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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. That’s what everyone says before they form a morally dubious sex cult.
  2. Chapinator_X


    Music has some nice beeps and boops. Makes you feel emotions even though it’s people shouting poetry or smashing objects together.
  3. I was this close to getting a Subaru but when I started showing interest in Hyundai’s, my parents went all-in on trying to get me to choose a cooler model from Hyundai. Design wise, the Elantra design from back then still looks impressive. The paint has worn significantly since then but that shouldn’t be something a paint job can’t iron out.
  4. ‘01 Chevy Prism ‘13 Hyundai Elantra
  5. That first season of Sailor Moon Crystal was a difficult watch because of how bad the animation was. It soured my taste on going through the rest. But it looks like the animation got much better after some time since this trailer doesn’t have any lopsided faces. Maybe I’ll give it another go from where I left off.
  6. This show has been scratching an itch I’ve had for an overindulgent NisioIsin story. It’s been hilarious to see how the mystery starts to escalate into a global conflict and the boys are just like “No matter! Such a beautiful happenstance cannot go ignored!” It’s hard not to like the show when there’s a tough guy character who speaks in metaphors when he wants to insult someone. It was also funny in the last episode when the mercenary woman noticed the athletic boy had toned thighs, and then suddenly, she started to show off her own thighs, as if she saw that as enough common ground for them to negotiate. Saturdays are packed so I can see this show falling by the wayside for a lot of viewers, but I’ve been digging it so far.
  7. Chapinator_X


  8. I’ve got the first Pfizer dose, but the second shot should be next week.
  9. Anything past 1999 is just a giant nebulous blob of adult contemporary music. The aughts don’t exist, and neither do the 10’s. No masters or kings. Only “I’m Yours” for the 10th time today.
  10. I feel like it wouldn’t be the same without Tony Jay
  11. A remake of Cop Dog where the titular character has to compete with those robot dogs that the NYPD wasted money on.
  12. For such a perfectionist, Immortan Joe’s name was... mediocre.
  13. I was just mentioning him a couple weeks ago because of a conversation that veered towards the fun fact of Tupac being an honorary member of Digital Underground. It was more interesting to learn that he produced a good chunk of his debut though.
  14. Each “YA-YO” sounds like a journey for Gilbert. At the very least, he sounds happier than when someone got Sir Ian McKellen to do the Unlimited Blade Works incantation.
  15. I got Horizon Zero Dawn from the Play at Home promo on PS4, so I’ve been switching between that and Yakuza 6. Also popped in the Street Fighter anniversary game to play some Third Strike.
  16. On the next episode of Uzaki-Chan Wants to Commit Blasphemy: “Senpai! You go to church by yourself!? Wahahaha! God’s not going to talk to you if you keep flashing your scary mug at him!” Shut up. I go to church for peace and quiet. Things you are incapable of providing me. ”Ungh. How can you stand it here!? It’s sooooo BORING! Senpai, let’s get karaage!” Quiet! You’re talking over the pastor! That’s disrespectful. “Senpai, stop raising your voice! Otherwise you’ll get kicked out of the only place that accepts lonely souls like yourself!” You’re really asking for it, Uzaki-Chan. “‘OOoOOOoOOOoO, I’m Jeeeesuuuus! Take your cute kohai out to lunch! Or else you’ll be forever alooooooone!” COULD YOU NO- “I can’t believe you got us kicked out of church! You really need to work on your indoor voice, Senpai! Now about that karaage...”
  17. At this point, playing around with dreams of making dinosaurs, discovering aliens, and colonizing Mars is a rich person’s game to waste time while the rest of us worry about real shit that isn’t hypothetical.
  18. The first episode was a lot meaner since she kept driving him to tears. By Episode 2 though, Nagatoro switches to blue-balling him instead.
  19. Just finished Persona 5 Strikers. It was a nice side game. I started enjoying it more once they got on the road and started touring around Japan. The story was kinda slapped together since they were rehashing some of the same story beats as the old game. But I did enjoy the new characters they introduced like Ichinose, Zenkichi, and Sophia, and the gameplay was fun. It also knew when to finish because it didn’t drag on for longer than it needed to. Don’t know what I’ll go for next, but I know I gotta finish up Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Pokémon Sword, and Yakuza 6.
  20. The first two episodes were great. I like how they’re starting off with new info for Saki. It’s still really sad knowing that none of the girls are able to do much now that they’re alive again out of fear of both outing themselves as zombies and having to trot around alive to people who grieved for them. Like Saki would’ve been able to confess to White Ryu and have him reciprocate her feelings if she never died. It’s heartbreaking, especially with a character like Saki who puts on a tough intimidating face around everyone but still has to face her own emotions on her own.
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