1pooh4u Posted September 30, 2022 Posted September 30, 2022 I saw this comparison today and it got me thinking….if a deranged right wing religious nut took out Trump because they genuinely believed he would rise from his grave, would this person get locked up? Would some Trumpanzees blame the left? Would even more make excuses for that person like they do for the Jan 6 rioters? 2 Quote
naraku360 Posted September 30, 2022 Posted September 30, 2022 39 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: I saw this comparison today and it got me thinking….if a deranged right wing religious nut took out Trump because they genuinely believed he would rise from his grave, would this person get locked up? Would some Trumpanzees blame the left? Would even more make excuses for that person like they do for the Jan 6 rioters? This is clearly untrue as Trump's physical health is undoubtedly too poor for even elephant-grade Viagra to make him rise again. 5 Quote
1pooh4u Posted September 30, 2022 Posted September 30, 2022 21 minutes ago, naraku360 said: This is clearly untrue as Trump's physical health is undoubtedly too poor for even elephant-grade Viagra to make him rise again. It’s also wrong cuz they don’t have how many times Jesus cheated on his wife compared to Trump 4 Quote
naraku360 Posted September 30, 2022 Posted September 30, 2022 14 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: It’s also wrong cuz they don’t have how many times Jesus cheated on his wife compared to Trump At least he valued the long held tradition of multiple divorces. 1 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted September 30, 2022 Posted September 30, 2022 1 hour ago, naraku360 said: At least he valued the long held tradition of multiple divorces. And being fruitful and multiplying with multiple women too we can’t forget that 😆 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 2 hours ago, SwimModSponges said: If trump is taken out A crazy person could do it thinking it would speed up his resurrection and the apocalypse to follow. 2 Quote
stilgar Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 16 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said: Oh shit, Who's Harry Crumb gif. 1 Quote
tsar4 Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 (edited) 20 hours ago, SwimModSponges said: If trump is taken out The problem is that Trump didn't come out of nowhere and isn't globally popular. I can only think of one person that comes close to those factors and I'm hoping I'm way off the mark. Edited October 1, 2022 by tsar4 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ [cut out a lot of really important stuff, but it's a long-ass list and I wanted to make it at least somewhat bearable] Quote Here are the no-kidding-not-satire-prophecies and signs of the antichrist the Bible tells us to watch out for… and that blew my mind by the time I was done: The Antichrist will be the leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth. “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” Daniel. 7:23 The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches. “I could hear his boastful speech…” Daniel 7:8, Revelation 13:5 The Antichrist will be someone obsessed with winning. “…and he was bent on conquering.” Revelation 6:2 The Antichrist will come from among 7 tall “hills” that each act as a “head.” “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills” Revelation 13:1, Ch. 17 John described the Antichrist (beast) “rising up from the sea” as he looked out from the Island of Patmos in a supernatural vision. The Bible describes the beast as having 7 heads, which symbolized 7 “hills” that stood up high. Hills also are metaphorical for places of power in the Bible. [Donald Trump owns at least ten skyscrapers that I’m aware of, apparently only seven of them are formally named Trump Towers: Trump Tower, NYC Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago Trump Towers, Istanbul Trump International Hotel and Tower, Toronto Trump World Tower, New York Trump Towers, Sunny Isles Beach Trump Tower, Manila And this is a little bizarre, but in John’s vision he said that the 7 heads had horns on them– some had just one, some had two… kinda like those antennas on top.] The Antichrist will cause people all over the globe to be filled with wonder and “follow” him. “The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.” Revelation. 13:3 The Antichrist will be a political outsider with despicable character and a contemptuous personality who wins an election that no one expects him to win. “… a despicable person will arise… a man of contempt… to whom the royal honor has not been rightfully conferred. He will slip in when least expected and will seize the kingdom through flattery and intrigue.” Daniel 11:21 The Antichrist will give speeches where he speaks “great things” and then about things that are even “greater.” “He had a mouth that spoke great things, and that seemed greater than its companions…” Daniel 7:20 The Antichrist comes to power through collusion with a secret alliance who uses disinformation to help him win– even though he has a minority number of supporters. “After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people.” Daniel 11:23 The Antichrist’s rise to power will seem like a miracle that God performed, tricking people into following Satan instead of God without even noticing. “The arise in power of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.” 2 Thess. 