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i'm gonna reach dirty 30 in a couple of years

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I'm starting to see myself as a grown man and not some punk kid....I gotta start doing grown man things like learn to cook chilli that's not that good and call it my "famous" chilli...


im in the same boat....over here considering my options for 401k investing ....young enough to go high risk old enough to worry about the market crashing and having nothing after I worked for all that money....


I plan on being drunk in vegas for my dirty thirty


Sounds like a plan I can get behind, but don't stop short...it's Vegas on your birthday, throw some more wrinkles into it...maybe some unconventional drugs....strippers...donkey show...gambling.....double jointed hookers....rent a tiger....sky dive with the tiger.....


im in the same boat....over here considering my options for 401k investing ....young enough to go high risk old enough to worry about the market crashing and having nothing after I worked for all that money....


hehe, yeah, that's what i'm thinkin' about as well...the future......long term plans are my middle three names


you guys are just a bunch of kids  O0


I wish...but your seemingly old as fuck comment has me feeling better...I gotta start hanging out with old people so I can really revel in the youth I have left


....... >.> 


I turned 30 a month ago


Still look 18-20, still get checked for my ID for anything, and still am super depressed that I can't put a 2 in front of my age anymore. 


....... >.> 


I turned 30 a month ago


Still look 18-20, still get checked for my ID for anything, and still am super depressed that I can't put a 2 in front of my age anymore.


don't even try it you no aging bastid....i'm starting to think you and Pharrell are vampires


I wish...but your seemingly old as fuck comment has me feeling better...I gotta start hanging out with old people so I can really revel in the youth I have left


i am about to hit 31 next month but i honestly dont feel different than where i was 5-10 years ago.

aside from a decline of my athletic ability which is mainly contributed from my weight gain


I'm starting to see myself as a grown man and not some punk kid....I gotta start doing grown man things like learn to cook chilli that's not that good and call it my "famous" chilli...


Someone got the American Dad boxset for Christmas.



Or he just has Netflix.


Or Fox.


Wait, was that even American Dad?


Point is, you're a hack, and you hacked a bigger hack.  Mixhack.......Mack.....Hixboy......It's too early for this.


30 comes and goes.  I'm almost about to hit 32 this year.  Have fun still.  Go out and adventure.  Do the things you always dreamed of that'll end well for ya.  Do great things for people by not forgetting to donate some of your time to the needy...and you know, sex and hookups on the weekends.  Don't forget drugs...lots and lots of drugs.


That's what I was thinking.  Seconded.

Thirded (I didn't look to see if this was already thirded, but I have a valid excuse - I'm too old to bother!)

Shut up, you whippersnappers, and get off the lawn. (Pulls out AARP card and heads to Dunkin for old person's free cup of coffee.)


Someone got the American Dad boxset for Christmas.



Or he just has Netflix.


Or Fox.


Wait, was that even American Dad?


Point is, you're a hack, and you hacked a bigger hack.  Mixhack.......Mack.....Hixboy......It's too early for this.


I was disapointed no one got it......I can usually rely on Doom_Metal to get these references, but he wasn't around...


anyway, looks like you watch the same "hack" shows I do, bruv  :L


Play time is over once you pass 25 :'(


it's not fair...that Gypsy told me I'd die young.....while more than likely yelling, "hey guys, check this out"


30 comes and goes.  I'm almost about to hit 32 this year.  Have fun still.  Go out and adventure.  Do the things you always dreamed of that'll end well for ya.  Do great things for people by not forgetting to donate some of your time to the needy...and you know, sex and hookups on the weekends.  Don't forget drugs...lots and lots of drugs.


I never forget the drugs....they make me forget a lot of things, but they always remind me of themselves...


i'll get there in 3 years :(


we'll do this together, friend


pushes you in....."take him and leave me be, pleeeaaaasssseeee"


Shut up, you whippersnappers, and get off the lawn. (Pulls out AARP card and heads to Dunkin for old person's free cup of coffee.)

AARP card?  Please tell me you didn't fall for their scam - you'd really drop a few pegs in my eyes.

I was disapointed no one got it......I can usually rely on Doom_Metal to get these references, but he wasn't around...


anyway, looks like you watch the same "hack" shows I do, bruv  :L


I did actually get the reference, but Buddy replied before I saw the thread.


And how will I be remembered?


I shall erect a statue in your honor....the modest sized statue of a working man, not one of those grotesquely large statues that just make no sense -_-'

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