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2024 Presidential Elections: the schadenfreude commences


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9 minutes ago, ZoomBubba said:

People would probably say Biden won the debate if he didn’t look and sound like an 81 year old man. Trump is at his most confident when he gets to lie without pushback and this format seemed to allow it.

Someone in the fact check link said Biden had a cold, but it wasn't told to the press.

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"The debate, featuring deeply personal attacks by both men, came at a pivotal juncture in their unpopular presidential rematch and a critical moment to make their cases before a national television audience. Biden’s uneven performance risked crystallizing voter concerns that at age 81 he is too old to serve as president, while the 78-year-old Trump’s rhetoric offered a perhaps unwelcome reminder of the bombast he launched daily during his tumultuous four years in office." AP

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Just now, discolé monade said:

"The debate, featuring deeply personal attacks by both men, came at a pivotal juncture in their unpopular presidential rematch and a critical moment to make their cases before a national television audience. Biden’s uneven performance risked crystallizing voter concerns that at age 81 he is too old to serve as president, while the 78-year-old Trump’s rhetoric offered a perhaps unwelcome reminder of the bombast he launched daily during his tumultuous four years in office." AP

Everyone sucked in other words.

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12 minutes ago, discolé monade said:

we were respected all over the world, all over the world we were respected. And then he comes in and we’re now laughed at

when is someone going to remind him of the time he tried to talk tough at the UN and the general assembly literally laughed at him to his face

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Democrats are openly talking about how to drop Biden from the ticket

That's how bad his performance was tonight.


Ive been saying it for months, and its looking more prophetic by the day, but the election in November will not be Biden v Trump. One, or both, of them will not make it to November.

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44 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Ive been saying it for months, and its looking more prophetic by the day, but the election in November will not be Biden v Trump. One, or both, of them will not make it to November.

In all honesty.. at this point, it feels like presidential pick maybe matters less than VP. If we're stuck with this shitshow, can we at least get a VP nomination that we might actually be relieved to see take over? Really don't think Harris fits the bill on that point..

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Two things can be true.

1. Medical and sociological professionals say the concern over someone being "too old" is false and a total misunderstanding of aging. 

2. Half the country thinks the USA is in existential danger from Trump, so they panic about Biden being too old even though it has no basis in reality.   

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Trump is such a scary figure to so many Americans, *any* Democratic candidate would be facing scrutiny for their perceived weaknesses which could lead to a second Trump presidency. I don't think it's unique to Biden.  

If Gavin Newsom was the candidate right now instead of Biden, people would be fretting over something unforeseen that puts his candidacy at risk. Again, because Trump is such a looming presence. 






What *could* relieve this anxiety is if the Democrat had a commanding lead over Trump in polling or other metrics, but that's not where America is. Elections are always decided by lik 52% to 48%. 

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5 hours ago, rpgamer said:

In all honesty.. at this point, it feels like presidential pick maybe matters less than VP. If we're stuck with this shitshow, can we at least get a VP nomination that we might actually be relieved to see take over? Really don't think Harris fits the bill on that point..

Unfortunately, we all know Trump will likely get a sycophant.

This reinforces my opinion that if the GOP didn't go with Trump, they would be set to win in a landslide.  Unfortunately the brains of the GOP are burnt more than a Trump steak and they remain an existential threat to a lot of Democrats and Independents due to their lineup of conspiracy peddlers.

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About the election in general, I think Trump's ceiling is 47% of the popular vote. I'd be surprised if he got higher and stunned if he got over 50%.


The real question is how high Biden can get. He will probably need to get 2 points higher than Trump to win the electoral college. Can I see him getting to 49%? Hillary Clinton got 48% in 2016, so yes, I can see Biden getting to 49. 

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1 hour ago, Jman said:

Unfortunately, we all know Trump will likely get a sycophant.

This reinforces my opinion that if the GOP didn't go with Trump, they would be set to win in a landslide.  Unfortunately the brains of the GOP are burnt more than a Trump steak and they remain an existential threat to a lot of Democrats and Independents due to their lineup of conspiracy peddlers.

Not so unfortunate on that side, maybe. A halfway sane Trump VP pick (if one happened to exist) would likewise make voting for him a bit more palatable. Maybe for the best that we don't have anyone thinking "a vote for Trump at least comes with a better backup option." I don't think Trump voters need any help rationalizing.

