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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. That’s where I was back in the office, but the worst part about that is that only the first cup is the serious gourmet coffee from home. Once that runs out, the second cup ends up being office coffee, and that tastes like oatmeal water.
  2. By the time I started working from home, drinking two cups of coffee has been messing me up more than usual. I've been working around that though by switching to tea for my second cup.
  3. The last time I went there, I had way too many refills of coffee. I appreciate how they and Einstein’s have the coffee stations available so I don’t have to barter with the cashier to top off an empty cup.
  4. If there were no life consequences for eating metric tons of bread, I’d always stop by for their bread bowl soups, choco croissants, and bagels. The cinnamon crunch and French toast bagels are great.
  5. Nice! Haven’t seen the Train arc film yet, but the Red Light District arc is a favorite of mine so it’ll be exciting to see it in action.
  6. Their styrofoam orange chicken is a guilty pleasure
  7. Charlie Brown, Caillou, the One Punch Man, and the Man with the Hat from Curious George wear yellow.
  8. One infuriating thing about US voice acting is how underpaid and thankless it is unless you win the lottery and break into lucrative video game roles on the west coast. I’m not sure how Cameo works, etiquette-wise, but I’m contemplating sending in requests if it helps keep him afloat.
  9. It feels on-brand for John Cena to enjoy Hero Academia for the vibe that All Might and Deku have that parallels his “Rise Above Hate” shtick. Following BakuXDeku accounts, however, might be more in-line with his Doctor of Thuganomics persona mirroring Bakugou’s Top energy in that particular ship.
  10. Honestly, even the predictable songs sound horrible in porn compilations. S&M by Rihanna pops up a lot as does Satisfaction by Benny Benassi and Lollipop by Lil Wayne. A ton of Skrillex too, but I think the times I didn’t mute compilations fell around 2010-2012 so that’d explain it.
  11. Those bare Titan butts were going to make somebody out there risk it all.
  12. I don’t feel strongly about this even though I know Food Wars goes down the tubes by the last couple arcs, but I had an immature giggle reading the words “Ass Class”.
  13. Nah, they bake them into the pie like any other normal veggie or meat topping. If it was uncooked, you could argue that it’d be fine, like how some people just put arugula, micro greens, or other veggies to make it almost like a flatbread. But in this case, it would be cooked, miserable, and soggy.
  14. I’ve been tricked into eating Margherita pizzas from places that misunderstood the idea and ended up slapping that name on a plain pizza with tomato slices added.
  15. It’s been ages since I’ve read light novels. I remember reading ahead of where the anime’s left off for Haruhi and Durarara, but that firmly plants it around the early 2010’s.
  16. Nah, it’s a Buzzfeed-esque way you can tell one’s personality. Multiple veggies might be for the meticulous twin but the wild twin might go for the meat lovers or jalapeño. The choice of evil is clearly cooked tomato slices.
  17. Texas is a temperature anomaly similar to New York where the weather could either fry an egg or freeze a river.
  18. It was in the cards, but only because it’s the most innocent meme image I could find that jokes about human/fish relations.
  19. I’ll still never get over the fact that he mouth-kisses his kids.
  20. The commercials are one of the few reasons that non-football fans watch the Super Bowl, aside from binge eating party food or seeing the halftime show.
  21. The current age of YouTube where there’s just too much clickbait to really dive into the weird parts of YouTube makes it difficult to travel down the rabbit hole.
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