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2024 Presidential Elections: the schadenfreude commences

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You're not paying attention. Read the last part of my post again. Yes, they're both bad. But " looking like he's going to drop dead any moment" is not remotely the same as being actively dangerous to the country. Sure, republicans can afford to gamble on anyone else, if they lose, no big deal, it's just more Biden. Same can't be said the other way.


No, I saw that. The problem with that argument is that it doesn't really hold water outside of liberal circles. Liberals see Trump as some sort of clear and present danger, but thats the only group that does. Independents just view him as a brash asshole who doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Liberals see Trump as some combination of Russian asset, fascist dictator, next coming of Hitler, end of Democracy. There are hysterics consistently posted in liberal blogs and news articles saying that hes the worst thing to happen to the world in the entire history of history. Its over the top and drives clicks for those who agree with that, but its not reflective of the majority of Americans.

Outside of Liberal circles, the majority of people who do not support Trump see him as a brash asshole, doesnt have the temperament to be President, and is generally unfit to serve. That is a huge difference from the Liberal viewpoint of Trump.

When you look at the election through the lens of "Man who might drop dead at any moment" vs "Brash asshole" it becomes a lot clearer why the election is the way that it is this year. Outside of the hardened partisans for both parties, the two candidates look pretty equally horrible.

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It's like you've already forgotten the bullshit we went through once already with a Trump term.

That's one of the unique aspects of this election, having seen 4 years of each. Can't really say the last four years have reached the same level of fuckery as the previous four.

You're trying to diminish Trump as just someone that doesn't know how to lead, overlooking the fact that he knows full well how to grift. It's not about being a bad president, it's about trying to be an attempted dictator.

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And again, thats not how the majority of people view it.The majority of people remember Trump as being a brash asshole during his term and with a temperament that is unbecoming of the office. Not as being a dictator. Its only in liberal circles where thats what people think of Trump.

The real problem for Biden is that we do have 4 years of both Presidents to compare, and hes going to lose that. People remember Trumps term with lower prices for everything, enforced immigration laws, lower inflation, and no wars in Ukraine or Gaza. Biden loses on all those. Immigration and the Economy are the top 2 issues, and Trump routinely polls better than Biden on both of them.

"Trump is a dictator" is not what most people think of Trump. It will work for Liberal circles, but it isnt going to fundamentally shift the "guy who might drop dead vs brash asshole" calculus people are making right now.

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Go fuck yourself jingo....I mean, md. Trump looks like he died last year and is just a propped up corpse so saying biden looks like he is gonna die is the dumbest fucking shit to say about him.

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4 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

The problem with that argument is that it doesn't really hold water outside of liberal circles. Liberals see Trump as some sort of clear and present danger, but thats the only group that does.


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1 hour ago, Icarus27k said:

Independents certainly do see the guy indicted in the January 6 riot at the Capitol as a threat to the country. 


If they don't, they're dumb independents. 

And let's not forget this little gem


  • Like 4
2 minutes ago, rpgamer said:

And let's not forget this little gem


Or this one


Or this one



Or this one



You all are absolutely kidding yourselves if you think this kind of thing is going to move the needle. Outside of the permanently online and hyper-political groups of people no one cares about this stuff. Its great for driving rage clicks, but the vast majority of Americans really dont care about this stuff.

  • Haha 1
35 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Or this one


Or this one



Or this one



You all are absolutely kidding yourselves if you think this kind of thing is going to move the needle. Outside of the permanently online and hyper-political groups of people no one cares about this stuff. Its great for driving rage clicks, but the vast majority of Americans really dont care about this stuff.

Cope need. 

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Haley is dropping out this morning.Two of the most god awful candidates are going to have a rematch where no matter who wins, we all lose. Its truly amazing just how horrible both Biden and Trump are, and yet we are stuck with them.

Theres a real chance a 3rd party does damage this year. No one wants Biden or Trump. RFK may be crazy, but he may be a real threat to pick up a ton of votes this year simply as the "none of the above" candidate.

No, we only lose if Trump wins.

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8 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

You have a whole lot more faith than I do at this point then. We had 4 years to do a million things that would have prevented a rematch, and none of it happened. So here we are, Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich, but on steroids.

Like what, exactly?  I'll be the first to tell you that Biden is too old and that, regardless of his competency, his age represents a real danger to our government.  But, he's not a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich, and Trump - someone who is not beholden to a system - very much is.  Idiots like you that spout these "both-side-isms" are doing more to contribute to the collapse of our democracy than actually helping it

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, André Toulon said:

Would be a great time to have Nabisco around, but he rather hunt hogs in his yard

The Green Party hasn't had its circle jerk yet, so there's no candidate for him to stan.


Both side-ism = I'm trying to sound reasonable to the person I am addressing so they and others accept BS like all the felonies/keeping nuclear weapons secrets at a country club as normal. 


