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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/25 in all areas

  1. Trump strong arming major law firms because they fought against him during his 2020 election shit and the law firm caved. No fight at all. wtf is that bullshit?!? where is MD to tell us how great this is or Wacky to say how “it’s fear mongering” this isn’t a democracy anymore. Not if law firms following the law are going to say they used poor legal practices. That’s bullshit. The firms defending Trump were the ones doing wrong and are doing wrong. So wrong that judges damn near lose their fuckin minds
    7 points
  2. Love the trick where Hegseth blames the journalist for being added to a chat, probably by Hegseth when he was drunk and tries discrediting all of Goldberg’s work. Mind you, he didn’t release all the texts. Goldberg could have been a scumbag and printed classified information in his story, but he didn’t. I say “could have been a scumbag” because printing all the texts could have dire consequences, especially if they involved strategic information and shit like that. Hegseth should be fired and whatever happened to the “but her emails” crowd? wtf are they now?
    6 points
  3. DRACONIAN REPUBLICAN POLICY LEADS TO RETURN OF MIDIEVAL LABOR LAWS Hoo boy I will be now posting a wall of text unrelated to this, but it will be long.It's been four months since daily life shut down, to be replaced by shelter-in-place, distance learning, hoarding for the apocalypse, and trying-to-work from home for a full-time job. Surprisingly, work has been the one thing that has felt the least disrupted since mostly I've been the keep-it-to-yourself-and-get-your-shit-done kind...and distance-working has fit into this anti-social mode just fine. I laugh (on the inside of course) every Friday afternoon at my group's "forced-socialization" sessions -- known to the colleauges as a Virtual Beer Bash; but lately there's been little beer, no bashing to speak of, and we all seem to be going through the motions miserably for thirty minutes pretending to be interested in the personal lives of people we otherwise couldn't care less about outside of work...if not for the Covid thing; heck, if we're lucky, someone might have some ice cream on their end of the Webex or something -- and I wonder if that's what this world is coming to: people seeking out solace in sharing stuff with others. But how meaningful is it really, when the people you socialize with are conveniently the ones you work with, rather than people of your own choosing? And similarly, what happens if due to circumstances beyond your control (*cough*covid*cough*), you have not been in any contact all for four months with those who previously brightened your days, one small innocous-transactional ping at a time? Video conferencing does a great job standing in for scheduled meetings and such; but not such a good job replicating the spontaneous unplanned interpersonal interactions that provide variety to an otherwise banal existence we call "the daily grind." Sad, really.
    5 points
  4. That's barely even flashing!
    4 points
  5. Bring the flashing back! I want to scare the douchbags in my office.
    4 points
  6. Who cares who's to blame? I'm asking seriously because none of this makes Israel look good. If the war ended tomorrow, and Israel did the right thing by stepping away from Palestine and allowed them to rebuild, do you think they'll suddenly get credit for doing the right thing? Of course not. Right or wrong, this war cemented acrimony in the middle east for generations to come and likely damaged the Isreali state permanently. It doesn't help that Israel no longer has a reliable partner in the incompetent Trump administration. There is nothing to be thankful for here. What confounds me about you is your seeming lack of empathy. I don't think you're a psychopath (incapable of human empathy or a dark empath), but you are clearly vengeful against somebody or something and its interfering in your ability to understand what other people who are not you are thinking or feeling. You've been saying the same thing over and over about Israel yet the hostages still haven't all made it home, alive or otherwise, and Hamas hasn't disappeared; at some point you can't even claim pragmatism in this conflict as a justification for the depravity of all those murdered non-combatants. The same applies to your hypocrisy toward LGBTQIA+ people: nothing is going to get better under Trump and you'll have nothing to show for it when everyone you care for suffers. Nonetheless, here we are talking at you as you keep pushing ahead like you don't hear us or don't care what we are telling you. There are only so many timed you can loop the rubber band around your ball of angst before it snaps. At some point, there's going be nothing left and you'll have to acknowledge that your personal animus is driving your ridiculous opinions.
    4 points
  7. All of the violations to the Constitution and human rights violations are so fuckin hilarious. Hard working federal employees losing their jobs illegally, and then being belittled by Trump is so hysterical. Mishandling secret information. That’s just comedic gold. Never mind that screeching of “BUT HER EMAILS” is all we heard since 2016. Egg prices are up. Inflation is up. Employment is down but hey, as long as we all have a good laugh.
