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Did Lola Bunny start a whole generation of furries?

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On 3/5/2021 at 3:48 PM, RainyDayJizz#35 said:

Can anyone say she wasn't sexy?

She wasn't sexy. Just looked like an anthropromorphic sex rabbit that would probably bite a dick off from what I remember of old space jam. Especially looking at the side by side of the old one to what they want to use for the sequel. Not that I think the new model  isn't pretty jaded and sad. The curves were half of her character in the first movie from what I recall, and they built that into her lines pretty well for a pg...was it even pg-13 back then?  Don't know, but I don't really care. Point is I don't think she was really drawn over the top erotic before...

 I don't see the problem with the old one, but I definitely didn't want to hit that at any age. That's all Bug's right there.


and honestly I'm not going to fuss about the shit because I don't give AF what animators decide to do with their toons at this point or ever, but really I think the comparison that's going around of old to new is pretty fucking laughable. Like really wtf did you do to her right? xD

Only once again this is a case of fucking twitter brain worms with most of the drawiings being used for her old look being overly sexualized old fan art drawings in the first place just to spark some babbling. The only real difference is the uniform she's wearing when you look into it a little bit more which does seem justifiable since the first uniform had her looking more like a cheerleader than a basketball player, but whatever.

As for the question in OP's title. Yes. Most likely Yes. 




Posted (edited)

You said way too much about a rodent that was drawn to look cute. It's absurd. How do you have such an expansive opinion on a rabbit with an ass and tits?

Edited by RainyDayJizz#35

Also, ppl online aren't actually mad about Pepe Le Pew not being in Space Jam 2, they're just trying to put work in now so it doesn't look like a double standard later because they realize that means Fifi probably isn't going to be in the Tiny Toons reboot either.

someone had to say it

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On 3/10/2021 at 5:41 AM, Seight said:
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Also, ppl online aren't actually mad about Pepe Le Pew not being in Space Jam 2, they're just trying to put work in now so it doesn't look like a double standard later because they realize that means Fifi probably isn't going to be in the Tiny Toons reboot either.

someone had to say it

>.> well that dude was pretty rapey 

..... rapey as shit actually 

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