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I'm old enough now to have lived through several times when Democrats panicked because they thought something was going to cause them to lose an election. 

You don't have to go back too far. Remember 2020 when Biden was accused of rape by a woman? We all stopped and considered it for a couple of weeks and determined she was full of it. Her emigrating to Russia years later, in an Edward Snowden kind of way, pretty much confirmed that. But for a couple of weeks, we thought that could be the end of Biden and Trump was going to win again. 

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9 hours ago, rpgamer said:

In all honesty.. at this point, it feels like presidential pick maybe matters less than VP. If we're stuck with this shitshow, can we at least get a VP nomination that we might actually be relieved to see take over? Really don't think Harris fits the bill on that point..

Dont disagree at all. Im not convinced that either of these guys can make it 4 more years. Dems are stuck with Harris, and she is somehow more unpopular than Biden is. Trump hasnt picked his VP yet, and that could really swing the election. Last time he went with Pence and that won him the Religious base that he needed. His pick this time could be just as critical.

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On 9/8/2023 at 11:45 AM, Master-Debater131 said:


I think its pretty obvious who would step in if Biden isnt the nominee, Gavin Newsom.  Hes been running a shadow campaign for months.  Hes making a calculated bet that if Biden were unable to run in 24 hes would become the default nominee. Kamala is not going to be the nominee because she would get just crushed by any GOP candidate, even Trump. Newsom is clearly positioning himself as the "fall back" option for if/when Biden cant run in 24.

My post from last September.



Gavin Newsom Is Ready for the Biden Emergency


Anyone paying attention could see this one coming from a mile away.

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I didn’t finish watching the debate I just couldn’t anymore. Trump’s lying and the beginning where Biden was stuck in reverse gear….  that fucker Trump is going to win when Biden actually isn’t a terrible president. Our economy is strong a lot of new jobs working on infrastructure he is the better choice of the 2 by far but with that said he doesn’t carry himself like the best choice 

someone mentioned the Biden stutter which ofc I take into consideration but what I was seeing had zero to do with a stutter. 

Once Trump started lying his ass off about Jan 6 and calling it the perfect day and mentioning the offers he made of sending in NG that Pelosi “ignored or turned down” I couldn’t watch anymore 

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SCOTUS just tossed out Chevron.

This is probably the most important decision that SCOTUS has had in decades. Far more impactful than Obergerfell or Dobbs. This drastically undercuts the administrative state and the ability for agencies to simply dictate rules and regulations.


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1 hour ago, Belize said:

I'm old enough now to have lived through several times when Democrats panicked because they thought something was going to cause them to lose an election. 

You don't have to go back too far. Remember 2020 when Biden was accused of rape by a woman? We all stopped and considered it for a couple of weeks and determined she was full of it. Her emigrating to Russia years later, in an Edward Snowden kind of way, pretty much confirmed that. But for a couple of weeks, we thought that could be the end of Biden and Trump was going to win again. 

Man, I think the main problem was the optics. All that debate prep and they didn’t do camera awareness. After that was the delivery. Biden is soft spoken and has a stutter. He’s worked his way through the stutter before but last night the two combined and him not rising to the occasion like in 2020 just made my heart sink.

I really hope Biden is watching the video of last night today and thinking about the number one priority: Beating Donald Trump. Right now, it seems that declining the nomination and focusing on his already strong legacy may be the right option. Unlike the GOP, the Democrat bench is deep with talent, particularly the number of governors they have in purple or red states that could step in and probably take the election from close to a wide margin in the electoral college.

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I watched highlights of the debate, but what I saw didn't come close to requiring Biden to drop out. He's an old guy, and he looks and acts old. It's not like he got convicted of 30 felonies. 

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Oh its happening. Kass is a hedgefund donor and a major player in Democratic fundraising circles. He wouldnt be posting this if he didnt know something.


Its also interesting that it seems like Jill Biden is the one pushing for Joe to stay in the hardest. There have been rumors that shes the Shadow President for a while now, if shes the only one being super vocal about Joe staying in then there is a reason for it.

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Honestly I think getting someone younger would immediately energize the base, but there’s only so much time to do so.  

Not to mention if they did dump Joe, and Joe endorsed the new guy, you could see a lot of the “double haters” embrace him if the policies are sound.  Biden’s issue has never been policy so much as optics.

