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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I dunno if they have preowned, but I’ve been looking for some books here since it supports local vendors. https://bookshop.org
  2. I don’t think I’ve sat down to watch any of his action films, but you can tell he falls in love with most of the characters he’s played. Most of the money and leverage he got from being in the Fast & Furious films was directed towards ambitious passion projects. He became financially invested enough in Riddick ended up owning the rights to his character. His EDM music isn’t good, but that was something he did to pass the time last year. He’s also a massive fantasy nerd with an obsession with D&D. It’s something you wouldn’t really expect from an action star.
  3. I was looking into it for their MTV shows but they were horribly cherrypicked through. All of the Real World seasons between 1996 and 2001 aren’t there. They said they had Celebrity Deathmatch, but it was only the shitty 2006 reboot. I thought Paramount wouldn’t have to care about copyright and music since Viacom is part of that human centipede, but it told me everything I needed to know about how butchered up their acquisitions would be and how little is actually available on the platform.
  4. How about a Dark Order of some nachos around here?
  5. I’m upset with myself that my first reaction wasn’t to post Barnold Shortsinator.
  6. It feels alright. The Rebuild story was forced into a weird spot with what happened between 2 & 3, but the spoilers for 4 seemed to be satisfying enough.
  7. Disney and Pixar presents... What If Electricians Had Feelings?
  8. Time to roam the internet to absorb the spoilers.
  9. A French Purr-ress
  10. I’m not sure if there’s a way to right click and have that option show up on Mobile. Maybe on the Chrome app, but I’m more used to doing the right click/image search on Desktop.
  11. Your best bet is posting an image somewhere online on Mobile, switching to Desktop, right clicking on the image and selecting “Search Google For Image”. You’ll either get unrelated images with the same color palette as the tile or vaguely related images that will point you towards the variety of tile. It might be a long shot, but if it’s the latter, it might help you find a the same kind of tile.
  12. For frame of reference, is 20% a decent tip or do you have to give more because of the app pocketing some for themselves?
  13. Nice machine pickups! The one mall I know with machines only have the machines where you have to spend a fortune to get a tablet.
  14. A law should be passed to have politicians get their dicks chopped off on their first day in the office. Solves the infidelity issue and inflicts violence all in one go.
  15. I think the writing was on the wall that Diddy thrived best on collaboration, and Diddy was likely more interested in being seen as a tastemaker that had connections with the most talented artists in NYC than cut his teeth as the voice of a generation like his peers. It’s not a bad reputation given how his production work in Mary J. Bilge and B.I.G. is legendary. I just wouldn’t chalk up that same reputation to his lyrical prowess.
  16. He’s a better producer than a rapper.
  17. Honestly, Hellsing would work better in live action than like Cowboy Bebop, Akira, or any of the shounen anime that Hollywood constantly threatens to adapt.
  18. Surprisingly, it’d still not be enough bananas to gain radiation.
  19. Based on how many people feel betrayed that Lola doesn’t have a midriff on her new outfit, that’d be a yes.
  20. I didn’t have any lofty expectations for the game, so I thought it was alright for a modernized version of the Midgar section. I’d feel ripped off if I got any of the weird special editions, but I had fond memories of downing beers and powering through it last year.
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