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Trumpist Insurrection in DC


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On 9/6/2022 at 2:27 PM, Jman said:

This is the first case ruled on in over 100 years to successfully apply the Insurrection Act.

Does it directly involve the insurrection act? The article says it's the disqualification clause of the 14th amendment, which

On 9/6/2022 at 3:10 PM, Sawdy said:

Not sure if this can be used for precedence now? I mean, it’s the first time something had been ruled as an insurrection here right?

If anything, it will probably be appealed and will be an interesting test case on it's applicability.

The other, unhelpful legal argument is that that the disqualification clause only applies to the OG civil war. If it was appealed in the federal system and SCOTUS went in that direction, that'd be a real shame.

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On 8/29/2022 at 2:30 PM, Sawdy said:


Meanwhile in Texas they refuse to release numbers on women dying because of their draconian abortion laws until after the elections. In Trumpland all you hear are crickets about it. 

It’s ok to bury information and drop immigrants off at the doorstep of the VPOTUS as long as it helps whichever side you’re on. 

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3 hours ago, Sieg67 said:

A bit of old news but I don't remember it seeing it mentioned. Trump owes over 1.6 million on his Truth Social platform.
Turns out the guy who is known for not paying his bills hasn't been paying his bills.


Investors have been losing money but their cult mentality is stopping quite a few of them from cutting their losses.
They've lost their life savings and it's only getting worse for them.

simpsons search GIF

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1 hour ago, SwimModSponges said:

Sure would be nice to hear what the Trump fan would have to say about this, but @Ginguy doesn't want a civil conversation.

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"Tweet #TRUMPYES to @J6COMMISSION to vote to subpoena, tweet #TRUMPNO to vote against. Its time to make your voice heard america! And after this commercial break we'll be back with the winner from last season, and they're spilling all the tea."

Sorry, been watching lots of Real Housewives of Miami lately.

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22 hours ago, Raptorpat said:

The Commission is about to take a public vote to subpoena Trump.

Pre-vote, Liz Cheney just walked through everyone who had spoken to Trump directly in connection with Jan 6/election denials and either invoked the fifth or refused to testify.

How dare someone assert their Constitutional right to not get involved with a sham committee. Harrumph I say!

In other news, apparently Pelosi thinks it is acceptable to assault the President, knew it was illegal to do so and didn't care. I mean, threatening the President is a crime after all, wonder if there will be charges filed....


Hmm, "I was waiting for this." sure seems like a statement that indicates prior knowledge. Maybe add her to the list of people that need to preserve records....


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47 minutes ago, Ginguy said:

In other news, apparently Pelosi thinks it is acceptable to assault the President, knew it was illegal to do so and didn't care. I mean, threatening the President is a crime after all, wonder if there will be charges filed....

Your special snowflake is showing.

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7 hours ago, Ginguy said:

How dare someone assert their Constitutional right to not get involved with a sham committee. Harrumph I say!

In other news, apparently Pelosi thinks it is acceptable to assault the President, knew it was illegal to do so and didn't care. I mean, threatening the President is a crime after all, wonder if there will be charges filed....


Hmm, "I was waiting for this." sure seems like a statement that indicates prior knowledge. Maybe add her to the list of people that need to preserve records....


Why, that's almost as bad as telling a large crowd of people that you will march to the Capitol with them, after which some of those people breach the inside of the Capitol and cause widespread property destruction while the results of the election for President of the United States are being finalized.

Thank God that didn't happen though, right?

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