2:9 “Then he will distribute among his followers the plunder and wealth of the rich—something his predecessors had never done.” Daniel 11:24 [If such a thing were to ever occur, you might likely hear a government oversight body state something to the effect of: “The president has turned the government of the United States into a money-making operation for his family, his friends and himself.”] Once in power the Antichrist will reveal that his heart wants to make alterations to the “appointed times” that are in current laws. “He will try to change the set times and the laws.” Dan. 7:25The Antichrist will make fake news popular and will be a chronic liar. His followers will believe his delusions because they hate the truth. “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior… He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.” Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess 2:10The Antichrist will reward those who are completely loyal with powerful positions and lucrative real estate deals. “He will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will sell them land at a price.” Daniel 11:39b [No kidding: the Bible predicts the Antichrist will be someone who negotiates powerful real estate deals with his friends.] The Antichrist is someone in need of constant affirmation, so the Bible predicts he will use his position to surround himself with blind loyalists who honor and submit to him. The Antichrist will draw strong support from many Christians as if they are willfully blind and outright delusional. “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and appear to perform ‘great’ signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, God’s own people. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction…” Matt. 24:24, 2nd Thess 2:10 The Antichrist will spend his first term in office having an ongoing feud with the leadership of the nation on his southern border. “He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South…” Daniel 11:25 The Antichrist will be so angry at the king to his south that he will decide to intentionally inflict harm on that ethnic group in retaliation. “He will set himself against the people… doing much damage before continuing his journey.” Daniel 11:28 “There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying. He will not go looking for the young who got lost, or care for the children. He won’t help the ones who are sick or broken, or even give nourishment to the hungry ones who are still healthy.” – Zechariah 11:16-17 The Antichrist will be furious over “rumors and reports” that come from the east and north, and will fly into fits of rage as the reports surface. “But reports will trouble him from the east and north, and he will set out in a tremendous rage to destroy and wipe out many.” Daniel 11:44 The Antichrist will appear to receive a wound he can’t recover from, but will survive to put down the first attempts to remove him from office. “[He] appeared to be fatally wounded, but the fatal wound was healed– and the whole world was amazed.” Revelation 13:3Revelation 13:4: (after he survived the wound) “they worshiped the dragon who gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?” The Antichrist will have the nation’s most powerful religious leader influencing the country for him. This leader will try to convince Christians that the Antichrist is “God’s pick” and that we need to support him. “And then I saw a second beast come from the Earth who looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon… and it deceived the inhabitants of the Earth…” Revelation 13:11–12 [The Bible predicts the Antichrist will survive the near-fatal wound to his rule, but then goes on to tell us he will need the most powerful religious leader in the country to help him solidify support among the religious in order to stay in power– specifically around the 3 1/2 year mark. 3 1/2 year mark? That’s re-election season. Interesting!] During the rule of the Antichrist there will be a global pandemic that will kill many people. “…and many people died from the waters that had become bitter” Revelation 8:10 [The Bible predicts that during the rule of the Antichrist that there will be a global pandemic where an illness enters the country from a foreign place, spreading in liquid form (cough, sneeze) and ends up killing many, many people in the nation and globally.] During the pandemic the Antichrist will not prioritize the vulnerable. “”There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying.” Zechariah 11:6 During the rule of the Antichrist people will begin having strange and vivid dreams. “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17 During the rule of the Antichrist there will be food shortages and huge spike in food prices, but will be a surplus of oil that remains cheap. “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil!” Revelation 6:6 During the reign of the Antichrist those who are wise to what is happening will rise up and resist in a period of civil unrest that will get a lot of attention. They will face violence from security forces and receive no help from the Antichrist. “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them.” Daniel 11:33 The Antichrist will use his armed forces to remove people from the area surrounding a church and will do something detestable in front of it. “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the area surrounding the temple, so that they can set up the abomination that leaves the area empty.” Daniel 11:29-33 I The Antichrist will see himself as being above everyone else, as if he had no need for God. He will eventually elevate himself as the God and King of Israel “And he will exalt himself above all… so that he sets himself up in God’s own temple in Israel, proclaiming himself to be God.” 2nd Thess 2:4, Rev 17 The Antichrist will be a one-term presidentRevelation 11:1-2, 13:5, Daniel 7:25 [The Bible says that the Antichrist will be given power to rule for approximately 3 1/2 years. It doesn’t say that his rule ends exactly at three and a half years, but rather indicates the bulk of his season of power is limited to this span of time. In an American context, this makes complete sense as the 3 1/2 year mark is when the focus of a president either shifts to re-election, or in the case of a two-term president, this period often becomes the “lame duck” period where many presidents functionally lose their power and influence.] The Antichrist will attempt to stay in power, but will be defeated by the nation’s courts.