    4 points
  8. see, this is what is the most distressing. and most correct. you best believe if this had happened on ANY other watch, full page ads to lynch them would be everywhere. and the thing that confuses me the most. the absolute most, is these magatard vets ..... quite literally 'loose lips sinks ships' has been drilled OVER AND OVER (in more convential wording etc) but the bottom line is, this is NOT how military actions of THIS nature are discussed. this administration is doing absolutely everything it can to bring things to a screeching hault, so they can 'reinvison' the democracy. look you fucking turnips...THIS is EXACTLY how great ruling countries fall. the 'lol look at the dems rage' is not at all helpful. not at all. how is this ....all of this: musky musk in your info, trump shitting his pants while x142=2 tells him to stfu at a press conference...on tape. military manuevers/planning on a group chat KNOWN to be hijacked by the russians. this is just so weird.
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. lol “Michael Waltz is a good man and he’s learned his lesson” DJT on his advisor’s oopsie daisy during a group chat.
    4 points
  11. National security experts have voiced alarm that they instead used a publicly available messaging app. In fact, a 2023 Department of Defense memo specifically cited Signal as an example of an "unmanaged" messaging app that is not authorized to transmit non-public DOD information. Democrats in Congress had roundly criticized many of Trump's security and intelligence picks for their perceived lack of experience during the nomination process — and are now calling for further investigation. ~~~ look at them screaming and raging over security now. stupid dems.
    4 points
  12. Tells people that she was the Gerber baby
    3 points
  13. Was the “I won the internet!” kid in that old meme.
    3 points
  14. Typed a bunch of stuff on a keyboard and then went "I'M IN!"
    3 points
  15. Got chased by a bunch of Rhode Island Reds for throwing their eggs at people at the gas station.
    3 points
  16. Has started an online petition to make Freakazoid a member of the Justice League
    3 points
  17. Thinking about the death battle for the ages. Wimpy from Popeye vs. the Hamburgler. My money is on Wimpy because I wouldn't want to be in between Wimpy and a burger because who knows what would happen. It would be like trying to steal a cookie from Cookie Monster you're just signing your own death warrant.
    3 points
  18. Gets a cut of the action as the racket's muscle, and is worth all the pennies we rake in.
    3 points
  19. runs a rat race out a basement in the red light district. literal rats...little lego jockeys and everything.
    3 points
  20. Got on the wrong side of her once, accidentally got the local pastor stuck by lighting while out golfing and had to make up a cover story.
    3 points
  21. Can summon brutal thunderstorms with just one look.
    3 points
  22. will sometimes wear fishnets and spiked heels, just so he can tap dance on graves of his enemies...in style.
    3 points
  23. He said “fuck Grimace from McDonald’s!” grabbed him out a truck and hit ‘em with a brick and started dancing.
    3 points
  24. The look and my aunt's and cousin's faces will be so worth it... for the few moments before I black out. They're already trying to spin the Slack scandal in the weirdest possible way possible.
    3 points
  25. Make America Have Seizures Again!
    3 points
  26. I can only speak anecdotally about the child labor thing, but are we going to "force" them to fill these roles and just accept subpar quality, because you cant get a current teenager to flip burgers, muxh less pick fucking oranges or wetf they do in Florida. And while on the surface, its annoying.... logically, these kids aren't conditioned for those jobs anymore. They are definitely better trained for content creation and online scams...cant imagine how that happened🙄. Point being, these kids dont know how to do shit that the guys you deported can do.
    3 points
  27. lol back in the “bUt HeR EmAiLs” days
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. makes eggless souffles - her favorite is cheese-banana.
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. The dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
    3 points
  32. Has a cardboard cutouts of The Backstreet Boys
    3 points
  33. ahhhh yes... the age old practice of 'doctoring the books'
    3 points
  34. Exchanging Xitter’s value for Tesla’s feels like some financial alchemy.
    3 points
  35. if that doesn't look like the room.... pur a stand alond pedestal sink, and no clock...add some roaches.... voila! st charles motel, springfield ma.
    3 points
  36. Is starting a new band that plays metal covers of 90s boy band's songs
    3 points
  37. Tries to pay strippers with Monopoly money.
    3 points
  38. Trump is such a fuckin clown. Not three days after screaming “bIdEn’S eOs r nOt vAlId bEcAuSe….uhh durr aUtOpEn!” He admits to knowing nothing about the 1798 Aliens enemies act he enacted because he didn’t sign it. Honing in a CNN interview then goes on to say “oh no, he meant he didn’t sign the Act in 1798” are they even being serious right now? What kind of crazy fuckin answer is that? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5208986-cnn-elie-honig-donald-trump-deportation-flight-fight/amp/
    3 points
  39. 3 points
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