I give MD points for attempting to be insidious but it was a lazy attempt. 

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Posted (edited)

North Carolina is a swing state. Its demographic shifts are just behind Georgia in terms of going from red to blue. Obama won it once, and in 2020 Nate Silver incorrectly predicted it would vote for Biden.



It's quite a decision for Republicans to choose as their candidate for governor the "want to take away women's right to vote" guy. 

Edited by Icarus27k
8 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

No, I saw that. The problem with that argument is that it doesn't really hold water outside of liberal circles. Liberals see Trump as some sort of clear and present danger, but thats the only group that does. Independents just view him as a brash asshole who doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Liberals see Trump as some combination of Russian asset, fascist dictator, next coming of Hitler, end of Democracy. There are hysterics consistently posted in liberal blogs and news articles saying that hes the worst thing to happen to the world in the entire history of history. Its over the top and drives clicks for those who agree with that, but its not reflective of the majority of Americans.

Outside of Liberal circles, the majority of people who do not support Trump see him as a brash asshole, doesnt have the temperament to be President, and is generally unfit to serve. That is a huge difference from the Liberal viewpoint of Trump.

When you look at the election through the lens of "Man who might drop dead at any moment" vs "Brash asshole" it becomes a lot clearer why the election is the way that it is this year. Outside of the hardened partisans for both parties, the two candidates look pretty equally horrible.

Absolute bullshit. I'm an independent and Drumpf should absolutely NOT be allowed anywhere near the WH. He only sees it as a get-out-of-jail-free card to combat the many many trials and likely punishments finally rolling back on him and as a means to seek out revenge against anyone and everyone he's got an anger issue with. He has lawyers arguing that he should be able to assassinate political rivals if he wants to without charges if he's the president. He has pointblank said that he's going to be a dictator on Day One. He has pointblank said that he doesn't care for the Constitution and is more than willing to get rid of it because it hurts his fee-fees and if Congress was functional, the Constitution would keep him out of any office in the land. His entire presidency wasn't just 'marred' by Russian conspiracy theories, he was actively seeking out Putin whenever they were in the same area together, chased out all OUR people for those meetings [which is not acceptable for obvious reasons], and then went on to praise Putin and claim that whatever Putin told him was totally the truth and our own intelligence agencies were the liars. He's been actively quoting Hitler at his little power rallies. He refused to sign a pledge stating that he wouldn't overthrow the damn government if he doesn't win - the fact that that pledge needs to exist, and everyone knows about it should frickin' tell you something. 

4 years of that asshat led to complete destruction of the types of regulations that keep people from dying because he didn't like regulations, complete destruction of existing trade agreements because he thought he could totally do better [ and then he got bored and everything was left to rot in the ground ], a massive drop on the world stage for the country, an increase in white supremist/hate group activities because 'they are very good people', 3 completely worthless SCOTUS members that lead to the overturning of Roe v Wade which in turn is allowing individual states to now charge women with felonies if they frickin' miscarry and want to allow bounties on anyone that leaves the shit-hole states to seek medical options in non-shit-hole states, a run-away pandemic that killed millions of Americans because he threw away the pandemic planner created under Obama [ black man bad! destroy all black man stuff! ] and refused to let actual doctors and scientists deal with things because F- in science needed the final say on everything [ inject bleach! eat fish tank cleaner! enjoy that animal dewormer, its the best! ], a post office that gets slower every day thanks to that shithead DeJoy whose sole reason for being put in that job was to slow mail-in ballots, a tax break that only went to the rich no matter what you tell yourself [ I paid more in those 4 years than literally every single GOP bigshot donor and I definitely don't shop for yachts ] , yet another government shutdown that he literally bragged about how he was responsible for it until he realized that people don't like shutdowns [ then he basically blamed the Dems because they made him do it...toddler ], and the National Debt growing 25% just from his greedy bullshit [ so much for party of fiscal responsibility - that only happens when the President is a Dem ]. 

The lens is not "Man who might drop dead at any moment" vs "Brash asshole" , it's guy who is in his 80's/potential future Presidential funeral vs Spiteful Menace absolutely hellbent on being Dictator-for-Life. 

Don't whitewash his shit. You aren't going to get anything good out of it. 

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4 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

Absolute bullshit. I'm an independent and Drumpf should absolutely NOT be allowed anywhere near the WH. He only sees it as a get-out-of-jail-free card to combat the many many trials and likely punishments finally rolling back on him 



We don't appreciate this enough. We have been downplaying Trump's 4 indictments. Sure, we talk about them but that doesn't do them justice.



Voting in the 2024 election is literally a vote to "Lock Him Up". That was just insulting when it was used in 2016, but now it's literal. A voter in November literally has the power to send Donald Trump, the guy who falsely accused the Central Park 5 and who raped E. Jean Carroll, to prison. 


Don't you want to use that power? 

