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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I wasn’t a fan of Rent-a-Girlfriend, but Horimiya is one of the few shows I’ve been following this season. It’s a pretty interesting romcom with how it approaches the main relationship.
  2. Turkish Big Bird is stained with the blood of Erdogan’s political rivals.
  3. I don’t handle whole Delta 8 edibles well, so I’ve been taking them in halves instead. They’ve been working well, but I’m still getting used to them.
  4. What the fuck is even the Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack
  5. The Hershey highway is a daunting ride to go down.
  6. This makes sense since there are a number of actresses recently who look like doppelgängers of Margot Robbie
  7. If it were a 90’s boy band, he would just go by Tommy.
  8. In Kodak’s case, he still has state charges left over since the pardon only covered federal offenses.
  9. It’s like watching traffic from a balcony. Right when you see a car that’s impressive, it flies past, never to be seen again. I guess the best approach is edging through the interviews until you start seeing people go at it for half a minute until the next interview. That is, unless you were made of money and could TiVo the program in the early aughts. Then just pause and rewind like you’re in the future, circa 2003.
  10. They’d have to watch episodes of Real Sex and only get to beat off during specific moments where they’d sneak porn into an otherwise informative look into the lives of a porn star couple or a sex therapist trying their best to teach men how to do cunnilingus on a mango.
  11. Would it be possible to have Chapinator_X as a name?
  12. You know what needs to go? Calling TV show seasons or spin-offs as part of a “Book”. What ‘s “Power: Book II” supposed to be? That was never a book. Or “The Book of Boba Fett”. You could count how many times books have shown up in Star Wars with your hands. I guess Hologram or Lecture don’t have the same ring to it as Book. I blame Avatar, but at least you could argue that it’s folksy atmosphere made it reasonable for Aang’s story to be recorded in books as opposed to Boba fucking Fett, the mercenary that flew into the Sarlaac Pit in a time when information was recorded on low tech shitboxes.
  13. There’s something to be said about someone who pioneered an influential sound in popular music, yet is known best for being a colossal psycho who murdered an actress and could barely keep himself from killing the artists he worked with. His production credits could double as a list of musicians he’s held up at gun point.
  14. That reminds me of when I used to post on the ASMB from the PS3 and it would just crash all the time. The Wii was surprisingly reliable for the forums though.
  15. Arnie Hammer’s desire for human flesh is a little more extreme than what the world thought.
  16. If I were to ever cuck anyone in anime, I’d want to cuck Goku. Not just because Chichi needs some love, but because Goku would just be like “Hey, that’s pretty nice form, but you need to keep your legs balanced or you’ll run out of stamina quick! Here, you can have a senzu bean this time, but it won’t work every time you’re wrestling, especially against a fearsome fighter like Chichi. For long term gains, you need to train your leg muscles!”
  17. To be fair, the orchestrator of the last week’s insurrection has endorsements from the Taliban.
  18. I keep going back and forth to it because it feels soul draining for me to be done with one tumultuous trek across the map only to get another done. I might redownload it soon though because the last place I stopped at was trying to reunite Mama with her sister. The bells and whistles the game has are perfect though. It was hilarious to see all the things you can make Norman Reedus do in your main hub. It was also nice to see all the cameos from directors, authors, and Conan O’Brien. They did a decent job with music too by giving you atmospheric tunes as you’re hobbling down mountains and such. The Neighborhood and Okay Kaya were great to see on there. The community aspects were heartwarming too with the Like system giving you incentive to help others out and praise others for leaving stuff behind for you.
  19. The human parts were mediocre, but I enjoyed the spider antics. Aoi Yuuki really brings life to that role.
  20. It makes sense because if you dip a tampon in your colada espresso, it’ll keep it warmer than the styrofoam or mini plastic cups you get.
  21. Nappa had more to him because he was bald and that provides unique philosophical questions about a saiyan’s purpose without golden spiky hair.
  22. It’s just an after effect from the new formulation for Mountain Dew.
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