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26 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:


Oh its happening. Kass is a hedgefund donor and a major player in Democratic fundraising circles. He wouldnt be posting this if he didnt know something.


Its also interesting that it seems like Jill Biden is the one pushing for Joe to stay in the hardest. There have been rumors that shes the Shadow President for a while now, if shes the only one being super vocal about Joe staying in then there is a reason for it.





Sure. We believe that a random hedge fund manager from Florida knows what Joe Biden and Barack Obama are doing, right?

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12 minutes ago, Belize said:





Sure. We believe that a random hedge fund manager from Florida knows what Joe Biden and Barack Obama are doing, right?

Pretty much this despite my idealistic picture of what they could do.  There’s always this hope, this vain hope that the inevitability won’t happen, that something will save us, and it never happens.  So here we are.


Also Joe is doing a rally in Raleigh right now so he’s not stepping back.

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During the fallout from the debate, Biden gets a *boost* in his chances of winning the election from 538 due to positive economic data that was released today. Specifically, a second report for the month of May confirming a previous report's number of 0% inflation.


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9 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

“Disastrous debate” is a bit harsh of a description and really only applies to the first 5 minutes or so.  Trump told lies every time his lips were flappin 

I agree. "Disastrous" is a sensationalist adjective, a long held tradition among U.S. reporters that I always hated. Why are they compelled to use such descriptive adjectives in supposedly factual statements? It's always the least verifiable part of the sentence.  



edit: When I see reporters using such flashy adjectives, I always think, "this part of the article could be bullshit; it's the least credible part". 

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6 hours ago, rpgamer said:

Not so unfortunate on that side, maybe. A halfway sane Trump VP pick (if one happened to exist) would likewise make voting for him a bit more palatable. Maybe for the best that we don't have anyone thinking "a vote for Trump at least comes with a better backup option." I don't think Trump voters need any help rationalizing.

Don't be so sure about that. 

Of the big three he's supposedly stringing along for their apparently excellent rimjob skills, the one that keeps floating like a turd to the top is Burgum. He's favored because he's basically wallpaper compared to the other two so he wouldn't be seen as stealing the spotlight from a massive narcissist. But while governor here, he's pretty much happily signed virtually every so-called 'culture war' bill that came across his desk including one that would ban 'questionable reading material' from both public schools -and- booksellers and ramping up active discrimination against trans children, women, gays, anyone that might question anything... But then he turns around and claims he doesn't want to talk about those ridiculous culture war things because they aren't as important as the economy and border security - which like most republicans he doesn't actually care about except as talking points for elections. Dude okayed the dumping of radioactive toxic socks from the oil companies into public landfills and called the Standing Rock people 'out of state protesters in an ad that was immediately pulled so it totally didn't happen. <.< >.> 

I'm honestly surprised he hasn't already announced that its going to be his favorite crotch-warmer daughter that's going to be VP because he really has very little intention of ever leaving if reinstated and he has very little interest in anyone being next-in-line that isn't hand picked by his dick. 

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RALEIGH, North Carolina — President Joe Biden attempted to calm the panic about the viability of his candidacy in the hours after his disastrous debate performance, telling supporters at a campaign rally on Friday that despite not being as young as he used to, “I know how to tell the truth.”

“I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious,” he said, to a crowd of people cheering. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up.”

“I would not be running again if I did not believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job,” he continued.

But the rally may not be enough to quiet an already widespread panic in the Democratic Party over Biden’s debate performance against Trump. Biden’s raspy voice, trailing answers and deflated stage presence during the 90-minute debate brought into the open what was once a taboo topic: replacing him on the top of the ticket. His comments at the Friday rally were an early indication of how his campaign plans to do damage control.

In front of a crowd of a few hundred supporters on Friday afternoon, Biden was far more energized and fired up than on the debate stage.

As supporters generously cheered on the president, waving “Let’s Go Joe” campaign signs, Biden, reading prepared remarks, lobbed sharp attacks at Trump for his criminal convictions, his position on abortion and his unwillingness to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election. He emphasized that the former president was not honest in the debate. And he shouted through much of the speech, at times breaking to cough.

“He set a new record for the most lies told in a debate,” Biden said. “He lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection on January 6.”