“But then the court will convene, and all his power will be taken away.” Daniel 7:26 The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls.“He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.” Daniel 11:37-38 The Antichrist’s most devoted followers will wear a sign of their allegiance to him on their foreheads. “And they received a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads…” Revelation 13 2 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 Honestly there are many Trumps throughout history who were equally evil and immoral people. They just didn't have the internet to broadcast how terrible they were. 2 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 Yeah, but how many were a one-term president (3.5 years) who tried to extend their reign by attempting to change the date of election certification, but was denied by the land's courts, who worshipped a southern border wall, and didn't try to find the lost children of the southern border nation, called themselves the king of Israel, ruled during a pandemic in which they did very little to protect people, give real-estate deals to their toadies, have 7 towers bearing their name, and followers who wear their marks on their foreheads? Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 23 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said: Yeah, but how many were a one-term president (3.5 years) who tried to extend their reign by attempting to change the date of election certification, but was denied by the land's courts, who worshipped a southern border wall, and didn't try to find the lost children of the southern border nation, called themselves the king of Israel, ruled during a pandemic in which they did very little to protect people, give real-estate deals to their toadies, have 7 towers bearing their name, and followers who wear their marks on their foreheads? Movies make the Anti-Christ purposefully evil but it would be pretty hilarious if Trump was the AC because he thinks he is doing nothing wrong. It's a pretty bad joke. Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 Most of the people using Revelations as a peek into the future will almost certainly apply most of it to Biden and they’ll interpret what doesn’t apply to him in such a way that it will make sense to them. 3 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 1 minute ago, 1pooh4u said: Most of the people using Revelations as a peek into the future will almost certainly apply most of it to Biden and they’ll interpret what doesn’t apply to him in such a way that it will make sense to them. I would argue we are also doing that with Trump hahaha 2 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 While I'm incredibly skeptical of any form of ESP, my Time Religion does treat synchronicity with reverence, serendipity as an act of Time, and predestination as inherent given the way reality unfolds turning the future into the present into the past. So, yeah. 3 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 Just now, matrixman124 said: I would argue we are also doing that with Trump hahaha I think that's the argument she's making- that "these prophecies are so general they could refer to anyone." I'd disagree. Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 (edited) Quote While I'm incredibly skeptical of any form of ESP, my Time Religion does treat synchronicity with reverence, serendipity as an act of Time, and predestination as inherent given the way reality unfolds turning the future into the present into the past. So, yeah. Edited October 1, 2022 by matrixman124 Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 9 minutes ago, matrixman124 said: I would argue we are also doing that with Trump hahaha Oh most definitely but I wouldn’t place a bet on the accuracy on Biden being the guy translation over the Trump one. They’re both nonsense Hitler probably matched up with Revelations too let us not also forget the Nostradamus predictions that keep being applied to different disasters throughout history Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 5 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: They’re both nonsense Hitler probably matched up with Revelations too I was thinking this too haha 1 Quote
scoobdog Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 This is all pretty dumb. Revelations is almost certainly a work of early mysticism, meaning what ever John was attempting to convey through the Book of Revelation was intended to be interpreted not taken literally. In fact, most of the “signs” were either totemic, emblematic, or based on historical people. Also, asceticism in the west predates Christianity, all of the Semitic societies ringing the Mediterranean had some form of it centuries before. Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 1 hour ago, SwimModSponges said: I think that's the argument she's making- that "these prophecies are so general they could refer to anyone." I'd disagree. Of course you would disagree because this translated version scares you just the way you want it to https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/apocalypse/revelation/white.html https://www.npr.org/2012/03/07/148125942/the-book-of-revelation-visions-prophecy-politics 1 Quote