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Posted (edited)

Voting against Trump in 2024 would be the most brutal act of revenge.


It's hard to think of any other example of righteous spite being so thoroughly satisfied.  



So no, I'm not scared or pessimistic about this election. 

Edited by Icarus27k
Posted (edited)

Have you ever had this experience with a Trump voter? 

Person A: "I support Trump because he's tough. He's an asshole to people who deserve it. He tells it like it is, and doesn't care about anyone's feelings."


Person B: "I will never be friends with you, and I dislike you because you voted for Trump."


Person A: "That's unfair and offensive." *Anger schtick*




That one always got to me.

Edited by Icarus27k
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People have such short memories. It doesn't at all surprise me that folks that actually listened to such a passionate and fiery speech would come away from it seeing things in a positive light. Question is how many people will actually take the time to listen. Also, how many of them that did are gonna remember six to eight months from now when it actually comes time to vote. I admit though I come away from tonight feeling just a little bit more cautiously optimistic about how things are gonna go. Yeah, I know it doesn't sound like much, but for me, the eternal pessimist, that's a lot.

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Republican response woman: Pleasant to weepy to upset to angry to weepy to pleasant to "my God, keep her away from anything she can use to murder people!"  

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Classic.  If you dont get it, Biden thought he had a "gotcha" moment with MTG but he completely flubbed the name of the woman killed by an illegal alien. Laken Riley was murdered by an illegal alien. Biden said Lincoln Riley, who is the head coach of USC.

Then he went on to say it was just like his own son dying. Which is a usual trope he throws out, but still pretty disgusting.

5 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:


Classic.  If you dont get it, Biden thought he had a "gotcha" moment with MTG but he completely flubbed the name of the woman killed by an illegal alien. Laken Riley was murdered by an illegal alien. Biden said Lincoln Riley, who is the head coach of USC.

Then he went on to say it was just like his own son dying. Which is a usual trope he throws out, but still pretty disgusting.

Idt his mispronunciation of Laken’s name was really that big of a deal. He stutters. He sometimes mispronounces shit as a result and relating to grieving parents with one’s own experience is not “disgusting” it’s called “relating to your constituents”


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Undocumented immigrants commit less crime than born Americans. Picking out one instance where one did commit a crime and pointing at it is xenophobic, very misleading, and a cynical attempt at political games. 


If Marjorie Taylor Greene REALLY cared about addressing illegal immigration she would have supported the bipartisan immigration portions of the national security bill that Republican James Lankford worked out with Dems instead of walking away from the negotiations.


They don't even believe it's a problem that needs addressed. 

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Posted (edited)

Trump totally did NOT build a physically impossible wall along the entire border after promising to do it for votes either. 


Republicans don't take the issue seriously. 

Edited by Icarus27k
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To the extent that the narrative for weeks has been about his age/competency, I think he allayed concerns that he's a senile, walking corpse. Age will obviously remain an issue, but I think less so if this is the version of him that is put out there over the next several months.

He spent a lot of time "reminding" moderates/independents about the contrast between him and his "predecessor", as well as congressional obstruction/hypocrisy. I think that's the campaign framing that he really wants to have and we'll probably start seeing his campaign ramp up on hitting those points.

I think in the general sense it was mostly a positive moment for him, but it's likely true that most people who watch the SotU are already engaged and decided. So the real target audience will maybe absorb sound bites and headlines as it filters through the media this week, and it'll take time to see if there's any impact on his numbers if at all.

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At the State of the Union, Biden Tapped Into His Age as a Strength









I have never bought into the criticism of Biden being old, and was a little surprised that other people hype it. There has never been anything to defend. If anti-Biden people set the bar at "he has dementia", Biden will inevitably exceed that bar and throw his critics into confusion. They immediately lose the attack they put so much effort into concocting.


Like all things, I listen to experts on the issue and medical experts who know about senior health say it's absurd for a stranger to judge an old person and claim they have a disease. Only their doctor could ever say that, and any rando on the Internet would never have any idea what they are talking about. 


It's a red herring that I'm surprised people fall for, in other words. 

  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)

Calling any politician feeble or too old has always been problematic. It seems ignorant and unfair to seniors. 


I'm really confident people who do use that language have no clue what they are talking about about, so I never considered it a threat. Only in the sense that it might be insensitive towards seniors. That's crossed my mind a few times.








Me: "So, you're going to mock someone for being elderly? You think that's legitimate conversation? You also think that's... funny?"


Person I dislike: "Yep."


Me: "Okay then, have at it. I'm sure that will work out for you."

*I know there's a possibility they may think it's a good idea to mock Asians one day by speaking in a fake Asian language* 

Edited by Icarus27k
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19 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:




Sums it up pretty accurately.

I'll take your word for it since I don't watch Drumpf rallies. 


Windmills kill whales. Let's get the John Deere people on it. 

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