The lineup of speakers who took the podium before Biden didn’t address the president’s rocky debate performance. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper zeroed in on attacking Trump, while First Lady Jill Biden said his performance on the stage was “Joe Biden — a president with integrity and character who told the truth,” while Trump told “lie after lie.” A North Carolina father, Eric Fitts — whose family went viral a few months ago on Tiktok after eating Cookout with Biden in their Raleigh home — told the crowd that he watched Biden with “pride” Thursday night.

Polls have consistently shown that voters — including his own supporters — think Biden is too old to effectively serve a second term. The Biden campaign had hoped that the debate would be an opportunity to prove to the public that the president was capable of serving another four years. But his performance had the opposite effect, all but ensuring that concerns about the 81-year-old’s fitness for office will only intensify.

In the past, Biden has tried to address voters’ uneasiness about his age by focusing on the experience he brings to the office and by infusing some humor into his speeches. He frequently makes self-deprecating jokes about having a “career of 280 years” and being friends with the Founding Fathers.

Biden aides often scoff at suggestions that he is not up for the job, insisting that he is as sharp as ever behind closed doors. At the same time, they have been reluctant to put him in more public settings where he could demonstrate that sharpness. Biden has participated in far fewer traditional media interviews and press conferences compared to his predecessors.

But the intense panic within the party following his debate performance raised questions about what he would do to more aggressively address the age issue over the next few months of the campaign.

Biden walked off the stage Friday as Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down” blasted over the loudspeakers. He waved and pointed to members of the crowd before briefly appearing to jog on his way to the exit.


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4 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:


Oh its happening. Kass is a hedgefund donor and a major player in Democratic fundraising circles. He wouldnt be posting this if he didnt know something.


Its also interesting that it seems like Jill Biden is the one pushing for Joe to stay in the hardest. There have been rumors that shes the Shadow President for a while now, if shes the only one being super vocal about Joe staying in then there is a reason for it.




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8 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Last time he went with Pence and that won him the Religious base that he needed. His pick this time could be just as critical.

Maybe that's why the big push to infuse religion by some states?  GOP veep hopefuls?

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23 minutes ago, tsar4 said:

Maybe that's why the big push to infuse religion by some states?  GOP veep hopefuls?

If you can claim all your actions are sanctioned by god and anyone that says otherwise is the devil, its very easy to control some people. 

And control is all it's about since they are basically claiming he's the second coming while staring into space every time its pointed out that there isn't a commandment that he hasn't broken with maybe the exception of murder but not from lack of trying. Just too lazy. So far. 

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11 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Dont disagree at all. Im not convinced that either of these guys can make it 4 more years. Dems are stuck with Harris, and she is somehow more unpopular than Biden is. Trump hasnt picked his VP yet, and that could really swing the election. Last time he went with Pence and that won him the Religious base that he needed. His pick this time could be just as critical.

If it's that plastic faced governor of ND, it's not going to be good.

I honestly don't understand why Harris isn't more popular than she is, but she would be an infinitely more capable President than the brown noser Trump comes up with.  

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There is a presidential historian named Allan Lichtman who is famous for predicting the outcome of every presidential election since 1984 by using a model completely based on fundamentals of society and politics. That is, he has always dismissed opinion polls and relied on things such as economic conditions and the results of the midterm elections immediately prior to the presidential election. 

For 2024, he predicts Biden will win and says it would be a major mistake to replace Biden because incumbency is one of his fundamentals. 

I agree with him on incumbency. No matter how weak an individual president is, the fact they are the incumbent is a very powerful weapon in winning re-election. If Democrats replace Biden they would be losing that weapon. Democrats may think they are getting rid of baggage by booting Biden, but they would be doing the opposite. 



I have longed believed that incumbent presidents are more likely to win an election than their challengers.

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Switching candidates 4 months prior to an election might be disastrous. I’m not a fan of Biden. I don’t like his foreign policies and I definitely don’t like his handling of the Israel/Hamas conflict. 

I don’t want to vote for Biden at all but there’s no one else. I wasn’t going to vote for President this GE but now I’m unsure. I think it’s more important that if Trump does win, that he doesn’t win the popular vote.  By making no vote at all that’s 1 less vote against Trump, and he’s such a fuckin man baby, that things like popular vote is important to him. It stung his ass that he didn’t win the PV despite him not needing to to be elected 

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