jayrider128 Posted October 2, 2022 Posted October 2, 2022 8 hours ago, 1pooh4u said: Most of the people using Revelations as a peek into the future will almost certainly apply most of it to Biden and they’ll interpret what doesn’t apply to him in such a way that it will make sense to them. So ridiculously right. 1 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 https://www.salon.com/2022/10/03/attorney-lawyers-up--and-says-shes-willing-to-cooperate-with-doj-in-mar-a-lago-case-report/ Trump’s current attorney has just switched sides. 1 1 Quote
scoobdog Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 45 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said: Trump’s current attorney has just switched sides. Not exactly. Quote
Top Gun Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 More like "uhhhhh fuck my client just talked me into committing a federal crime uhhhh maybe I should do something about that." 1 Quote
katt_goddess Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 1 hour ago, Top Gun said: More like "uhhhhh fuck my client just talked me into committing a federal crime uhhhh maybe I should do something about that." My vote is more like 'I just realized that my client is notorious for not paying his bills and running up massive tabs right before declaring bankruptcy. I'm outta here.' 2 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 2 hours ago, scoobdog said: Not exactly. 1 hour ago, Top Gun said: More like "uhhhhh fuck my client just talked me into committing a federal crime uhhhh maybe I should do something about that." That's closer to what I wanted to post but I was in the drive through a McD's so I had to be brief. Quote
scoobdog Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 3 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said: That's closer to what I wanted to post but I was in the drive through a McD's so I had to be brief. There's such a thing as being too brief, but point taken. It looks like that rats aren't going down with SS Trump. Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 3, 2022 Posted October 3, 2022 Nearly just posted the link to the story, since it pretty much says it all in the title, but figured I'd put in at least a little bit of effort. Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 Looks like Trump handpicked out specific documents to hand over, and specific ones to keep. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-packed-documents-sent-back-before-mar-a-lago-raid-2022-10 2 Quote
scoobdog Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 3 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said: Looks like Trump handpicked out specific documents to hand over, and specific ones to keep. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-packed-documents-sent-back-before-mar-a-lago-raid-2022-10 Now you know why the lawyer is lawyering up. 2 Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 So the lawyer knowingly signed an affidavit swearing to its truthfulnesses knowing it was a lie. lol I’m a lowly notary public pretty sure if I did such a thing I’d be fined out the ass and sent to live as an unwilling guest of the state for a couple of years 2 1 Quote
Jman Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 3 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: So the lawyer knowingly signed an affidavit swearing to its truthfulnesses knowing it was a lie. lol I’m a lowly notary public pretty sure if I did such a thing I’d be fined out the ass and sent to live as an unwilling guest of the state for a couple of years I’ve heard stories of notaries that accidentally notarized false statements and how it essentially ruined their lives. 2 Quote
scoobdog Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 4 minutes ago, Jman said: I’ve heard stories of notaries that accidentally notarized false statements and how it essentially ruined their lives. Notaries don't usually verify statements, though. They're mostly to verify the identity of a person signing or executing documents, making affidavits, etc. Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 59 minutes ago, Jman said: I’ve heard stories of notaries that accidentally notarized false statements and how it essentially ruined their lives. I haven’t heard any horror stories but I definitely know jail time is possible. I totally believe you though and its a shame cuz most notary I know, myself included, don’t even get paid or accept payment for notarizing documents. It’s only $2 a signature anyway. I think its completely gross that people convicted of crimes can’t be notaries (at least not in my state) but they can run for office and become Presidents and Senators and shit like that. 1 1 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 Welp here we are. He picked 3 of them so he figures it's time to put their loyalty to the test 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 46 minutes ago, matrixman124 said: Welp here we are. He picked 3 of them so he figures it's time to put their loyalty to the test Just came to post this you beat me to it but here’s a full article https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/04/trump-asks-supreme-court-to-intervene-in-mar-a-lago-documents-case-00060300 I guess President’s are gonna be able to do wtf they want from now on. I wonder what mental gymnastics the Justices will do to make it ok. Doesn’t Kavanaugh already think president’s no longer in office should have executive privilege for life or some shit? 1 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 5 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: Just came to post this you best me to it but here’s a full article https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/04/trump-asks-supreme-court-to-intervene-in-mar-a-lago-documents-case-00060300 I guess President’s are gonna be able to do wtf they want from now on. I wonder what mental gymnastics the Justices will do to make it ok. Doesn’t Kavanaugh already think president’s no longer in office should have executive privilege for life or some shit? The GOP leadership will probably be advising them to abstain. They would rather have DeSantis be the frontrunner. Trump is way too volatile. 2 Quote
