever happened to the “but her emails” crowd? wtf are they now?
    6 points
  8. Has been arrested in 13 states for impersonating a meter maid
    6 points
  9. I’ve signed up for bluesky, @SwimOdin very original. I can’t believe I’m doing the Twitter shit again, but let’s go. Pls follow so I can help curate my feed.
    6 points
  10. Chief Justice Roberts rebukes Trump’s calls for impeachment of judge that didn’t rule his way. A little fuckin late for that. He agreed to make Trump a King. “Oh but the leopards weren’t supposed to eat OUR faces” https://www.newsweek.com/john-roberts-blasts-donald-trump-rare-statement-2046592
    6 points
  11. DRACONIAN REPUBLICAN POLICY LEADS TO RETURN OF MIDIEVAL LABOR LAWS Hoo boy I will be now posting a wall of text unrelated to this, but it will be long.It's been four months since daily life shut down, to be replaced by shelter-in-place, distance learning, hoarding for the apocalypse, and trying-to-work from home for a full-time job. Surprisingly, work has been the one thing that has felt the least disrupted since mostly I've been the keep-it-to-yourself-and-get-your-shit-done kind...and distance-working has fit into this anti-social mode just fine. I laugh (on the inside of course) every Friday afternoon at my group's "forced-socialization" sessions -- known to the colleauges as a Virtual Beer Bash; but lately there's been little beer, no bashing to speak of, and we all seem to be going through the motions miserably for thirty minutes pretending to be interested in the personal lives of people we otherwise couldn't care less about outside of work...if not for the Covid thing; heck, if we're lucky, someone might have some ice cream on their end of the Webex or something -- and I wonder if that's what this world is coming to: people seeking out solace in sharing stuff with others. But how meaningful is it really, when the people you socialize with are conveniently the ones you work with, rather than people of your own choosing? And similarly, what happens if due to circumstances beyond your control (*cough*covid*cough*), you have not been in any contact all for four months with those who previously brightened your days, one small innocous-transactional ping at a time? Video conferencing does a great job standing in for scheduled meetings and such; but not such a good job replicating the spontaneous unplanned interpersonal interactions that provide variety to an otherwise banal existence we call "the daily grind." Sad, really.
    5 points
  12. As it was mentioned last week she will be a jockey at the Kentucky Derby. She will be riding the horse known as "Shut Up Scoob" Seight is couting you because Shut Up Scoob is the horse he placed his bets on and you wouldn't want to disapoint him or his bookie
    5 points
  13. https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2025/03/24
    5 points
  14. i wonder...if people that look mexican, or at one time had a mexican/hispanic married name should be worried.
    5 points
  15. I expect DJT to revoke the one I don't have, soon. https://adamkinzinger.substack.com/p/trumps-latest-stunt-revoking-a-clearance
    5 points
  16. Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick says his mother-in-law wouldn't complain if her Social Security check didn't arrive this month Yeah, kind of easy for her not to care so much considering she's got a son who's a billionaire. Part that really got me though was when he added, "A fraudster always makes the loudest noise, screaming, yelling, and complaining." I couldn't agree more.
    5 points
  17. Tracks for a Trump supporter, tho. Real question is whether wife regrets marrying man who shows no remorse for supporting her deportation.
    5 points
  18. Are they the ones who forgave all the fraudulent PPP loans? Maybe we're in business!
    5 points
  19. 5 points
  20. Petition to rename this thread "Elon Musk now owns USA, apparently trying to run it into the ground."
    5 points
  21. Other countries are being told to not travel to the US or to do so at their own risk as there have been numerous incidents where foreign visitors - legally here - have been grabbed by ICE and hauled away. No reason given. We are the country on the watchlist now. Wonder how much he'll claim Biden did it when this summer's tourist money doesn't happen.
    5 points
  22. Taking the side of the dude with money is the police's civic duty.
    5 points
  23. Yeah i read that. By people with power, i meant the Dems. I know police are an easy buy. Not to advocate for them, but they mostly get paid shit so taking the side of the dude with money rather than doing their civic duty is a given.
    5 points
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