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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. The song also encourages the viewer to abandon their friends if they can’t dance.
  2. It was a pretty funny time filler. I know the manga looks a lot better, but it did remind me of Cromartie with how it was a low budget comedy about hooligans having to put up with each other. The wife character is funny with her PreCure obsession being something that the Househusband, by association, is roped into supporting.
  3. I think Mike Hunt should be his Bond villain name.
  4. He makes a whole song about being cool with dating strippers, and still manages to get shat on by mixing his regular Benjamin’s with counterfeit promo dollars.
  5. Gundam is a weird property for a movie because it’s a series that explores the complexities of global conflicts, but while that’s easy to flesh out in a TV show, you just get quickly introduced to a world and armies that you couldn’t bother to care about within a two hour story. If it’s from the original series, you’ll get a hyper-condensed Amuro vs Char story that gets teased out into the sequel (if there is one). If it’s original material, you have the challenge of fleshing out a new conflict and you have a F91 situation where you couldn’t give half a fuck about anyone that isn’t the main character no matter how much effort they build into creating 115 minutes worth of lore. Or it could be another G-Saviour... 🤢
  6. Knowing how big Furbies were in the late 90’s. I can see this being a stand from Gold Wind or Stone Ocean. Its name would be either be Free Bird or Revolting Cocks.
  7. An old Spanish fortress.
  8. A rocket launch from afar. It looked like a UFO zoomed by and blinked out of existence, but learned it was a rocket a day later. I also saw a guy get out of his car at a stop light to vomit on the street.
  9. I think where I ended up getting disillusioned by faith is how most religions think followers of others religion is condemned. You might be pious and follow your main religion this whole time, but there is also the possibility of still ending up in another religion’s underworld because how were you supposed to know the true answer was a completely different faith than the one you were raised with? And on that matter, it might be sinful to convert from your first religion, but virtuous to be born again into your second religion. So then, it’s a tug of war as far as which religion wins out on either condemning or rewarding you based on your decision.
  10. There was one stray conspiracy lady near the parking lot where I got the first vaccine and it’s pretty comparable to the anti-vax moms that raged over seasonal flu shots or tetanus/smallpox shots.
  11. I think it’s the stubborn tradition of needing to be within the direct bloodline to get the title and marrying in only gets you as far as Prince/Princess. Where Prince Charles would be king before Phillip by virtue of being the Queen’s biological son.
  12. If the two ladies have a conversation that doesn’t involve the plumber or other men, then it passes the test.
  13. The $11-15 price range is how much I pay for casual liquor at the bar. If it’s Japanese whiskey or nice gin, I end up splurging in the $20-30 range. I’d rather buy a bottle from the liquor store for the same price, but when in Rome...
  14. I’m excited mostly because Part 6 embraces much of the weirdness that is sprinkled throughout the series. Araki got pretty creative and gross with the Stands and fights this time around. Also, get ready for some of the most dated band names in JoJo with how many of them showed up on TRL.
  15. Books full of spoilers!? I don’t know about that.
  16. Ya dun goofed.
  17. Miami’s a huge city, but each have different layers of cocaine. South Beach gives you the most coked-out feeling with the aging Art Deco architecture and the tourist trap atmosphere. Everywhere else has a marginal coke atmosphere, but that’s because the parts of the city that haven’t been preserved in the 80’s are high rises, tax havens, and weird gentrified parts of the city. But the most cocaine-fueled thing about Miami is i95. Towering overpasses, bob-and-weave traffic with not a turn signal in sight, and drivers that live their life like they’re in a Fast & Furious film and need to get to MIA before a deadline set by Jason Statham runs out.
  18. Who was the sociopath that decided to add Metalocalypse and Venture Bros to the April Fools prank as if they never pulled the rug out from underneath their creators?
  19. Chapinator_X


    I thought I knew, but when I cross referenced the lyrics, I got every other word wrong. For instance, I thought he was skipping through the trees, and it made me ask myself why he’s screaming about happily frolicking in the woods.
  20. Sorry for your doggo. Shiba's are very adorable so I imagine he was a real sweetie.
  21. I had to look up this dude, but between him and TJ Miller, it appears Silicon Valley might be cursed.
  22. Chapinator_X


    One of the many reasons why Florida is ass-backwards. Mangos are anywhere and everywhere, but other than medical cannabis or CBD/Delta products, pot isn’t readily available.
  23. It would be the cut of End Game where Ant Man expands in Thanos’ rectum.
  24. I’ve been messing around with Delta 8’s recently, but I just started getting used to it. The feelings alright, but I usually prefer taking them a short time before I sleep so that I feel heavy before I catch some Z’s and keep that feeling until the next morning.
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