scoobdog Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 24 minutes ago, matrixman124 said: The GOP leadership will probably be advising them to abstain. They would rather have DeSantis be the frontrunner. Trump is way too volatile. They might just want the court to abstain so that the issue dies down long enough to get past the midterms, but, realistically, I doubt they do anything. At this point, any damage is done already, and the sideshow might even help divert attention away from the disaster in Florida long enough to buy DeSantis time to look more heroic or, at least, not say something incredibly stupid. Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 36 minutes ago, matrixman124 said: The GOP leadership will probably be advising them to abstain. They would rather have DeSantis be the frontrunner. Trump is way too volatile. In a sane country politicians would have no business advising the courts on anything hopefully these Justices will keep with the tradition of only having one president at a time but who knows. 3 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 26 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: In a sane country politicians would have no business advising the courts on anything hopefully these Justices will keep with the tradition of only having one president at a time but who knows. The GOP definitely advised them on Roe v Wade. 1 Quote
SwimModSponges Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 2 hours ago, 1pooh4u said: I guess President’s are gonna be able to do wtf they want from now on. Only one of them. There will be no "gotcha" moment where Obama says "well i guess i have executive privileges too." Fascists seizing power don't concern themselves with fairness, and actively celebrate their flaunting of laws as the rest of the nation attempts to use the structure of democracy to hold them accountable. Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 1 hour ago, matrixman124 said: The GOP definitely advised them on Roe v Wade. Do you know this for a fact, or are you speculating? Have you read something claiming that because they shouldn’t be conversing with politicians and taking advice from them on cases they’re hearing. 1 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 5 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: Do you know this for a fact, or are you speculating? Have you read something claiming that because they shouldn’t be conversing with politicians and taking advice from them on cases they’re hearing. The court is supposed to be impartial and they passed a law strongly in favor of the GOP agenda. You act like the Supreme Court hasn't lost all semblance of legitimacy. Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 59 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said: Only one of them. There will be no "gotcha" moment where Obama says "well i guess i have executive privileges too." Fascists seizing power don't concern themselves with fairness, and actively celebrate their flaunting of laws as the rest of the nation attempts to use the structure of democracy to hold them accountable. Doesn’t have to be Obama can be any living president with a D next to their name. As of now the only thing a past president can get are security briefings and idk if that’s automatic or they have to ask, or if even the current POTUS can deny them such briefings. That’s a lot different than ex president’s literally having executive privilege for the rest of their lives and keeping documents that can harm our national security. 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted October 4, 2022 Posted October 4, 2022 3 minutes ago, matrixman124 said: The court is supposed to be impartial and they passed a law strongly in favor of the GOP agenda. You act like the Supreme Court hasn't lost all semblance of legitimacy. How is that? Because I asked if you knew something for certain, that means I don’t question the court’s legitimacy? Because I’m not ready just yet to believe our Justices, cuz there are 3 that are still sane, would be willing to go so far against what’s normal by meeting with members of the GOP in regards to decisions they make? Each of the justices put on the bench were putt there because of their views and legal interpretations. The GOP played the long game on getting what they want even going as far as to make crazy abortion laws to be heard before this SC. They didn’t have to confer with the GOP to come up with the decisions they did they and the right leaning justices on the bench were always going to make the decisions they did as soon as they got the chance. 1 Quote
Raptorpat Posted October 5, 2022 Author Posted October 5, 2022 Presidents and Congressional Leaders don't communicate legal strategy to SCOTUS, they just confirm people who they know will vote their way on specific issues. 1 Quote
matrixman124 Posted October 5, 2022 Posted October 5, 2022 NYT made a correction. Trump wants the SC to allow the special master to review the documents that the DOJ is looking at at the same time. Right now, they are not allowed to review them while DOJ is reviewing. Quote
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