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Did anyone else grow up with no PC or television set in your room...

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Posted (edited)

I was born in the 80s, I didn't have a TV Set in my room until after big screen TV's were invented and got normalized. 

If you can live in a room without a TV in your room, I recommend it.

Edited by J.M. Matthews
Posted (edited)

We only had one TV when I was growing up (Living Room).  We didn't get a color tv until I was 9, maybe a 19 inch diagonal at that time.

One phone in the Kitchen.  I think I finally got a landline phone when I was 17.  Should have been careful what I wished for, all the phones rang when the store alarm went off at 2am.  

Didn't get a tv until I was 25 & had moved out.  My folks sent me a 12" B&W that had been hit by lightning - to turn it off, you had to unplug it.

Edited by tsar4

I got a PS/1 when I was a sophomore in high school.  It was an interesting computer... the rest of the computer world was predominantly Windows 3.1, but that computer was a DOS shell device.  That was in the days before internet was practical for home use, and there weren't any really good PC games for a DOS shell device, so it wasn't a big deal having a computer in my room.  I never really wanted a TV in my room, oddly enough. 

Posted (edited)

I didn't have one most of my childhood, then I got a 13" black and white when I was about 13 or so.


Edit:  I was born in the 60's, by the way.

Edited by AstroCreep

//> wasnt allowed to have a cell phone till i was 16 because '' internet people are dangerous'' , when the boards were still up i told her i post there and she straight up asked '' do do they ask you to run away?'' she is socially ignorant at 58 and it is horrible ./


I wanna say I first got a TV in my room when we moved to our second house when I was 12. But we only rented that house for like a year while we were waiting for our OWN actual house to be built. After we moved in to THAT house, I no longer had a TV in my room. I cannot at all recall when I was allowed to have a TV in my room again.


We had a 300 lb beast-creature of a tv in the living room. You had to pull the dial to turn it on and then wait for it to warm up before there was any picture. Pretty sure it's still molding in that place - it is not moving anywhere on it's own. You had to physically adjust the huge outside antenna to get any channels regularly. Eventually there were other smaller B&Ws in the kitchen, main bedroom, garage, and small house but only one was allowed to be on at any given time or else. :|

I didn't have a computer of my own until 2005. 

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I didn't get a tv in my room until I was 12.  I bought it with my paper route money.  Before I was allowed to set it up there, I had to convince my parents that I wouldn't be awake all night watching it.

I bought earphones and kept the brightness set on low.


Didnt get a TV until my parents divorced in the late 90s. Mom got me a a medium sized one for my room and a N64 so she didn't have to be a parent. My mom's new husband made good money so he got me a desktop a couple years later. Which he used to plant stuff like alarming Google searches and whatever he could to get me in trouble. Cool dude.


I've had a tv in my room since I was five. Admittedly that was probably because my parents really didn't want to watch my shows or movies. Didn't have my own computer until the end of high school. Before then, there was just one computer in the living room or my brother's room that sat empty after he went into the Army.


When I was a kid, there was no such thing as a pc.  

A computer was a gigantic thing that took up a five story building and only banks and the government had them.  The bank in my neighborhood would occasionally throw crates of paper punch cards in the dumpster.  There were no floppy disks, just paper punch cards to hold data.

16 minutes ago, 1938 Packard said:

When I was a kid, there was no such thing as a pc.  

A computer was a gigantic thing that took up a five story building and only banks and the government had them.  The bank in my neighborhood would occasionally throw crates of paper punch cards in the dumpster.  There were no floppy disks, just paper punch cards to hold data.

your older all of us


The only TV I had in my room growing up was this ancient little thing my parents used to have in their bedroom, complete with a single mono speaker, rabbit ears, and channel dials.  I didn't have cable in my room at home (still don't), so I had to scrabble for the few broadcast channels it could pick up.  It was hooked to an ancient mostly-dead VCR which was only really good for using the input ports to hook up my PS1.  I didn't have my own computer until I left for college.

5 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Same. Took a full two minutes for one full screen sized image to load.

And when I found a 30 second video to download, it was a time to rejoice.

and the videos were shit quality too. 

Posted (edited)

the appeal to kids wasnt there that long ago.  there might be a few hours of kids programs a day, and

it wasnt an american necessity until electronics were geared towards kids.

until the 1980's tvs were kind of "just furniture."  itd be weird and spoiled for kids to have their own until video games came out.

computers are different shit.  most people did not have their own computer until it became normal to get email which was after 1995. 

almost all families shared one computer until the late 1990s early 2000s

Edited by mumbo13
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