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I think it's gotten to the point where I contemplate about it once a month now. Previously, it was only once a year, but this year my depression been handing me L's left and right. It's the worst time of the year to get depressed, but it seems like the blues will never be shaken off.


I think it's gotten to the point where I contemplate about it once a month now. Previously, it was only once a year, but this year my depression been handing me L's left and right. It's the worst time of the year to get depressed, but it seems like the blues will never be shaken off.




I haven't really thought about it since I was younger, probably early 20's.


Now the body of one soul I adore wants to die

You have always told me you'd not live past 25

I say stay long enough to repay all who cause strife


Those Alice in Chains lyrics changed my thinking on suicide. It was like a light clicked on.

And that's what I've done. Repay all who cause strife. Just hanging on, and surviving, makes those bastards miserable, because you can live and thrive without them, and all their bullshit, and they clearly see that.


It probably sounds stupid, but, hey, whatever works for you, to help you get through, right?


The thought occurs a couple times a month, but only in passing typically. It's been quite some time since We've given it serious attention. We had one particularly rough patch earlier this year where it was prevalent, but before that We'd probably have to go back two years to find another episode.


In Our early twenties, it was a near constant struggle. Since then, We've gotten a much better handle on Our depression, and also had some... We don't want to say trauma, but essentially the worst concurrent set of issues in Our entire life that really helped with perspective.


When I'm not cycling, I don't.


Oddly enough, when I'm depressed, I just wait for death to come to me. It's only when I hit a certain point in mania that I go out looking for it.


Haven't thought about it recently. Just been miserable.


Last time I really ever thought about it was this year. I feel like its a possible option, but there is no easy way to do it. I mean how does one even do it? Its not like putting pizza in the microwave.


At first I took that to mean when you're not riding a bicycle.  -_'

At my age, riding a bicycle is one of the ways I court death.  :D


At my age, riding a bicycle is one of the ways I court death.  :D


My last death fantasy involved riding my bicycle right into NiagraFalls while drunk and intoxicated off benzos and barbiturates.  (I wish this were a joke)


But I'd probably just chicken out at the last minute and ride my bike to the dope spot instead.


The thought occurs a couple times a month, but only in passing typically. It's been quite some time since We've given it serious attention. We had one particularly rough patch earlier this year where it was prevalent, but before that We'd probably have to go back two years to find another episode.


In Our early twenties, it was a near constant struggle. Since then, We've gotten a much better handle on Our depression, and also had some... We don't want to say trauma, but essentially the worst concurrent set of issues in Our entire life that really helped with perspective.






I think it's gotten to the point where I contemplate about it once a month now. Previously, it was only once a year, but this year my depression been handing me L's left and right. It's the worst time of the year to get depressed, but it seems like the blues will never be shaken off.

It's more fun to contemplate regicide.

Not a lot, only ever when I'm feeling sick or hungover or have a headache or have been up for 24 hours and have an obligation so can't go to sleep or when I'm really drunk and sad.


I don't consider it due to existential dread but like I would never survive some miserable extreme wilderness survival situation even if it was possible, if it was too hard I would just kill myself. Or some non terminal medical condition that caused too much physical discomfort and suffering and inconvenience I would probably just opt out


Not with any great urgency but sometimes I think about it as the final end to my life.


I don't want to go out with dementia or suffering of old age.


Sometimes when I have really bad migraines I consider it, especially when they go on for a few hours.


Never.  But, I do worry about what would happen if I lost my mind and became self destructive.


If you haven't lost it by now, you probably won't. Most mental illnesses develop, or at least the symptoms become obvious, in late adolescence/early adulthood (or younger). 


If you haven't lost it by now, you probably won't. Most mental illnesses develop, or at least the symptoms become obvious, in late adolescence/early adulthood (or younger).


The neighbor down the street threatened suicide if Trump were to be elected so there are exceptions to this.


If you haven't lost it by now, you probably won't. Most mental illnesses develop, or at least the symptoms become obvious, in late adolescence/early adulthood (or younger).


I know that.  I don't mean schizophrenia or the like.


I know that.  I don't mean schizophrenia or the like.

Then what do you mean? Not trying to be snarky, it's just that you present an interesting question: What would make a previously rational person reach an emotional point where they'd attempt, or at least consider, suicide?  I'm afraid that my perspective is so skewed on this that, outside of rational suicides, I can't really think of anything. (And again, not trying to be flip, I'm genuinely curious.)

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